How does this happen?

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Felonious Monk

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Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Some sick bitch purposely drowns five of her kids and only gets life, while two people get convicted of murder for their dog tearing the shit out of someone. I'm not saying those people in San Francisco weren't wrong, but that's not murder. On the other hand, if anyone ever deserved the needle it was Andrea Yates.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
I have 2 great kids,never spanked them or anything.
We don't have the death sentence in Canada, (but many people DO want it)
Anyway ,I would inject that FUCHIN bitch myself... killing 5 kids,man o man ,her ass should be grass !!!!!!!!!!:nono: :nono:


Let's Go Boilers!!!
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2000
The Windy City
I don't know, man. Sometimes I just have no faith in the judi....juddd....judic.....judicial system. It's such a joke sometimes that I can't say those 2 words with a straight face. Most of the time it seems it's all up to the lawyers you have and the way they present the case.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
forget the needle,

forget the needle,

Put her in a wood chipper.......feet first....feed her to the wild pigs...its all this tree-hugging hippie crap that is killing the justice system. The last criminal that I can remember that the Justice System was able to handle without a hitch was Dahmer....Convict him..put him in general population....go eat coroner!!!! Bam, God Bless America, sorry about your luck don't eat people!......That is justice. This women decided against killing her kids by stabbing them as that would have been too messy instead methodically drown them, and she was trying to say she was insane! Who cares! I don't care if there were demons flying out of her ass in the courtroom. INTO THE CHIPPER SHE GOES! put it on PBS for all I care just kill the broad and be done with it. In two years she'll be a member of M.A.D.D. and publishing a frickin book. Her meals and care alone will cost more than a farmer makes in a year....
.........tree huggin hippie crap................"it says in the Bible that Thou Shalt Not Kill", said in a whiny female voice;) ............yet I don't remember the Ten Commandments being gender or race specific...not even species specific for that the lawyers can have another toast tonight at the celebration buffet about how justice was served and the death penalty defeated as they bite into their steaks........aaaaaahhhhhh the life of a hypocrite.
Yea..I think they should have killed the serial killer..only takes three to qualify you know.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Unreal!! I think Mr. Yates should be on the chopping block as well. He had to contribute in some way! PETA has brainwashed some folks into thinking that animals are equal to people. That kind of thinking just makes my skin crawl. How about this story:
John Komassa, a Department of Natural Resources employee was criminally charged recently because he killed a cat. He was trying to remove a feral cat from a state trout fish hatchery, but was forced to kill it for a rabies test after it bit him. Dane County Assisistant DA Paul Humphery has filed criminal charges against Mr. Komassa for the mistreatment of animals.

Mr. Komassa was checking on 350,000 wild brook and brown trout eggs icubating in a building. He saw a cat in the building (no collar). He tried to chase the cat out of the building, but lost sight of it. Mr. Komassa became worried that the cat could knock over a battery assembly or the power cords inside the building, thereby jeopardzing the trout eggs. The next day Mr. Komassa saw the cat again. He saw pools of urine, some feces, and a trout pellet bag torn open. He searched and found the cat, at which time he again tried to chase the cat out of the building. It ran into a furnace room, and he closed the door. He then went and got a pair of heavy leather gloves. Mr. Komassa went in, grabbed the the cat, and tried to release it outside. The cat bit him and drew blood. He was affraid of rabies and knew that health officials would need a brain sample to test the cat. Fearful the animal would escape again, he struck the cat with a piece of aluminum tubing, killing it.

A few days later, the Dane County Human Society investigated the incident, and at the insistence of the Wisconsin Chapter of PETA, went to the DA. Mr. Komassa was then charged with the criminal mistreatment of animals. The maximum penalties he faces include a $10,000 fine and 9 months in jail. Because this is criminal charge, the state DNR cannot defend him. He has spent $3500 defending himself, and the Dane County chapter of PETA is lobbying heavily for the DA to convict and sentence him in the harshest manner possible.


