
Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
OBSERVE BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ON THE NATIONAL AND GLOBAL SEEN THE LAST TWO YEARS AND STILL WOUNDER ABOUT BASIC ACCOMPLISHMENT,EXPERIENCE, QUALIFICATIONS; TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES OF AMERICA ? I Have to believe that most people in positions of power & wealth, would want someone like Obama on their side if they wanted something to fall their way. How do you get from his point A to this point in his life, without being someone that could finish near the top of any class you put him in ? How do these same people say that Palin is more qualified, when she is the least qualified to appear on any presidential ticket in modern history ? I don't know why I even address this absurd stupidity but it's dumbfounding & must be confronted. Who are these people and what is their major malfunction ? On a side note : of living up to the hype. One person that I can think of, living up to enormous hype and delivering more that most expected is TIGER WOODS ? On a second note : if every American, those for Obama and against him, expect of themselves what they do from Obama, America will be just fine. Obama is the first to say, it's not about me, it's about you. Funny how the right never mentions, Obama's constant message on personal responsibility & accountabilty ? Two "small" things missing, in the long line of the missing under bush/cheney ! some say rezko, some say keating..rev wright/haggie...ayers/gaddafi..... Time for OUR GOVERNMENT TO GO BACK TO WHAT MOST AMERICANS DO EVERY DAY & WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR ! 3rd note : Why does bush/cheney/mccain/rice : WANT TO SIT DOWN WITH LIBYAN REGIME ? Why these terrorist and not Iran ? Follow the money..... They talk about principle but it's always about wealth for a few, made on the backs of American Tax Payers.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 13, 2004
How do you get from his point A to this point in his life, without being someone that could finish near the top of any class you put him in ? ...
On a second note : if every American, those for Obama and against him, expect of themselves what they do from Obama, America will be just fine. Obama is the first to say, it's not about me, it's about you. Funny how the right never mentions, Obama's constant message on personal responsibility & accountabilty ? Two "small" things missing, in the long line of the missing under bush/cheney ! some say rezko, some say keating..rev wright/haggie...ayers/gaddafi..... Time for OUR GOVERNMENT TO GO BACK TO WHAT MOST AMERICANS DO EVERY DAY & WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR ! 3rd note : Why does bush/cheney/mccain/rice : WANT TO SIT DOWN WITH LIBYAN REGIME ? Why these terrorist and not Iran ? Follow the money..... They talk about principle but it's always about wealth for a few, made on the backs of American Tax Payers.

First of all, the last grades known for Obama were his B- average he graduated HS with. He might have excelled in college and law school, but you would think if his grades were steller, they would have gladly released them and/or his SAT & LSAT scores. Him doing brilliantly would not be someting they would want to hide. I am guessing they were just OK and they didnt want people whispering that he only got into Columbia and then Harvard through his budies pulling strings or affirmative action. I dont care about Obama's grades or how he got into this position. I just find it funny that he wont realease his grades because it will hurt the brand that they have spent so much time building. Grades in school dont mean much anyway. Lincoln and Reagan were far from steller students and McCain was a pretty bad student too.

As far as Obama's message of personal responsibilty,etc. I would be happy with Obama if he governs with the ideas and principles he and his advertising preached when running for president as opposed to his views and votes prior to campaigning for the pres. They are starkly different. I'm hoping he means what he said on the campaign trail. He just needs to forget what he has said, written and I would assume beleived in the previous 45 years of his life.

As for dealing with Lybia, the current admin. was successful dealing with them and getting them to dismantle their nuke program only because of the hard line we took and their willingness and desire to open up to the west. Is that a bad thing? Not sure what the complaint is with our dealing with Lybia. I'm sure if Iran disavowed their terrorist associations and past deeds and vowed to dismantle their nuke program as Lybia did, we would be happy to sit down with them publicilly. Don't see that happening but none the less we've been talking to them consistantly at the lower levels. Just not at the state or executive levels.

