I am a BAD American


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Once again Duncan, your liberal ass is showing when mentioning, in your opinion, other moral corrupt politicians. Naming only prominent conservatives which as far as I know can't hold a candle to the behavior of the Condits, Kennedys, Daschels(sic), Gephards, Maxine Waters, Rev Jackson etc etc etc etc etc of the world.

And yes Gingrich was a hypocrite, but at least he had the character to resign.

You describe yourself: "I'm a freedom loving, tax-paying white guy who loves the US and always defends her when in Europe."

Well then work a little harder and pay more of your hard earned money to your liberal buddies mentioned above so they can increase their power and run your life even more from Washington you ignorant nitwit.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 7, 2001
Montclair, New Jersey

The redneck thing was interesting. Had I lived in the South in those times I certainly would have been getting a red neck as well!!.

Thanks for reminding me about the word "Pommie".

I remember now, I guess its one way for the Aussies to hammer the English. Another, more effective way they have found is to beat us at every sport we play.....

Ctown, my broader point was that it doesn't matter which party, left or right, the system and so many of its participants are corrupt.

In some ways I'm a liberal (support welfare progs, etc.) in some ways a conservative (support the death penalty), like most people, something of both, and completely disgusted with the Washington scene.

Oh yes, and Condit is a criminal, as least guilty of suborning perjury, and probably much more. And don't get me started on the Kennedys!!!!

It's true also, I am an ignorant nitwit in many ways, but since I've been hanging around the MJ forums, at least I'm winning a few more bets...


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000

It sounds like you are now reversing your initial take on your white male redneck diatribe. Now it sounds like you are a middle of the roader, sometimes liberal, etc but it is how you vote that defines your true political views, because in this country, right or wrong, you can only choose from the 2 major parties for your vote to count and if you vote democratic you are supporting all the liberal causes I have mentioned that are ruining this country and supporting the idoits like Condit and Kennedy and all the rest.

So while it is very easy to say your a moderate or part this and that, I believe from you initial outburst you tend to believe in the left than the right, but that's ok, because that's what we have in America, choices, the only problem I have is when some peoples choices are based on ignorance and untruths as are spread by the left.

So while I welcome your calmer tone and agree with your disdain of the Washington scene I would not trust you for one minute in a voting booth


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Forum Member
Aug 7, 2001
Montclair, New Jersey
The two party system provides for great stability, look at Italy with PR and 42 govts since ww2.

You are not defined, politically, by what you do in the voting booth. After all, there are many right-leaning dems (Condit, ironically, being one of them), and many 'liberal' Republicans in Congress. I am a liberal, but there are some moderate Republicans that I respect and would vote for.

Following liberal causes has made this country great. FDR, Soc Sec, Great Society - helping people who needed a hand up - that is the American way, both internally and globally. No strategic interests in Kosovo, just a desire to see ethnic cleansing ended.

This is the greatness of spirit that goes a long way to defining this country. Eternal vigilance against the extreme right will prevent isolationism, and continue the great tradition of American engagement.

The world would be a terribly dangerous place if the US withdrew.

You don't trust me to vote?? That sounds dangerously close to wanting to prohibit me from voting!!

Don't worry my friend, we shall keep the Republic free for misguided people like you to speak your mind and continue to be marginalized.

Us liberals have a big tent, and you always be welcome to come and join.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Just as I suspected, I was right on with my first evaluation.

YOU ARE AN IGNORANT NITWIT, and any further dialogue would only be a waste of my time.

Just be happy that we still admit morons like you into this country, if for no other reason than to prove that liberals will go to any lengths to get more brainwashed nitwits into their party.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
For what it's worth, that piece was not by George Carlin. From www.georgecarlin.com: (Ed Note: There is a new bogus Carlin email circulating, which you can see here - it's utterly NOT Carlin's work...this includes the "Bad American" email that has been making the rounds)

However, the following items can, indeed, be atrributed to Carlin...

-Lower class people "look for work." Middle-class people "try to get a job." Upper class people "seek employment."

-We're not satisfied with forcing Russia to destroy its nuclear weapons and recant its ideology. Now we're going to get even: we're sending experts to show them how to run their economy. Am I missing something? A country with a five-trillion-dollar debt is actually giving advice on how to handle money?

-The reason they call it the "American Dream" is because you have to be asleep to believe in it.

-Environmentalists changed the word "jungle" to "rain forests" because no one would give them money to save a jungle.

