Hey, you gun fucks.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
That was exactly what he was saying. He was making fun of a good guy packing heat in a church?? Rooting for the bad guy who would have killed many others....exactly his point! He can spin it however his fucked up mind wants to spin it now, but he made his point clear. I?m glad that old dude was packing (in church) as no doubt he saved a lot of lives.

You amaze me. I'm not coming for your guns. You can settle down.

Here....try to understand this. My point, regardless of how YOU FUCKTARDS want to spin it, "Why would you go to a church that needs armed guards??????"

"I'm off to church."

"Don't forget your gun!"

You clowns don't find that to be a little disconcerting? Holy Christ are you guys pathetic.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Hawg Country
You amaze me. I'm not coming for your guns. You can settle down.

Here....try to understand this. My point, regardless of how YOU FUCKTARDS want to spin it, "Why would you go to a church that needs armed guards??????"

"I'm off to church."

"Don't forget your gun!"

You clowns don't find that to be a little disconcerting? Holy Christ are you guys pathetic.

Do you realize what type of world we live in today? Obviously you are the fucktard that doesn?t see that?! Church/Home/Grocery Store it doesn?t matter! This world is full of crazy people, I am so thankful this old dude was packing! No telling how many lives he has saved. But for your knowledge a lot of large and small congregation church?s have a conceal/carry courses that they send members of there congregation to just as a safety issue....I agree in church you say? Shouldn?t have too but again if you haven?t noticed the world we live in today, better safe than sorry.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Sure I see the world we have today. There are crazies out there who want to kill people.

Some walk into a church with a shotgun to kill people, and some walk in with a handgun hoping a guy with a shotgun will open fire.

Interesting times.

Orlando Dios

Forum Member
May 17, 2018
Sure I see the world we have today. There are crazies out there who want to kill people.

Some walk into a church with a shotgun to kill people, and some walk in with a handgun hoping a guy with a shotgun will open fire.

Interesting times.

And some guy suggested Mr. Sports fuck his mother.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Hawg Country
Sure I see the world we have today. There are crazies out there who want to kill people.

Some walk into a church with a shotgun to kill people, and some walk in with a handgun hoping a guy with a shotgun will open fire.

Interesting times.

Your little twisted mind allows you to think like the crazy fucks out there. The guy in the church packing I guarantee doesn?t hope a guy comes in with a shotgun to kill people. You are one sick fucker! You always calling out others for every stupid thing you can think of but you are the sick one in the group.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
Your little twisted mind allows you to think like the crazy fucks out there. The guy in the church packing I guarantee doesn?t hope a guy comes in with a shotgun to kill people. You are one sick fucker! You always calling out others for every stupid thing you can think of but you are the sick one in the group.

Nah, Im sure that 71 year old grandpa just carries his gun everywhere just waiting for somebody to cut him off on the freeway so he can go postal:0corn


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Nah, Im sure that 71 year old grandpa just carries his gun everywhere just waiting for somebody to cut him off on the freeway so he can go postal:0corn

He doesnt carry that gun because his life is in danger 24/7.

Which window sticker on his pickup do you think is more prominent? Trump 2020, or NRA Lifetime Member?


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
He doesnt carry that gun because his life is in danger 24/7.

Which window sticker on his pickup do you think is more prominent? Trump 2020, or NRA Lifetime Member?

Do you wear your seat belt when you cruise the LTD across the country:shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 17, 2002
The Dogpound
Yes, because I want to protect myself when I ram someone off of the road.

Your game is easy.

Well, if ya try to run some 71 year old who's packin off the road, doubt the seat belt will help much, but good luck
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