Bottom line is - Hopefully, we get the Obama of the past year when he was trying to woo moderates and Republicans and not the liberal of the past. If does that, he will catch major heat from the left, but be serving the 78% of the country that doesn't consider themselves liberal and ultimately that is what will make him a successful president. I think he'll have learned from the last 2 dems in the WH - Carter and Clinton. One moved to the center, one didnt. One won a second term, one got absolutely destroyed by a ultra-conservative opponent.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
OBSERVE BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ON THE NATIONAL AND GLOBAL SEEN THE LAST TWO YEARS AND STILL WOUNDER ABOUT BASIC ACCOMPLISHMENT,EXPERIENCE, QUALIFICATIONS; TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES OF AMERICA ? I Have to believe that most people in positions of power & wealth, would want someone like Obama on their side if they wanted something to fall their way. How do you get from his point A to this point in his life, without being someone that could finish near the top of any class you put him in ? How do these same people say that Palin is more qualified, when she is the least qualified to appear on any presidential ticket in modern history ? I don't know why I even address this absurd stupidity but it's dumbfounding & must be confronted. Who are these people and what is their major malfunction ? On a side note : of living up to the hype. One person that I can think of, living up to enormous hype and delivering more that most expected is TIGER WOODS ? On a second note : if every American, those for Obama and against him, expect of themselves what they do from Obama, America will be just fine. Obama is the first to say, it's not about me, it's about you. Funny how the right never mentions, Obama's constant message on personal responsibility & accountabilty ? Two "small" things missing, in the long line of the missing under bush/cheney ! some say rezko, some say keating..rev wright/haggie...ayers/gaddafi..... Time for OUR GOVERNMENT TO GO BACK TO WHAT MOST AMERICANS DO EVERY DAY & WHAT WE PAY THEM FOR ! 3rd note : Why does bush/cheney/mccain/rice : WANT TO SIT DOWN WITH LIBYAN REGIME ? Why these terrorist and not Iran ? Follow the money..... They talk about principle but it's always about wealth for a few, made on the backs of American Tax Payers.

How??--- you tell me --I've asked you 7 times in 18 months and best you could come up with on qualifications and experience is--he's smart?

Now you ask how can anyone?--how about we follow your lead--maybe you'd like to tell us again?

Your up


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
How??--- you tell me --I've asked you 7 times in 18 months and best you could come up with on qualifications and experience is--he's smart?

Now you ask how can anyone?--how about we follow your lead--maybe you'd like to tell us again?

Your up

Come on now, Wayne. You gotta put that stuff behind you. We have a new President of the United States. Either give him a chance or go to China.

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.


He knows it is a continent..that is lightyears ahead of the Repubs choice for VP.....

It scared the living bejeezes out of me to hear Palin knew nothing of Africa....the Repubs knew this and had her almost a heartbeat away from the "Red Button"

Thank goodness it did not happen....what does that say about the Repubs and their cavalier take on the abject stupidity of the American Public?

Lets give Obama a couple years from inauguration and see where we sit....until then..:0corn

Save your commentary; bet sports, look at porn, whack your pud, paint your house, do community service, collect litter, anything rather than bitching like cranky old women at the grocery store; it is not productive...


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Lets give Obama a couple years from inauguration and see where we sit....until then..:0corn

That's what i've been trying to say. In the meantime he's already been blamed for a market that collapsed months ago and for being late for a press conference. Oh, and some reporter not stating who they work for.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep

HOW DOES ANYONE, WITH 1/2 A BRAIN: not know the difference between the words 'scene' and 'seen'?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
HOW DOES ANYONE, WITH 1/2 A BRAIN: not know the difference between the words 'scene' and 'seen'?


.bryanz...i know you`re down with the community service thing....would you mind volunteering to run up to pick up my pizza and a six pack of keystone light?...

i got you covered...

thanks man...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Come on now, Wayne. You gotta put that stuff behind you. We have a new President of the United States. Either give him a chance or go to China.

I don't have to go there Smurph--I can just put money there and get on your gravy train here--and have double dip.

Lets put politics aside for a moment--

5 years of investing in stocks in china-
see China stock thread in movers and shakers.