Amazing! What ever became of common sense? Now, if the guy took a feral cat and dropped him out of a plane or set his fur on fire, or skinned him alive, or something else that was blatently sadistic, I would be all for him recieving criminal punishment. Too suggest that it is worth the county's time and money to prosecute this man is ludicrous.

One quote that I will paste here sums up this whole mentality.

Ingrid Newkirk ,PeTA (Washingtonian Magazine, Aug, 1986) - "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy."

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
unbelievable.....the problem to our justice system is that we have idiot judges and juries......many of which who are easily swayed by their emotions.....lawyers just play on those these days....common sense is thrown out the window


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
SixFive et al.,

Great insight, I live in Houston so we basically got deluged with all of the coverage. At first I was defending Mr. Yates but after hearing the guy talk, one word comes to mind....creepy. The sad part is he will probably win a suit against the doctors that were treating his wife, which in return will drive up our cost of medical coverage. I wonder if Mr. Yates thought about the fact that Harris County has sent more people to death row than any other county in the nation, does that send a message, yes it does don?t commit capital murder in Harris County. I was just happy to see that the jury (mostly women) rise up and put her a** in jail, I applauded them for making the right call. Now I think she should have rec?d death but at least she got life.

As far a PETA they are an interesting group, they have a 19 million dollar annual budget but do not pay any taxes due to them being a "non-profit organization", that makes me sick. Check this out, I have a little dog and I took him to the vet yesterday, (he is an older little dog, but an AKA-papered lopsie that I acquired in my current marriage) anyway he was just getting shots and grooming. The vet assistant has a grim look on her face and says, "Sir, you need to go into the back room because the doctor needs to talk to you". I got back there and the vet tells me that my dog has some spots on his eye and she has never seen this condition before and he should really see an optometrist, well I start to laugh and say how much will that cost she replies $500 for a full eye exam. I damn near blew a gasket and said well, if I put a rib bone on his left side (the eye that that she was concerned about) he can see it just fine, not to mention he can also hump a leg like there is not tomorrow. I also brought up the fact that a dogs eyes are not very good anyway and her reply was ?you are wrong, they are just colorblind?. I was basically done @ this point and walked out. Got home and told the wife and we got pretty good laugh out of it. Granted I like the dog and all but give me break, it?s getting just as expensive to take my dog to the vet than my son to the doctor.

Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
The thing I hate the most about old Mr. Yates is the Fact that he is an alumnus of my damn School, that is one Eagle that feel far from our nest!

As far as the dog Mauling, Monk your right! Those people did not murder anybody the damn dogs did! Our Justice system sucks! Plain and simple! Listen up Counselors and Future Counselors, (Hey Bama I'm Talking to you) When you get a chitbag in court or where ever. Make me proud throw the Bastards a Curve ball every now and again and actually ask the Judge if they might just keep a few criminals behind the Bars!

Take this for instance:
(Climbing up on the Box, TESTIFY)

