OBSERVE BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ON THE NATIONAL AND GLOBAL SEEN THE LAST TWO YEARS AND STILL WOUNDER ABOUT BASIC ACCOMPLISHMENT,EXPERIENCE, QUALIFICATIONS; TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES OF AMERICA ? I Have to believe that most people in positions of power & wealth, would want someone like Obama on their side if they wanted something to fall their way. How do you get from his point A to this point in his life, without being someone that could finish near the top of any class you put him in ? How do these same people say that Palin is more qualified, when she is the least qualified to appear on any presidential ticket in modern history ? I don't know why I even address this absurd stupidity but it's dumbfounding & must be confronted. Who are these people and what is their major malfunction ? On a side note : of living up to the hype. One person that I can think of, living up to enormous hype and delivering more that most expected is TIGER WOODS ? On a second note : if every American, those for Obama and against him, expect of themselves what they do from Obama, America will be just fine. Obama is the first to say, it's not about me, it's about you. Funny how the right never mentions, Obama's constant message on personal responsibility & accountabilty ? Two "small" things missing, in the long line of the missing under bush/cheney ! some say rezko, some say keating..rev wright/haggie...ayers/gaddafi.....http://bravenewfilms.org/blog/40410-mccain-linked-to-terrorist-libyan-regime Time for OUR GOVERNMENT TO GO BACK TO WHAT MOST AMERICANS DO EVERY DAY & WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR ! 3rd note : Why does bush/cheney/mccain/rice : WANT TO SIT DOWN WITH LIBYAN REGIME ? Why these terrorist and not Iran ? Follow the money..... They talk about principle but it's always about wealth for a few, made on the backs of American Tax Payers.