Here is a question about Kerry's Service I want answered.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Shamrock Heard of lots atrocities over there and without a doubt many happened same as in Iraq. What I am saying is they are the exception rather than the rule. It is kind of like people stateside. You have elements that are inhumane and those that aren't.

I will say I did witness many atrocities the North inflicted on the south. You almosted hated to go into friendly village and ask for info or administer medical aid to sick because you knew you might come back following day and find village had been decimated by the north for colaborating with us.Same is happening in Iraq

There are a lot of misconceptions in media on both sides of fence.
One that caught my eye last night was this guy condeming free fire zones in viet nam. The way he interpreted it that was area where you shot anyone in it. Thats BS There were areas you could not shoot because of friendlys in that area unless you were fired on 1st--the only thing free fire zone did was take away that stipulation. If you saw movement that you deemed the enemy you could fire with being shot at 1st--NOT an invitation to shoot everyone/thing in that area.
---but from way it was descibed on tv you sure would not get that impression.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
In all fairness, I don't think war atrocities, such as those going on at Abu Girad should be used as a weapon by either side in this presidential year. Atrocities happen in war. Do I think Rumsfeld and all said stretch the Geneva Convention rules during interrogations, sure. Is that wrong, probably but, there is a need for information that would assit the US in the prosecution of the war.

Problem is the war itself. Abu Girad should not have happened because the war should not have happened. By the way, the head of the olympics has asked the Bush campaign to stop using the olymics in their ads. Of the subject but I thought I'd mention that. Kinda like the Iraqi soccer team asking Bush to do the same thing.

You know that as the election approaches, BushCo will work 9-11 into their ads, if not overtly, then subliminally. There is no event sacred enough for this horrible family to use to get this moron another four years. The real scary thing is we have Jeb waiting in the wings. Looks like the United Bushes of America.

Sounds like Franks Nursery and Crafts. That or, the staff at Hooters.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
regardless of what olympics or anyone says if not for Bush they wouldn't be there--I am sure they would prefer the treatment and training Saddams son's put them through---it is facinating how everyone can find something bad out of something good and dwell on it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I guess what I saw was not all bad. But I can understand they just dont want to be used for this reason or anyother as the one man said.
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