Has it ???
Consider the folling and YOU TELL ME !
Point 1 : During his recent Conference , Colin Powell has stated that America will provide FINANCIAL AID to help re-build Palestine. WHAT THE **** !!! Thats our tax dollars going to help a nation that is not only anti-american but also pro-terrorism . Thats right , i said it PRO-TERRORISM. Don't even bother trying to tell me that Arafat has no control over the ANIMALS over there killing women and children . While you "might" be able to get away with saying as of late his control has been hampered by the Isreali attacks. That these "organizations" were ALREADY FIMLY INPLACE and operating comfortably speaks VOLUMES about where Arafats ideolgy lies. That we (americans) should fund (with OUR tax dollars) the re-construction of this TERRORIST NATION is LUDICRIOUS !!!
Point 2 : Now pay attention people , this is REALLY funny . It has been reported that thousands of Afganastan's cannot return home due to , now get this , PROTESTS BY THE POPPY GROWERS over what they consider unfair treatment of their (ahem) product . Sooooo , the HERION dealers are upset and hindering the return of people to their homes ? UTTER ****ING MADNESS . Where O where is our ever so powerful (billions of dollars) war on drugs ? huh huh huh , WHERE ? Oh , thats right , they're busy filming another fried egg commerical and busting some small-time hustler with 100 pounds of bud . Thats right , a 100 pounds of bud is SMALLCHANGE in the scheme of the war on drugs , think about it. If America was serious on reducing the drug dependency in this country would it not have been OBVIOUS to destroy those fields permantently ? For those that are unaware , the "poppy" that is grown in Afghanastan supplies about 80% of the market . Now before any of you "bleeding heart liberals" start crying about how devastating this would be to the Afghan econmy ,remember this : the first priorty of the American government is to PROTECT its citizenry !!! **** THE REST , TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN FIRST , then help where you can . Instead the "trade" goes on and MORE and MORE AMERICAN CIVILIANS will die either directly or in'directly from the ALLOWED marketing of illegal drugs in this country .
Point 3 : Illegal aliens in California are in an UPROAR over pending legislation that would allow drivers liscenses but with an "i" stamped on them to signify that they are illegal. These ROTTEN M****ERS are upset because of the potential "i" ??? Do I really need to explain this one folks ? I sure hope not.
Point 4 : Chris Mattews interviewing some wannabe journalist in the mid-east on the result of polling mid-easterners on their thoughts about America . Big surprise , America 0 ,nada , we suck , (according to the polls . hahahahaha . The point is , Mattews and this wannabe tried to explain it away as state controlled media propaganda . Well here's a little something for ya people , If you think the Government and BIG BUSINESS RUN MEDIA here in the grand ol USA doesn't lie , BOLDLY to you , well , uh , then , I can't help you. Lets just say that its a VERY GOOD case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Lastly, and I must CLARIFY this , I LOVE LIVING HERE , I have more freedom and oppurtunity then ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD !!!! I am VERY ETHNO-CENTRIC . That doesn't mean however , that I must sit by quietly , and meekly , taking whatever may come. Ending , I must say that having re-read this it might seem QUITE out of context for me (to those of you who have met me) but I'M pissed and bewildered at the same time . This all is beginning to seem surreal . Well , Fire away people , if any of you think this post is worthy of a reply , if you don't thats cool too . Jack , thanks , this is the first (kind of letter to the editor) i've ever written and I thank you for providing such a forum that I felt comfortable enough to do so , whatever may come .
Consider the folling and YOU TELL ME !
Point 1 : During his recent Conference , Colin Powell has stated that America will provide FINANCIAL AID to help re-build Palestine. WHAT THE **** !!! Thats our tax dollars going to help a nation that is not only anti-american but also pro-terrorism . Thats right , i said it PRO-TERRORISM. Don't even bother trying to tell me that Arafat has no control over the ANIMALS over there killing women and children . While you "might" be able to get away with saying as of late his control has been hampered by the Isreali attacks. That these "organizations" were ALREADY FIMLY INPLACE and operating comfortably speaks VOLUMES about where Arafats ideolgy lies. That we (americans) should fund (with OUR tax dollars) the re-construction of this TERRORIST NATION is LUDICRIOUS !!!
Point 2 : Now pay attention people , this is REALLY funny . It has been reported that thousands of Afganastan's cannot return home due to , now get this , PROTESTS BY THE POPPY GROWERS over what they consider unfair treatment of their (ahem) product . Sooooo , the HERION dealers are upset and hindering the return of people to their homes ? UTTER ****ING MADNESS . Where O where is our ever so powerful (billions of dollars) war on drugs ? huh huh huh , WHERE ? Oh , thats right , they're busy filming another fried egg commerical and busting some small-time hustler with 100 pounds of bud . Thats right , a 100 pounds of bud is SMALLCHANGE in the scheme of the war on drugs , think about it. If America was serious on reducing the drug dependency in this country would it not have been OBVIOUS to destroy those fields permantently ? For those that are unaware , the "poppy" that is grown in Afghanastan supplies about 80% of the market . Now before any of you "bleeding heart liberals" start crying about how devastating this would be to the Afghan econmy ,remember this : the first priorty of the American government is to PROTECT its citizenry !!! **** THE REST , TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN FIRST , then help where you can . Instead the "trade" goes on and MORE and MORE AMERICAN CIVILIANS will die either directly or in'directly from the ALLOWED marketing of illegal drugs in this country .
Point 3 : Illegal aliens in California are in an UPROAR over pending legislation that would allow drivers liscenses but with an "i" stamped on them to signify that they are illegal. These ROTTEN M****ERS are upset because of the potential "i" ??? Do I really need to explain this one folks ? I sure hope not.
Point 4 : Chris Mattews interviewing some wannabe journalist in the mid-east on the result of polling mid-easterners on their thoughts about America . Big surprise , America 0 ,nada , we suck , (according to the polls . hahahahaha . The point is , Mattews and this wannabe tried to explain it away as state controlled media propaganda . Well here's a little something for ya people , If you think the Government and BIG BUSINESS RUN MEDIA here in the grand ol USA doesn't lie , BOLDLY to you , well , uh , then , I can't help you. Lets just say that its a VERY GOOD case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Lastly, and I must CLARIFY this , I LOVE LIVING HERE , I have more freedom and oppurtunity then ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD !!!! I am VERY ETHNO-CENTRIC . That doesn't mean however , that I must sit by quietly , and meekly , taking whatever may come. Ending , I must say that having re-read this it might seem QUITE out of context for me (to those of you who have met me) but I'M pissed and bewildered at the same time . This all is beginning to seem surreal . Well , Fire away people , if any of you think this post is worthy of a reply , if you don't thats cool too . Jack , thanks , this is the first (kind of letter to the editor) i've ever written and I thank you for providing such a forum that I felt comfortable enough to do so , whatever may come .