Here's some more things from our left leaning Universities:


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Accuracy in Academia's (AIA's) Politically Correct List

Assignment : Nudity. For a final class project, two Berkeley freshmen walked around publicly in the nude. "It's a really open final project where it is OK to be naked," explained Andrez Guerrero, who, along with Binh Au, walked around the city of Berkeley naked for ten minutes. Their instructor, Morgan Bombscroodle, was furious -- at the police for demanding that the students put their clothes back on!

Fired for dissent. U. Nebraska Prof. Jeff Johnson was abruptly fired after questioning a school proposal to include the partners of homosexuals in campus benefits programs. The school claimed that he was fired because of a sub-par academic performance, but all evaluations of him, including the "excellence raise" the university had just given him, show otherwise.

Criminalizing Dissent. Temple University Senior Michael Marcavage sued his school in the fall of 2000 for violating his 1st, 4th, and 14th Amendment Rights. After hearing that there would be a school-sponsored performance of Corpus Christi, (a play that depicts Jesus as a promiscuous homosexual), Marcavage organized a counter-event during his junior year that was to feature gospel singers, speakers, and a play that depicted Jesus in a positive light. Although Marcavage didn't seek to censor the play that he found offensive, the school did censor his event. After informing him that he would not be allowed to hold his event, Marcavage alleges that he was assaulted by university administrators who had him involuntarily committed to Temple University Hospital's psychiatric ward. Hospital records show that an administrator signed the paperwork to commit Marcavage but doctors found nothing wrong with the junior and released him.

Animal Lover. From the man who proclaimed that killing month-old newborns is perfectly moral but eating a turkey sandwich is tantamount to murder comes the declaration that sex between humans and animals can be a wonderful experience. Princeton Professor Peter Singer called for tolerance for bestiality in an article in which he graphically describes an octopus performing sex acts upon a woman and men engaging in the marital act with barnyard hens. Of this latter practice, the Ivy League prof. waxes, "But is it worse for the hen than living for a year or more crowded with four or five other hens in [a] barren wire cage so small that they can never stretch their wings, and then being stuffed into crates to be taken to the slaughterhouse, strung upside down on a conveyor belt and killed?" All of this would be laughable if not for the fact that Princeton energetically recruited [this nitwit], provided him [with] an endowed chair, and houses him in its Center for Human Values. Why an enthusiast of bestiality, infanticide, and equality between humans and animals would be hired as the featured professor in a "Center for Human Values" has not been explained. Contemplating that humans, like dogs, monkeys, apes, and elephants, are mammals, Singer concludes: "This does not make sex across the species border normal, or natural, whatever those much-misused words may mean, but it does imply that it ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings." Speak for yourself, Professor.

Book-Burners Against Censorship. At Berkeley, home of the so-called Free Speech Movement of the 1960's, an angry mob shouted down Accuracy in Academia's Dan Flynn and held a book-burning. "White mother****er!" and "You're a ****ing murderer!" were among the screams hurled at Flynn as he attempted to speak. One young man exposed himself to the speaker and later tried to rip the microphone cord out of the wall. Several other students threatened harm against the event's organizers. Others shouted anti-white racial epithets. After the event concluded, activists commandeered the remaining copies of Flynn's monograph, Cop Killer: How Mumia Abu-Jamal Conned Millions Into Believing He Was Framed, and held a Nazi-style book-burning -- all the while holding signs admonishing others to "Fight Racist Censorship." [Mumia Abu-Jamal is the dreadlocked, self-confessed murderer convicted of shooting 27-year-old police officer Daniel Faulkner between the eyes as he lay helpless on the ground in the early-morning hours of 9 Dec.1981, in Philadelphia. "I wasted the mother****er," Jamal reportedly said when arrested. Of course this kind of action is sufficient to make this mad-dog killer a cause cel颲e worldwide; inspiring American "Useful Idiots" like Ed Asner and Mike Farrell to join the "Free Mumia" movement, and work hard to raise the money to keep appealing the case. So far Mumia's attorney, Leonard Weinglass, has managed to have his death sentence overturned -- though the judge has refused appeals for a new trial -- and Mumia is still in prison where he basks in the adulation of (mostly White) "touchy-feely" morons from all over the world. ed.]

