Woke up at 5am this morning to catch the sanitation crew on my street. It's a crew of three and I tip them generously every year as I do my mail carrier. My neighbor came out after they pulled away and asked me if there was a "problem" with them. He knew what I was doing but was being a nosy little bitch. I told him I was giving them their Christmas tip and didn't want to leave it taped to the can. He laughed and said "that's what taxes are for". I told him I tipped the mail carrier yesterday too. He shook his head.
Now, I know I don't HAVE to tip them, but I CHOOSE to. These guys are here in the hot humid days of summer and the cold snowy days of winter. It's my way of saying thanks. It set me back what I would spend on one round of golf, lunch and beers with my friends. My neighbor is upset because it makes him look like a cheap fuck for not tipping.
This guy is a structural engineer and his wife is an RN. What the hell is wrong with people?
Now, I know I don't HAVE to tip them, but I CHOOSE to. These guys are here in the hot humid days of summer and the cold snowy days of winter. It's my way of saying thanks. It set me back what I would spend on one round of golf, lunch and beers with my friends. My neighbor is upset because it makes him look like a cheap fuck for not tipping.
This guy is a structural engineer and his wife is an RN. What the hell is wrong with people?