I monitored a bunch of the overnight lines, and saw pinnacle had some different from 5dimes and a few others, no surprise there. On a related note, I noticed some lines changed drastically from overnight until now, 1pm the next day. I bet with 5-7 books and the time, if you played joe obvious public for a second, you could predict which way the odds will move the next day. Ie: you'd take yankees -145 which they were last night at a few places, and come back and take the white sox +150 which I saw today, Now I dont know if these books let you bet both sides of a game? they should, but some dont, but if you have different books. Of course if the line doesnt move in your favor you need to buy back and take a small loss, another glaring example was stlouis-houston.......st louis was -118 houston +108 in overnight, checked a consensus site and saw more houston action even if thats not a true indicator, but now today houston is -102, and st louis -106 at pinny, now 2 cents probably not worth all the trouble, but I thought it was interesting, involves some risk and confidence figuring which way the public will bet, but Id guess usually the yanks, houston, sf will go up, ala giants also started -145 now are in the low -160s... anyone ever bother with this kind of stuff, I know it takes too much time which I dont have at this time, but is it worth considering, and also, the ones of you that monitor lines, how do you do it, do you have some sort of program? thanks, just thought this was interesting after reading about pinny being "sharp" in the sportsbook forum, good luck