This has been on my mind all day! Here in my nice little Religous, non alcoholic town with a church and a bank on every corner, There is becoming an epidemic of sorts! METHAMPHETAMINE, Crystal, Ice, Eagle, Crank, whatever the hell you want to call it. The police have done about a weeks worth of work to get this stuff off our streets. I'll just be honest one of my best childhood friends got caught up in the game and started slinging this chit, lots of it! He was at my house about 2 weeks ago and had over 2 pounds of the stuff in his truck! I promptly asked him to leave and not to come back! He had this chick with him and come to find out she was a NARC, Well he came up busted this past weekend. The son of a Beeatch was selling dope to kids, adults hell even to his own sister and now he is gonna get off scott free because his P.O.S. lawyer is greasing some palms and there gonna mop it under the rug! That just sucks! I know of at least 5 people in this town that I know personally that have been busted within the past couple of months that had Million dollar bonds that were back on the street the next day selling again! One of them was my neighbor! He come wheeling up in my yard the day after he was hauled out the night before in mutiple police cars, helicopters the hole damn shooting match and here he stands in my front yard the very next day, how does this shit work? I am sick and tired of the way they let these people back onto the street knowing good and well they are up to no good in just a matter of days. Hell that is what he came to my house for to try to sell me some of the crap ( to make a long story short I had a problem woth Speed after I got a divorce, but have seen the light! ) I told him to hit the damn Road Jack and Don't come back! It just blows my mind, these people are Robbing Stealing and Killing over this crap and they can get off scott free and some ladies dogs kill someone and She gets popped with murder! Fuhhkd up if you ask me! I guess the old saying is true, It's all in who you know!
I even have asked a buddy of mine who is a Sheriff's Deputy what the hell they were doing about this problem, his reply was we know who is doing it we're just waiting on em to screw up, well how many people are they gonna hook in the meantime while you are waiting on them to screw up, I mean hell it takes about once or twice doing the crap and all you want is more more more, People are just getting hooked on this stuff left and right and the cops and Judges and DA just sit and watch and don't do jack chit! And when they do they let em go in 24 hours! I mean you would be in jail in this town longer for DUI than Meth trafficking. Now that is a load!

( steps down off of the box )

How do we as citizens do something?
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Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Eagle is a term used by me and my buddies when I was all cranked out! Nobody else uses this term so we figured in our paranoid states that anyone tapping our phones wouldn't know what the hell we were talking about!

And Hey I do to! I just don't like that particular drug, It is one of those that ruins peoples lives! Now I'll still Rake out a pile of dust, Roll up a Phatty, Eat a Bean, Flip back anything that will gimme a buzz! BUT I just can't understand how the hell this stuff is staying so prevalent in this area! I know where you are coming from Monk but you don't see the lives this stuff has destroyed that I have to see daily!

I've done every drug under the sun except Heroin and I'll tell you honestly nothing and I mean nothing has ever hooked me until I took a big ole Puff of Crystal Meth out of that big old glass pipe! Not the old smokin it off the Tin Foil but hittin like a big boy out of the Glass! It sent me to the Moon and all I wanted to do was feel that rush again! Well I almost lost my job, My family was wanting to put me in rehab and I was like BS yall are crazy! Until the night I was sittin in my closet hiding from the boogie men cause I'd been up for about 5 days with no sleep and was loosing my damn mind that I realized I did not need that Shit any more! So this is why I have a fuzzy view on this particular drug! It almost Killed me! And I don't want to see anybody else get as bad as I was, That's all.

So roll us up a big one I'm ready. But don't pick up the glass! :nono:

Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Hey Charlie Sheen.....err, uh Blue :)

It's good that you found the fight in you to back off that shit. It does fuhk up people. As for me, I've never tried it but I spoke with a drug counselor one day and he told me how he used to smoke crack and the high was so good that he would actually nut (ejaculate) while he did it.

That was all I needed to hear. Anything that can jack me off without any sucky sucky is something I can do without. And I don't want some cosmetic drug doing it either. I love women and to me there's nothing more pleasurable than a nice thick, juicy, chick with a big rack ready to fill my every need.

Damn it's time for a MILF post.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Do you guys realize how wonderful this country is!!!

We allow complete uncivilized morons like yourselves to post the most innane, dribble ever conceived by breathing beings (notice the absence of the word "human'). It is gratifying to know that we do not not throw people into woodchoppers for being complete blithering idiots. Otherwise you morons would be splattered all over the wall. Very interesting how many of you dolts live in Texas. What a shocker. Lets kill the insane. If that be the case, y'all better watch out.


Bluemound Freak

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2001
North Alabama
Eddie, To which uncivilized moron are you speaking to? Oh hell it don't matter. Your probably the guy that pickets outside of prisons when they're Baking Murderers and Rapists! It's bleeding hearts like you that influence the damn laws that end up letting these kind of Killers and Rapists back out on the street to do the chit again!

