

Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Wouldn't you like to see Judge Alito and Chief Justice Roberts questioning the Democrat senators to determine their qualifications for public office? Just imagine matching the IQs of the senators and the judges!

The questions might go like this:

Judge Alito (JA): "Senator Kennedy, I see from your official resume that you attended Harvard University..."

Senator Kennedy (SK): "Yes, your honor, I certainly did."

JA: "Did you graduate?"

SK: "Your honor, I respectfully ask that you not pry into my personal life..."

JA: "Is it not true that you were expelled from Harvard for violating the honor code, to wit, you hired someone to take an exam for you?"

SK: "Mr. Chairman, I want to go on record that I disagree with this line of questioning. I ask the chair to order the judge from asking questions about my private matters..."

Senator Specter, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee: "Answer the judge's questions. He answered all of yours."

JA: "Senator Kennedy, we have on hand a transcript of the session of the university's honor council attesting to your fraudulent examination and subsequent expulsion from the university..."

SK: "I have had all I can take of this line of unreasonable questioning. I am going to ask Al Gore how he managed to keep his early departure from Vanderbilt University Divinity School away from the eyes of you religious nuts."

JA: "Wait, Senator Kennedy, I want to ask you about the 26 phone calls you made from a motel room the night Mary Jo Kopecne drowned in your car at Chappaquidik, when you said you were asleep all night." [ Kennedy flees the hearing room ]

Senator Specter: "Chief Justice Roberts [CJR] will now interrogate Senator Biden [SB}, Democrat of Delaware."

CJR: "Senator Biden, is it not true that you were expelled from law school for plagiarizing another student's work?"

SB: "Wait, Ted, I am going with you." [Biden flees the hearing room]

Senator Specter: "Judge Alito will now interrogate Senator Feinstein, Democrat of California..."

JA: "Senator Feinstein [SF], why did you vote for the former Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan of West Virginia [Robert Byrd] to be the Democrat Senate majority leader in 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1992?"

SF: "Wait, boys, I am going with you..." [Feinstein flees the hearing room] [ end of hearing ]


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
or they could ask Bush about his past history as a drunk and maybe they could ask the great white hunter Cheney about his deferements.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
StevieD said:
or they could ask Bush about his past history as a drunk and maybe they could ask the great white hunter Cheney about his deferements.

I apologized to you once for calling you stupid, but since that time about a year or two, I have read what you have to say on politics and you are nothing but a left wing wacko Bush hater and I just love it that you get so worked up about his administration.

It just tickles me that most of the country are for what Bush is trying to do to eliminate these terrorists and their kind, while all you left loonies can do is LOOK FOR ANYTHING TO MAKE A SCANDAL OUT OF, the latest being the Cheney affair.

It's laughable, even a joke posted like I did above to show the hypocrisy of news reports etc and you come out with that, YOUR HILARIOUS
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Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"or they could ask Bush about his past history as a drunk and maybe they could ask the great white hunter Cheney about his deferements."

One thing about GW had sense enough to quit after DUI--Kenndy and face is still redder than a foxes ass. :)

Nice comparision to shooting accident and leaving someone to drown and running off (make that stumbling off).

Stevie you ever hear of pot calling kettle black? I've heard you speak of GW's DUI numerous times--and you live in only state where a drunk can kill someone and run off and get rewarded with lifetime political job--and would bet you voted for him every time. :)

Do you ever feel just a little bit disingenuous or is it "liberal logic" ;)


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Jun 18, 2002
Ctownguy, I may be a Bush hater, that is true but at least I admit it. You are nothing but a Bush lover, who by the way most of the country doesn't approve of. I really don't care what you think of me but it is comical to see how upset you get when someone criticizes the Administration. Somehow you have to bring up Kennedy's drinking as if that has anything to do with the questions he asked. You love to attack the messenger as a way of not answering the questions.
I will admit, when I started posting on this board you were in the majority but lately many more have come around to realize that Bush is destroying this country piece by piece day by day.


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Jun 18, 2002
Dogs, I refuse to get in an argument about who committed a worse crime Kennedy or Cheney. But once again you hope to get the pressure off of Cheney by saying, "yeah, well your guy did something too?" By the way, as I think about it, you are the one comparing Kennedy crimes to Cheneys weekend. I love the way you Righties twist everything around. No one but you guys compared Kennedy to Cheney so your "Nice comparision to shooting accident and leaving someone to drown and running off (make that stumbling off)." I assume is aimed at the Righties.
Talk about disingenuous!
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Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Hey stevei we have had 2 elections that prove your statement wrong about the country.

Of course living in your little liberal lala land you wouldn't realize that.

Yes, i'm a Bush lover, Thank God he was in office and not the lunatic Gore or Kerry.

Get over it, most of this country is smart enough to know that we need to be protected from these modern day animals and the party that will protect them and make them feel safe is not the one with your pal kennedy in it.


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May 12, 2002
ctownguy said:
It just tickles me that most of the country are for what Bush is trying to do

Really? I guess those approval ratings I keep seeing are phony (liberal media bias strikes again).