Penn State Gross-Out. Penn State staged a November conference called "Cunt Fest" funded by $10,000. of involuntary student activity fees. The conference featured a statue of a giant vagina that spouted fruit juice and the screening of a film called Butt ****ing Bunny. On-stage events included a woman sharpening pencils with a pencil-sharpener inserted in her vagina, a puppeteer using her own breasts as puppets, and such advice from speakers as, "don't snack on a carrot after it has been in your ass." One lecturer described her forthcoming novel about a female serial killer who murders men and boys. The co-director of the event explained, "I don't want to name it that way, but [the enemy] is the white, heterosexual male."

Ivy League Theft. Students at Brown University stole an entire press run of the Brown Daily Herald after it merely printed an ad by David Horowitz [a former hippie of the 60s who has now allegedly "seen the light" and spends his time "exposing" the crypto-marxist left. ed.] arguing that giving Blacks reparations for slavery is a bad idea. The student thieves had a considerable amount of support from the faculty. "If something is free, you can take as many copies as you like," opined Afro-American Studies Director Lewis Gordon. "This is not a free speech issue. It is a hate speech issue," A teaching assistant claimed. "I have talked to students who told me that they can't perform basic functions like walking or sleeping because of this ad." The students, who stole 4,000 copies of the paper, went unpunished by the university.

Treason 101. As the whole nation mourned on the morning [of] September 11, 2001, University of New Mexico Professor Richard Berthold bluntly proclaimed to his students, "Anyone who can blow up the Pentagon would get my vote." Having time to think about it, he repeated his callous assertion to his next class.

Support for Israel = hate speech. Tenured professor Kenneth Hearlson of Orange Coast College was suspended without a hearing for claiming in class that Muslims who condemn terrorism in the U.S. but not in Israel were inconsistent. Several Muslim students took offense at the discussion, which grew heated. They complained to administrators that Hearlson made bigoted statements and threatened them -- a contention that the professor and other students in the class contested -- and Hearlson was arbitrarily removed from his teaching duties within two days of the in-class discussion. "It's not a free speech issue," school spokesman Bob Dees maintained, "It's a teacher conduct issue." Despite the existence of audiotapes totally exonerating Hearlson, the school refused to lift his suspension for the entire semester. Until Hearlson's lawyer publicly released the tapes, the school refused to even admit that the charges against their employee were nothing more than malicious slander.

No diversity. A Luntz poll of Ivy League professors revealed a startling political bias. In the 2000 elections ... a mere 9% of professors surveyed voted for George Bush. A spokesman for the organization that commissioned the survey remarked: "For all the Ivy League's talk of diversity, it is painfully evident from this survey that there is no real diversity when it comes to political attitudes and social values of Ivy League professors."


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Hatred of military. Faculty and administrators at UNLV's school of law shouted down a Marine recruiter trying to make a pitch to interested students. Law Professor Mary LaFrance, librarian Matthew Wright, and others crashed Captain Felix Rodriguez's prearranged October 22 meeting with students considering service in the Marines. The group blared a videotape decrying the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on homosexuals, handed out pro-gay literature, and shouted whenever Captain Rodriquez attempted to speak. Regent Tom Kirkland reacted with candor: "We have a group of people over there that really hate the military."

Holocaust (the other ones) denial. Boston College Professor Charles Pinderhughes stalked AIA's Christopher Chow for several blocks and confiscated an audiotape the reporter had made of a session at the Black Panther's 35th reunion held at the University of the District of Columbia. At the conference, Pinderhughes declared that Mao and Stalin never ran any death camps. He benignly called them, "reeducation camps." After the session, Chow questioned Pinderhughes. The professor insisted that notions of mass-killings in China and Russia was simply "right-wing propaganda," and wanted to know what newspaper was asking." "Campus Report," responded Chow. "That's a conservative paper," the outraged Panther said. The DC prof, who had himself taped the session, now demanded Chow's audiotape of the workshop." When Chow refused and tried to leave, Pinderhughes followed Chow into the lobby, shouting, "This guy's a conservative! This guy's with Campus Report!" Chow soon found himself surrounded by an angry mob. Chow left but still Pinderhughes and a cohort followed him. His stalkers cornered him in an apartment building several blocks away, initially taking his personal bag. The bag was returned, but Pinderhughes refused to cede the tape. Conference officials kicked Chow out of the conference.