5 years of rmb (China currency vs the $ chart.gif

Emerging markets vs U.S. Dollar


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
First of all, the last grades known for Obama were his B- average he graduated HS with. He might have excelled in college and law school, but you would think if his grades were steller, they would have gladly released them and/or his SAT & LSAT scores. Him doing brilliantly would not be someting they would want to hide. I am guessing they were just OK and they didnt want people whispering that he only got into Columbia and then Harvard through his budies pulling strings or affirmative action. I dont care about Obama's grades or how he got into this position. I just find it funny that he wont realease his grades because it will hurt the brand that they have spent so much time building. Grades in school dont mean much anyway. Lincoln and Reagan were far from steller students and McCain was a pretty bad student too.

As far as Obama's message of personal responsibilty,etc. I would be happy with Obama if he governs with the ideas and principles he and his advertising preached when running for president as opposed to his views and votes prior to campaigning for the pres. They are starkly different. I'm hoping he means what he said on the campaign trail. He just needs to forget what he has said, written and I would assume beleived in the previous 45 years of his life.

As for dealing with Lybia, the current admin. was successful dealing with them and getting them to dismantle their nuke program only because of the hard line we took and their willingness and desire to open up to the west. Is that a bad thing? Not sure what the complaint is with our dealing with Lybia. I'm sure if Iran disavowed their terrorist associations and past deeds and vowed to dismantle their nuke program as Lybia did, we would be happy to sit down with them publicilly. Don't see that happening but none the less we've been talking to them consistantly at the lower levels. Just not at the state or executive levels.

Bottom line is - Hopefully, we get the Obama of the past year when he was trying to woo moderates and Republicans and not the liberal of the past. If does that, he will catch major heat from the left, but be serving the 78% of the country that doesn't consider themselves liberal and ultimately that is what will make him a successful president. I think he'll have learned from the last 2 dems in the WH - Carter and Clinton. One moved to the center, one didnt. One won a second term, one got absolutely destroyed by a ultra-conservative opponent.

When I say that he could finish near the top of any class you put him in.... I'm using a metaphor, wasn't taking about grades in school... I also believe that grades are not always a good indicator for how people react in the real world... DTB : for the last time, you don't & can't find value in something you are unable or predisposed not to recognize. This Americans natural abilities are obvious to many more qualified than you to judge. How does Obama get from his point A to this point in his life without, experience of all kinds, that count in the real world ? The list is endless of qualifications and accomplishment, that have made him the next President of the United States... You have access to the same information that I do... We have witnessed the same scene and come up with different interpetations.... Everything is not black and white....There are intangibles that are priceless.


Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep

.bryanz...i know you`re down with the community service thing....would you mind volunteering to run up to pick up my pizza and a six pack of keystone light?...

i got you covered...

thanks man...

No problem, but once he gets done with redistribution you'll end up with a beer and a half and 2 pieces of pizza


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
No problem, but once he gets done with redistribution you'll end up with a beer and a half and 2 pieces of pizza

What do you think about the bush/cheney redistribution of wealth the last 8yrs ? Why all the concern now ? We just went threw the greatest socialist period in modern American History..... This is the wrong time to pull out of America, DTB.... Your boys have created many buying opportunities . I'M SERIOUS ! Many smart Americans with diverse qualifications are going to be better off because of bush/cheney..... OBAMA IS JUST AHEAD OF THE CLASS ! Who would you rather replace ? Ruth or Mendoza ?
Last edited:


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999

.bryanz...i know you`re down with the community service thing....would you mind volunteering to run up to pick up my pizza and a six pack of keystone light?...

i got you covered...

thanks man...


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Yeah, this redistribution crap is gonna be a bitch.

Yeah, it's already a bitch Kosar. Congress just tapped every man, woman and child in this country for about $2800 to bail out Wall Street. Next up: the Auto industry. Only history will tell us if the bailouts prove to be a wise investment of our tax dollars. I just get tired of the right labeling the left as socialists when we live in a society that reaps the benefits of both capitalism and socialism in every aspect of our lives.

Roger Baltrey

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 13, 2005
I would also comment that most Republicans I talked to knew very well that Sarah Palin was a stooge of the highest order. That was a pick that John McCain made to mollify Rove, Limbaugh and Sean O'Hannity and it backfired.
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