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Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
shamrock said:
to me, bringing up Clinton makes absolutely no sense, that was years ago, its over, Same as Reagan Ford Nixon Washington over does nothing to discuss any of that, nothing possibly can be done to change shit that happened 10, 20, 100 years ago, its over.

If you honestly can look yourself in the mirror and say Bush is doing a great job, than I can't help you. Question is simple, is Bush doing a good job? Now you don't answer saying "Clinton did", see this has nothing to do with Clinton, that's over. I think Bush sucks, he has accomplished 0, with the House & Senate all in his favor as you correctly stated in another thread. Zero, that's what he has gotten accomplished 0, and he or any other Republican probably won't get that chance again, because people have observed total Republican dominance in every phase of government and 0 has been accomplished.

Only bringing up the past for a comparison to what you were calling scandals etc and how this president is no worse, no check that much better than his counterpart.

And I don't need your help, esp from a bush hater, just because you think he has done a bad job so what is new. You believe what you want, all I know is from the choices we had Bush was and is soooooooooooooooooo much better it's not even funny.

So go ahead and keep hating Bush and I'll listen to all you Bush haters whine. It gives me a sense of really being right the more upset you Bush haters get, because it proves to me he is even doing a better job pissing all of you off.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
ct-I ask a simple question "do you think Bush is doing a good job" you answer not with Clinton, THANK YOU! but with "ALL I KNOW IS WITH THE CHOICES WE HAD...." so obviously your not all that excited about him either considering that answer. #2 I say he has accomplished almost 0, with the every phase of government Republican percentage wise, something mind you very few presidents have had the luxury of, and he has managed to accomplish what great things?? Even, other staunch conservatives are turning on him now, he is a failure plain and simple."


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
OK shamrock if I could write slower i would so you could understand.

Yes I Like Bush more on the war on terror than domestically.

What puzzles me is why liberals do not like him. He has spent more not counting the war oops went a litttle fast there than any democrat has and only because he has Congress.

So try to follow this: I am disappointed in him on social spending, but liberals that hate him do not have a leg to stand on, his spending is right up their ally. They just hate Bush because of being on the other side.

But let me say again for me his stand against the terrrosits of any knid is a great thing and although I don't like it that much I can live with the domestic side.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Ct, other than we have a disagreement on how Bush is fighting terrorism we also disagree on his domestic policy. He has totally mismanaged FEMA destroying that agency through cronyism. He has wasted money and lives in Iraq by fighting an enemy that was not a threat to us. He has left our borders unguarded. He has not supported out troops with the proper equipment. His office of homeland security, by any evidence of how it handled FEMA is a joke also.
Domestically, since when have liberals been for giving everything to big business. You may not like the money he has spent but don't blame that on the libs. The guy has kind of a steal from the poor and give to the rich mentality which is widening the gap between rich and rich and poor.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
StevieD said:
Ct, other than we have a disagreement on how Bush is fighting terrorism we also disagree on his domestic policy. He has totally mismanaged FEMA destroying that agency through cronyism. He has wasted money and lives in Iraq by fighting an enemy that was not a threat to us. He has left our borders unguarded. He has not supported out troops with the proper equipment. His office of homeland security, by any evidence of how it handled FEMA is a joke also.
Domestically, since when have liberals been for giving everything to big business. You may not like the money he has spent but don't blame that on the libs. The guy has kind of a steal from the poor and give to the rich mentality which is widening the gap between rich and rich and poor.

Welcome to lala land good night mr stevie sleep tight.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Typical CT, Manson, Squabs, response. Thank you for proving you know nothing.
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