'Safe Zones.' College of New Jersey student Edward Drago was the victim of anti-gay hate crimes at the hands of an unlikely perpetrator: himself. Drago was arrested at the beginning of the school year after police discovered Drago himself had sent himself death threats and hateful anti-gay messages. In addition to providing personal security for Drago, the threats prompted the school to hold two "Safe Zone Socials," cancel classes so that students could attend pro-homosexual teach-ins, and deluge the campus with "Safe Zone" stickers.

Anti-Americanism. As administrators defended the burning of the American flag, college officials partook in a crusade of censorship against patriotic expression in the wake of 9/11. At Marquette, undergraduates were blocked from holding a moment of silence around an American flag. The gesture, top officials worried, might alienate foreign students. The sight of American flags on university buses so angered Lehigh's vice provost for student affairs that he initially reacted by banning the Flag's display by school employees. "The message was supposed to be that we are sensitive to everyone," held John Smeaton, the administrator who gave the order. Arizona State officials removed an American flag in a school cafeteria after officials worried that it might offend foreign students. Flag burners at Amherst College, on the other hand, were defended by the school's president, who implied that the act of burning the Stars and Stripes might in some way be patriotic.

Pro-Pedophilia. The University of Minnesota Press published an unscholarly screed trumpeting the supposed virtues of sex between adults and children. The book, Harmful to Minors, asserts that "Sex is not harmful to children" and contains a forward by Joycelyn Elders. "Pedophiles are not generally violent," author Judith Levine maintains, adding, "If there is such a thing as a pedophile at all." The supposedly academic treatise cites the NAMBLA Bulletin and Alfred Kinsey's data on children derived from pedophiles to buttress its claims.

Vigilant campus security. On September 22, Zewdalem Kebede overheard a group of Saudi Arabian students at San Diego State praising the 9/11 attacks. Kebede, who speaks fluent Arabic, surprised the students by interrupting their conversation in their native tongue. "Guys, what you are talking about is unfair. How do you feel happy when those five to six thousand people are buried in two or three buildings?" Kebede said to the students. "You are proud of [the terrorists]. You should have to feel shame." The ensuing conversation grew heated, with a Saudi accusing the recently naturalized American of objecting to students speaking Arabic. Shortly thereafter, Kebede and the Saudi students parted ways. A half hour later, the campus police came -- for Kebede! Soon, the university ordered him to attend a disciplinary meeting and threatened him with expulsion because, it was alleged, he had been "verbally abusive to other students." He received a letter ordering him to respond to his accusers or face sanctions. Outraged, the Ethiopian immigrant went public. SDSU subsequently backed off the charges and concluded the matter with a threat of disciplinary action. "You are admonished to conduct yourself as a responsible member of the campus community in the future," the school's missive warned. That's precisely what some would say that Kebede was doing on September 22, when he castigated those who celebrated mass-murder.

Source. Accuracy in Academia's Campus Report.

The president of the National Association of Scholars, Stephen H. Balch, Ph.D., has this to say about the state of "education" in the U.S. today: "Trendy courses, bloated bureaucracies, and intolerance toward students and professors holding politically incorrect views have become the norm on the majority of our campuses. Grades are routinely inflated and curricula dumbed down, while truth and intellectual integrity are treated as forms of racial, sexual, and capitalist oppression."


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Nov 4, 2000
Come to Madison on gameday I'll show you a good time. You wont care if it's liberal, conservative or just all full of BS like most of the stuff above. Were living in a free country and we sure don't need morality police on each corner.
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