My honest opinion, Don't throw anybody in the woodchipper, obviously that was a joke! But you bring back public hangings, Now you would solve some crime! Imagine the different ideas criminals would have if they new what they were about to do was gonna have em swinging outside the Courthouse in just a day or so! Might make some of these uncivilzed miscreants think before they Rape some Fathers little Girl Kill somebodies mother or even you! I have no mercy on these people!

And for uncivilzed, Check your facts Jack before you go shooting off your mouth, You may not even been talking about me or maybe you were, but uncivilzed does not charecterize anybody that has written in to this thread! Merely discussing something is one thing but coming in here and calling people names and making assumptions about us, that my friend is uncivilized!:nono:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
My dear Blue:

Alabama, huh. Another shocker. You are offended by my calling you a moron and a dolt? Yet you are willing to kill an insane person. With a little thought, and I mean a little thought, do you see any problem with that?

You southern boys with your shoot em up mentality really do fit the sterotype. I do not picket outside prisons but I am against the death penalty especially for individuals who are insane. Tell me what facts you have that support the position that the death penalty is a deterrent?

I am a moderate. You my diluted friend, who likes to view the world in black and white, really truly are uncivilized. Public executions. Novel idea. Why don't we bring back the Inquisition. You prove my long held belief that education is the cure for this society's ills. Now why don't you get one.


Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
Ah yes, Eddie Haskell, the new Michael Jordan of creepy lawyers. The true defender of child abductors, rapists, and killers everywhere.

You're absolutely right Eddie, to impose the woodchopper sentence on sick people like Andrea Yates just might send the wrong message to the always embattled, much-maligned murdering community. What we need here is lighter sentences. You know, to save lives.

There's only one profession on this planet where that kind of logic is actually suggested, and, incredibly enough, there's not a politician in sight.

You can save that crap. Five of your own innocent kids? One after another, after another. She KNEW what she was doing. BTW- is there any worse way to die than drowning? Let alone someone forceably drowning you? This was a death penalty case. Gatesville isn't exactly nice, but getting life there is cake compared to any of the mens TDC units.

Sleazebag lawyers like yourself will just never get it I guess. Good luck in grazing for your future cash cow you pathetic pig. You've set a fine example of everything we loathe about lawyerdom.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
My dear monk:

You don't sound much like a monk to me. I can see you now, sittin on that ole bar stool with your jeans, cowboy boots, and ten gallon hat on sippin on a lone star. The crack of your fat ass hangin out of your jeans talkin bout high school chicks you banged. Wow, you are one neat fellow.

Guys like you have to see the world in black and white, right and wrong. Can't be grey cause thats too much for your mental capacity. Your post suggests you are aware of all the facts, you blame juries, judges and lawyers for what you see, in your infinite wisdom, as the plain and simple truth.

Well, billy bob, got some news for you. Texas-style bigots like yourself are what make up those juries that give out these wacko verdicts. Don't assume facts unless you hear all of them and hear them for yourself. You jump on a newpaper headline or some talk radio conservative's opinion and have no concept of what happened in the courtroom.

Hopefully, even someone with your limited abilities can understand this.


Felonious Monk

Site Owner
Forum Member
Oct 26, 2001
Austin, TX
You nailed it.

Felonious Monk sits down at a bar and proclaims loudly: "All lawyers are assholes". A guy at the end says "Hey, shut your mouth". Monk says "Are you some type of lawyer ?!". The guy says "No, I'm an asshole"

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Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
My dear monk:

Guys like you have to see the world in black and white, right and wrong. Can't be grey cause thats too much for your mental capacity. Your post suggests you are aware of all the facts, you blame juries, judges and lawyers for what you see, in your infinite wisdom, as the plain and simple truth.



I assume you practice in a "spirit of the law" state and not a "letter of the law"state? IMHO, there is zero grey area when it comes to killing your kids.
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