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Heyward said:
Really? I guess those approval ratings I keep seeing are phony (liberal media bias strikes again).

Approval ratings are tied to when they are taken and are like all polls they can be skewed like anything else.

There is only one poll that counts and that is held on election day and for the past 6 years the Republicans have had the "approval ratings" from most of the country.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Relax, your both wrong. Bush is NOT popular, but he is/was more popular than his opponent. ...I guess that shows just how untrusting people were of Kerry's skillz. It's kinda like how you don't need to run faster than the lion - just make sure your faster than your friend next to you.

If the Bush machine didn't unethically destroy's McCain's 2000 bid we very well could be looking at a widely popular president right now and a much different/better situation for the entire country in most important areas.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
smurphy said:
Relax, your both wrong. Bush is NOT popular, but he is/was more popular than his opponent. ...I guess that shows just how untrusting people were of Kerry's skillz. It's kinda like how you don't need to run faster than the lion - just make sure your faster than your friend next to you.

If the Bush machine didn't unethically destroy's McCain's 2000 bid we very well could be looking at a widely popular president right now and a much different/better situation for the entire country in most important areas.

LMAO yea and if press would have pursued the Jones and Jennifer Flowers story against clinton like they did against Nixon Bush 1 would have won and then the chinese wouldn't have all our technology to use against us.


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Forum Member
May 12, 2002
ctownguy said:
There is only one poll that counts and that is held on election day and for the past 6 years the Republicans have had the "approval ratings" from most of the country.

Republicans have done well, but I don't think Bush can claim much in the way of popular support. In 2000, Gore got more votes, and in 2004, I don't think Bush even got 51%. Enough to win, I'll give him that, but hardly a mandate that a significant majority of the country agrees with his handling of Iraq as you suggest.
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Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000

Deosn't have to be a mandate, he was elected by those who knew that he was better than kerry to see us through these times, if the majority of the country was that down on his policies he would not have been elected.

Remember we only had 2 choices and kerry was defintely not what this country wanted at least the back bone of the country which was finally heard from.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Who do you consider to be the backbone, and why were they only "finally" heard from in 2004?


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
smurphy said:
Who do you consider to be the backbone, and why were they only "finally" heard from in 2004?

Just look at the map of electorals, only blue states upper NE and West All thru middle America the support was there. Now I know this is a little of a generlization, but looking for answers to who voted what, it is a pretty good indication that most of middle America was fed up with news elitists and hollywood lalalas.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
The political map you speak of has been virtually unchanged for quite some time. Doesn't seem like anything is new there. I did a calculation of vote value in different states a couple years ago - based on electoral college. I forget the exact figure, but because of the sliding scale and minimum of 3 votes per state, places like North Dakota, Alaska, Wyoming etc (virtually all red states) are nearly triple the value per capita compared to California and New York. So the rural red state backbone actuallyhas had a prominent voice for quite some time. I like the electoral system overall, but I think it's important to recognize the ratios involved.

I would hope that being anti-news elitist and anti-Hollywood lala was not what drove people to their votes. I don't mind being on the losing side, but I'd like it to be for genuinely better reasons than that.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
The way this countries being ran I hope they throw a punch of these incumbents out this November. As for Bush we can relax hes done in less then 3. So we have hope. At least this time if it's a Conservative. I hope it's really one not make believe.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
DJV, 3 years is a long long time. Based on this budget he's pushing through and the attempt to garner more execitive power over us, I'm definitely not seeing the finish line yet.

It would be nice to get a nice split in congress again, thus forcing a lot more compromise and once again bringing value to moderates.
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Registered User
Forum Member
May 12, 2002
I cannot stand the electoral college. In 1776, when there weren't telephones, computers, etc., I understand the need for each state to have delegates because they had to physically travel to DC. Now, with the technology we have, I really do think it's a joke. If we can count the popular vote, count it, and the person who gets the most votes is the winner.

The current system disenfranchises millions of people, and makes their Presidential vote meaningless. If you're a Democrat in South Carolina or a Republican in Massachusetts, your vote doesn't count for anything, and it doesn't have to be that way.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Heyward said:
I cannot stand the electoral college. In 1776, when there weren't telephones, computers, etc., I understand the need for each state to have delegates because they had to physically travel to DC. Now, with the technology we have, I really do think it's a joke. If we can count the popular vote, count it, and the person who gets the most votes is the winner.

The current system disenfranchises millions of people, and makes their Presidential vote meaningless. If you're a Democrat in South Carolina or a Republican in Massachusetts, your vote doesn't count for anything, and it doesn't have to be that way.

Agree 100%.

But to say just go with a straight popular vote I'm not sure I agree with that unless there were a couple of things put into place to check a few things.

I think a 3rd party candidate maybe even 4th or 5th would have a much better say in the outcome of this type of election.

And because of this I think any winner of a straight popular vote would have to get at least 50% of the vote to be declared a winner, if not a runoff between top 2 or 3 etc.

I'm not saying this is the answer but I do know that the electoral college is absolutely the wrong way to elect a president in this day and age.