Has America gone CRAZY???

Red Raider

Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 27, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Their kind of like teenagers! They don't think we know what we're doing, they don't believe that we understnd them, They don't want us in their business, but when they need money, they're always lovey dovey with a hand out...........


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Open up your checkbooks? Handouts? You guys just have no idea what you're talking about.

Out of the 22 OECD countries, the US ranked 22nd in 2000 in terms of foreign aid. Dead last. Here is the complete list (figures indicate foriegn aid as a % of GNP)


1. Denmark 1.06
2. Netherlands 0.82
3. Sweden 0.81
4. Norway 0.8
5. Luxembourg 0.7
6. Belgium 0.36
7. Switzerland 0.34
8. France 0.33
9. United Kingdom 0.31
10. Finland 0.31
11. Ireland 0.3
12. Japan 0.27
13. Germany 0.27
14. Australia 0.27
15. Portugal 0.26
16. New Zealand 0.26
17. Canada 0.25
18. Austria 0.25
19. Spain 0.24
20. Greece 0.19
21. Italy 0.13
22. United States 0.1
Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
The figures weren't intended to show that the States are poor. They were intended to show that they are more selfish with their money than other countries are. If after seeing those numbers you can twist them into claiming the States are a generous nation - as others were insinuating in this thread - then I don't think you are thinking about htese issues very objectively.

Rationalize with no intention of using reason. That's a good one.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
what is that list....."foreign aid" to the U.N.?

lol....most likely.....

who did the study and what was their agenda, what factors are considered, how accurate are their numbers, etc. etc.

a number or a percentage is just that.....and you never know what it means or where rit came from


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 24, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
Good point dr. freeze, I should have mentioned the source in the original post. The source is the OECD itself of which every country on the list is an equal member.


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Jul 16, 1999


Out of the 22 OECD countries, the US ranked 22nd in 2000 in terms of foreign aid. Dead last. Here is the complete list (figures indicate foriegn aid as a % of GNP)


1. Denmark 1.06
2. Netherlands 0.82
3. Sweden 0.81
4. Norway 0.8
5. Luxembourg 0.7
6. Belgium 0.36
7. Switzerland 0.34
8. France 0.33
9. United Kingdom 0.31
10. Finland 0.31
11. Ireland 0.3
12. Japan 0.27
13. Germany 0.27
14. Australia 0.27
15. Portugal 0.26
16. New Zealand 0.26
17. Canada 0.25
18. Austria 0.25
19. Spain 0.24
20. Greece 0.19
21. Italy 0.13
22. United States 0.1

just wondering this of coarse does not include military assistance. For example should you not include when a country provides food and assistance through their military.

The US military in Afganistan recently helped over 20,000 people with overnight shelter and food after a natural disaster. HOW MUCH IS THAT WORTH!

The Canadian government sends thousands of Canadian soldeirs on United Nations Peace Keeping efforts. Keeping peace treaties, or cease fires in place. The Canadian tax payers pick up the the bill for this, as do other countries who contribute such as the US, (and other members of the United Nations). HOW MUCH IS THAT WORTH!

Finally why do you not include every organization that each country is a part of and how much funding goes towards 3rd world countries. If not your finding are worthless. Also next time try to include how much money is spent by that country when a large disaster strikes (effects 10,000 or greater) and then let us see where the countries end up. The US would be near the top of the list.

I will be waiting for the value you put on these soldiers helping when disaster strikes or in peace keeping roles.



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Nov 9, 2000
I saw a picture today of a man holding his daughter,who looked like she was no older than 4 or 5. at one of a pro-palestine rally's in Europe.Normally it would be a nice family picture except for one thing,this little girl had 3 sticks of dynamite tied around her waist.

This past weekend on Al Jeera(spelling ?)an islamic cleric was preaching that suicide bombings are good.Allah would reward those who participated in suicide bombings.

Today I saw in a TV interview that Arafat's wife,who lives in France stating that if she had a son she would not mind if he participated in suicide bombings.She said it is for a good cause.

