Hey Haskell


Forum Member
Thanx for posting that Auspice as I haven't seen that before.

Its still the same old sh*t, just different flies to me. Bush is a tongue-tied Imbecile, but he was smart enough to steal the Election. Kerry is a 4 month War hero veteran who decries Ads of the SwiftBoat Veterans, but doesn't dispute the facts. As a matter of fact isn't he a War Criminal by his own admission?

I was mislead by some articles such as...http://www.factcheck.org/article.aspx?docid=144

I really wish they would forgat about 35 years ago and focus on current events...http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,129489,00.html

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Thanks Auspice. As many of you know, I'm not a big fan of President Bush. That little dittie just adds fuel to my distain for this less than honorable sloth. While watching this film, several descriptions of this quasi human being come to mind, including but not limited too, ultra conservative, spoiled, arrogant, bullyish, better than everyone else, silver spooned, elitiist, hypocrite, bought and sold, Christian when its convenient, puppet, good old boys club, and above all else, dumber than a box of rocks.

While attending the New England/Cinicinnati exhibition game last saturday night with little Eddie (wherein Carson Palmer looked like the second coming of John Elway, albeit against a vanilla, schemeless New England defense) I noticed that the raucous Bengal crowd was wearing quite a bit of Bush/Satan paraphenelia.

I thought to myself how loud, obnoxious, drunk, and down right mean, those obvious Bush supporters were. Burr hair cuts, kick ass, and above all else, not your most intelligent looking crowd. There is definetly no confusion with them when referring to PBS (Paul Brown Stadium). It really does remind me of the planet of the apes where the gorillas get control of the apes from the chimps and the oragutangs (ironically starring Charlton Heston).

Although I love my Bengals, I can say that the basically billy crowd supporting them could have easily been at the latest Nascar event. The irony is most of the most vociferous Bush supporters last saturday night did not look like the most wealty attendees in the crowd. Supports my theory that Bush supporters are either very, very ill-informed or very, very evil.

Let me amend that last sentence, with a third catagory............... very, very greedy. This catagory dovetails with the very, very evil catagory as there is probably quite a bit of overlap. For the record, I believe that 90% of Bush supporters fall into the first catagory of uninformed/simpletons.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"For the record, I believe that 90% of Bush supporters fall into the first catagory of uninformed/simpletons."

Thats why many are business owners and in the upper 25% of wage earners and your echlon can't figure out how to use a voting machine and live off taxes paid by these "uninformed/simpletons"----
More liberal logic ;)

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
im just glad trial lawyers aren't greedy...they just believe in robbing other people's money

those folks who are conservative and dont have much money....one thing you liberals will never be able to understand that some people think that it is an insult to have things given to them....they dont want handouts....they live their life on their own two feet and what makes liberals crazy is that they see these people as a whole lot happier and content then they are....

so instead of trying to adopt this kind of independence/self-reliance/content they turn it into hatred and then blast and insult these people......and they do it in a condescending manner as described above.....



The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Without buying in to the whole political thing.....

...that is one of the most bizarre things I have seen!!

Very skinny? Loves to run marathons?? WTF???

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

My point is that anyone who has seen what Bush has done, both in the foreign relations are as well as his domestic policies, and still can vote for him has a screw loose or is greedy. Look, the guy is responsible for tens of thousands of dead people when the stated reason for invasion was wrong.

I know you can deflect his actions by claiming he had false/bad/misleading intelligence but how do you justify his recent statement that knowing what he knows now, HE WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Truely a scarry man who believes God is telling him what to do. That is, between martinis.

Yeah, Wayne, your business owners and 25% upper echelon wage earners are for Bush. Thats called greed. Bush is corporate america's buttboy. The same corporate america who will one day put you out of business unless you join the future megalith corporation that will be handling all insurance agency work.

Bye bye midlle class. This is a democracy in name only and the idiots of the first catagory do not realize that Bush and corporate america are turning this country into a dictatorship disguised as a democracy. The minions keep goose stepping along.

In behooves the Bush regime and corporate america to keep voters stupid. They then vote for him. Remember he doesn't like intellectuals. He doesn't want the poor and downtrodden to operate voting machines. He wants people stupid and moldable. Like the morons I saw at the Bengals Patriots game last saturday night.

Almost laughable other than the fact that he is undoing the country I love.


Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

You continue to astound me with how utterly sick you are. For some reason you equate liberalism with handouts. Do you realize you f****** moron that it was Clinton who reformed the giveaway programs that were being manipulated from welfare to workfare. Maybe Clinton was a conservative.

You also continue with your same mantra about trial lawyers. Corporate america, chambers of commerce, republicans, ama, and the manufacturers association have done a nice job in conning the public that when one of your bretheren chops off the wrong leg cause he had too much to drink the night before, that the victim shouldn't be compensated cause he has another leg anyway.

Why quack should you not be held accountable for your negligence? Let me repeat that, why quack should you not be held accountable for your negligence? It seems to me that you are the one looking for a free ride. Jerk, chiropractic student.


dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
did i criticize Clinton's policy of workfare or am i criticizing welfare in general? are you not able to distinguish that a conservative policy like Clinton's can come from a democrat or that a liberal policy (like Bush's health care plan) can come from a Republican? apparantly you are not able to realize that people with conservative worldviews do not fall lock in step with either party although they tend to gravitate towards the Repub's more often than not but have been betrayed by this administration many times.

obviously your hatred is out of control and you need to get back on the couch...i think you may have a borderline personality problem which is capable of meltdown on a day to day basis

your profession is endeared to all and i dont know what would happen if trial lawyers would stop chasing ambulances. i run into these folks with the wrong leg chopped off on a daily basis. obviously you and John Edwards fail to understand how cerebral palsy and other diseases can prey upon the citizenry and instead of believing in science you yourself become a disease.

well im off to fill out a bunch of needless forms for the day all so that doctors can have their back covered and also i am off to help the people and believe it or not i try to help them get enough courage to get back on their feet and work as well. Its all we can do to try our best to get them out of the despair after becoming a governmnet dependent has lent them to.

from my point of view and also many others...here is one of the 9 most feared words:
"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help"


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I know you can deflect his actions by claiming he had false/bad/misleading intelligence but how do you justify his recent statement that knowing what he knows now, HE WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN

If I am not mistaken,to his credit (if he's telling the truth)Kerry said
he would also??????????????
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