-In reverse order, our last eight presidents: A hillbilly with a permanent hard-on, an upper-class bureaucrat twit, an actor imbicile, a born-again Christian peanut farmer, an unelected college football lineman, a paranoid moral dwarf, a vulgar cowboy criminal, and a mediocre playboy sex fiend. Is this the best we can do America?

-The thing I like most about this country is that, in a pinch, when things really get tough, you can always got into a store and buy some mints.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 7, 2001
Montclair, New Jersey
Great post Junior.

I'm interested that you only went back eight presidents, could it be becasue the one before that was a great standout?? I hope so.

Why does American elect these people?? I don't know, but at the end of the day, does it really matter??

I think it's much more important that when I'm home from work I can watch Jerry Springer!!


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
I just knew deep down inside that someone as cool as George Carlin couldn't be responsible for the drivel attributed to him in this post. All is right with the world again....


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
The prez and congress all home on vacation. Two bad it does'nt last till after Xmas. We all be better off. Must be about time to vote them selfs another raise. Jr you are becoming a real dandy. Stay in Texas. Get Bob Dole fast.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by Duncan:
[B}Why does American elect these people?? I don't know, but at the end of the day, does it really matter??

I can answer both those questions rather easily. Americans elect these people because this is the best we can do. These people represent America in its purest form. Garbage in, garbage out....Does it really matter? No. This country was bought and sold a long, long time ago. They just shuffle the shit around every 4 years or so. When I hear a person talking about political solutions, I know I am not listening to a serious person.

A few more:

-Feminists want to ban pornography on the grounds that it encourages violence against women. The Japanese consume far more violent and depraved pornography than we do, and yet there is almost no rape there. A woman is twenty times more likely to be raped in the US than she is in Japan. Why? Because Japanese people are decent, civil, and intelligent.

-We use the sun to make electricity, and then we use the electricity to operate sun lamps and tanning beds.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
They try to blame movies and TV for violence in this country. What a load of shit. Long before there were movies and television, Americans killed millions of Indians, enslaved millions of blacks, slaughtered about 700,000 of each other in a family feud, and attained the highest murder rate in history. Don't blame Sylvester Stallone. We brought these horrifying genes with us from Europe, and then we gave them our own special twist. American know-how! Just ask and Indian, that is, if you can find one. We've made them a little "difficult to find". Movies and televion don't make you violent; all they do is channel the violence more creatively.

We even manage to turn postive events into violence. Like sports championships. In Detroit, 1990, the pistons won the NBA championship: eight people dead. The Chicago Bulls, 1993: nine shot, 1100 arrested. Montreal, the Habs, 1993: 170 injured, 47 police cars vandalised, and $10 billion in damages.

Two other things that contribute to violence are religion and government, because they seek to repress and regulate natural impulses like pro-creation and self-gratification. Of course, the two of them will always try to scapegoat movies and television. The truth is, no one knows enough or cares enough to stop the REAL violence, so their answer is to tone down the pretend violence. It's a fallacy: "Maybe if we tone down the pretend violence, the real violence will just go away. Or, maybe, not seem so bad.

Yeah, and maybe the father who forbids his son to watch violent television will not beat the living crap out of him when he disobeys.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 21, 2001
rotf....it seems like you have a lot of energy this early morning....agree with your views but hands down this is still the best country in the world.....kanpai!!!!..lol..no i am not a jap..lol


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 7, 2001
Montclair, New Jersey
Junior - I agree with much of what you say, but let me take a shot at answerting my own question:

Why do we elect these people?? Because we can. We don't need great leaders anymore. The American people just want these people not to cause any problems, therefore letting the people go about their business unencumbered by meddling pols. We don't want or need great visionaries - we need people who will effectively do nothing and achieve nothing.

This, in essence, leaves America to the people in times of peace and prosperity.

This argument does gain further credibility when you consider that the most talented Americans wouldn't dream of going into politics. Our most talented people go into business, the arts, professions.

Frankly, I think this arrangement is the best thing. The most we can hope for is that these degenerates in DC effectively do nothing.

Other countries have severe problems and therefore have to elect very good "leaders". We are in the best position.

Oh, one local note: A great example of what I'm saying is that here in NJ we currently have been presented with a choice for Gov between Bret Schundler and Jim McGreevey.

Talk about the devil and the deep blue sea!!


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
JR.....trying to find an indian?

Go to a casino!


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