With Hezballah chucking missiles into the northern parts of Israel from Lebanon this mess could escalate into WW3.Of course everyone knows that Iran & Iraq is behind all of this.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i think it may be too late.....WWIII may have "started" about 10-15 years ago when all these Islamic nations which have been taken over by militant, fanatical regimes declared war on the west.....all the while we just kind of laughed as if they weren't serious......

these regimes came to power, killed many of their own civilians -- any moderate Islamic cleric who says that this mindset of waging jihad is wrong is quickly eliminated in Iran or Iraq.....now that mindset is spreading to Saudi Arabia as these fanatics gain more and more power there.....

the Islamic groups are now spreading in Europe and winning the propaganda war over there....evidence of this is overwhelming -- as even on this board we can see signs of it......the liberal mindset just says to sleep through this and everything will go away -- "people are basically good" -- i just do not understand this at all.....history teaches over and over again that bloodthirsty tyrants do not stop until they control everything they can control....

this "jihad" mindset is a worldwide problem.....it will not go away on its own.....it will not go away if we ignore it.....it is used to rally people to a cause -- as Hitler did in the 30's, you can inspire minds with so much hatred and get them to do anything for you.....i don't know where the outrage against this is.....just do not see it......why are there no world leaders denouncing this mentality but rather treating it as if it is a distant problem?.....why are there no Islamic leaders preaching to the multitudes to stop this "jihad" movemnt?.....why can't we get the whole western civilization of democracies who believe in things like freedom, justice, and pursuit of happiness to rally against this outrage?......

even in the U.S., some guy on O'Reilly tonight -- an Islamic professor in florida -- stated that one of the Ivy league schools had scheduled in July for this last fall (which obviously got cancelled) and arranged for the Taliban to come over here and present to the students the values of their culture.....this "progressive" thinking school was going to "enlighten" Americans just as apparantly Europe has been blinded.....

I remember a few years back, when Pat Buchanan was running for president....he was called a fascist, a isolationist, etc. etc. when he raised the issue that maybe America was allowing too many people inside its boarders with too many schools of thought. He questioned the patriotism of many of these modern immigrants -- and he was cast off by the media for his "extreme" and "old-fashioned" viewpoint.

You see, America itself has been blinded to what is going on. We can live like fat cows -- grazing in the green fields -- loving life, when finally we are led off to slaughter. Or we can be like the coyote -- roaming across the plains. Always on alert, always aware of the surroundings -- living day by day -- never taking anything for granted. But when the nighttime falls, and we hear the coyote howl, we know that he is watchful, least of which -- still alive. At the same time we go out to our grill and put on a nice juicy steak -- which came directly from the fattened cow.

success breeds laziness, it breeds resentment, and it breeds ignorance......unfortunately it has taken a tragedy to open our eyes -- and yet even this act, did not awaken us fully -- we still have those amongst us who think that we can ignore the problem and it will go away.....any student of history, anyone who can perceive with 1% of their brain what a jihad is and what it means, anyone who can turn on the TV and see people in a telethon in one of our supposed Allies raising money for homicidal bombings of civilains ---- should be OUTRAGED at what is going on in our world and should start to get ready for what may be ahead.....and friends, it may not be pretty....we do not know what may happen in the days ahead....if you think that this anthrax stuff is bad -- you have no idea what these people can and will not hesitate to unleash on us.....they do not value the life of their own people!!!! how do you think they value the lives of you and me????


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Forum Member
Jan 23, 2001
Excellent post Dr.Freeze.Agree 100%,During the Clinton years our great country got soft and liberal.Didnt want to hurt nobodies feelings.Let gays in the military,welcomed immigrants,sorda looked the other way.And look what has happened.I hope we take a firm stand against these islamic countries.Dont worry about political correctness and protect the American citizens.It kills me to watch these pro-islamic rallies.I never thought I would say this cause alot of good innocent people will be killed but the middle east is starting WWIII against us and Israel and I think before long we will be forced to drop the big bombs on them.To Iraq,Iran,Saudia Arabia,Palestine,Afghanstan,Pakistan,Lebanon,Yemen,Somlia,and all other rock throwing,towel headed,Islamic religious freaks:thefinger.Just remember we got the Nukes and if you keep messing with us your gonna find out first hand what they can do!!!!!!!!!
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