A wise man once said:
"Like your going to listen to me?"
....more often than not, he was right!
Ease up on the guy! I haven't made a bet in a long time, and still come here. I like the folks here, and gambling isn't the only thing going on, right?
You are doing one thing that concerens me, though.
I will start 0-0 and I will purely stick with straight bets.....
What is that shit? Start at 0-0?????? So you can go 8-3 and think you are "ahead of the game" all of the sudden? This is a very dangerous ploy. I used to do that when "practicing" my black jack game.
If I lost 10 hands in a row, or wiped out my bankroll, I would "clean the slate" and start fresh!
"Ahhhhh.....I wouldn't really do that in the casino." Or, "That would not have happened in real life!"
BULLSHIT! It does, and it will! But if you wipe the slate clean, it allows you to feel better when the hot streak comes!
Don't kid yourself.....it can be expensive.