I have a great plan to make $1000's weekly


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
penguin fan your right most tables in PAcasinos are$15 mini evgery night of the week which i find shocking.

I will do both bets nd just bet odds on dont pass.

I win the pas bet on the orginal $15 dont pass then i get paid for laying odds also so thats all 100% profit.

Other night i took a spot on a cold table sat waited for point TY lord for that.

shooter came out with 7 7 11 3 and 7 point he threw was four.

I jumped on it $41 to win $20 on the hop a pretty 6 . 1 pops up the whole table groaned except me i was smiling ear to ear.

They didnt realize that guy shot 4 winners out of 5 come outs.

They all think that he took out the 7's and makes the point. LOL how quickly they are reminded dice are plastic cubes.


Come to Pueto Rico..there are $5 tables any time the casinos are open .


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Wrong ! You have all the answers of whyyou can't win ... instead of figuring out how to win u give up and don't believe any one else can either. No u will never move to Las Vegas... you will work till u drop dead. Lastly.. You prob think no one wins at sperts wagering either because you cant do it. Wrong.. """"You""""" just can't do it. The reason i started posting at these forums 25 years ago was to dispel that stupipdity. Any one doubts its done all the time just needs to observe my bases thread that got 127,000 hits. here . and others 100% wins in NCAA football over 2 years...right here.. wonder why ??????...,.,cant be that many stupid Mad Jackers that tail a loser Even the Trolls busrting this ass holes with envy wanna follow only to cut an paste in frustration full well knowing they are sad losers. and total failures in life Ya dont take on King Kong if u are a "Cockroach" Like in Semen guzzling "Cockroach" . The V Throat swallows agin !!!!!/SIZE]
OINK !!!!!!!!!!!!

Where in the complete fuck did I say people can't win betting on sports?

People make winning wagers on sports all the time, most of them prior to the games being played, even.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
OK we went to parx casino saturday night late i mean real late we got there 11 PM

wife only took out $120 so gave me $60 to start with i said ok slow play slots win 50 or more t6hen hit craps tables.

Worked I won $95 in 1.5 hours $25 here $40 there lose lose win $70 lose lose lose win $85

GO to craps tables 6 games going and every table is packed so i'm watchinf them for long time

1st three were choppy make numbers hold dice for 10 mins hit every number but his 6 point

go around to next 3 games bam 7 players with couple hunny in chips and as i walked up i hear dealer say 7

PICK MY spot and wait.

next 3 players all missed thier numbers a 6 a 9 an 8

SO i figure out it's better to bet both pass line and dont pass line instead of $4 any 7

only number on come out is long shot 12 that could hurt me.

WEll players didnt notice that i was laying except guys on right and left of me.

any way nice night table broke up after 45 mins I won $250 just single lay bets 15 and 15 odds 5 n 9 win 10

4 n 10 had to lay 16 to win 8--- 6 n 8 paid me $12


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Where in the complete fuck did I say people can't win betting on sports?

People make winning wagers on sports all the time, most of them prior to the games being played, even.


Apply 3 times a day..........:0008


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
OK we went to parx casino saturday night late i mean real late we got there 11 PM

wife only took out $120 so gave me $60 to start with i said ok slow play slots win 50 or more t6hen hit craps tables.

Worked I won $95 in 1.5 hours $25 here $40 there lose lose win $70 lose lose lose win $85

GO to craps tables 6 games going and every table is packed so i'm watchinf them for long time

1st three were choppy make numbers hold dice for 10 mins hit every number but his 6 point

go around to next 3 games bam 7 players with couple hunny in chips and as i walked up i hear dealer say 7

PICK MY spot and wait.

next 3 players all missed thier numbers a 6 a 9 an 8

SO i figure out it's better to bet both pass line and dont pass line instead of $4 any 7

only number on come out is long shot 12 that could hurt me.

WEll players didnt notice that i was laying except guys on right and left of me.

any way nice night table broke up after 45 mins I won $250 just single lay bets 15 and 15 odds 5 n 9 win 10

4 n 10 had to lay 16 to win 8--- 6 n 8 paid me $12
I play both sides just depends on the table, the shooter, etc...good luck scrappy


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
hedgehog i used to do that caught one table perfect both ways make point seven out on 2nd even me it was astonishing to switch and win.

Didnt last long tho soon table went ice cold all shooters so i stopped playing.

MY goal is to build enough bank in 6 months nd quit working.

and that bak dosent get touched for anything.

Most likely will deposit $1000 in each casino i frequent so i dont need to carry $1000's in cash with me.

Only wife will have cash to play slots and once shes done losing whatever thats it aint giving her my crap wins to her.

Maybe teach the bitch to play craps BUT she has physical ailments and will not be able to stand for hrs at any table.

I'm going to love this playing craps for a living easyily have to win $100 - $200 per day.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Do you don't players play the Don't Come? The other night I had a great roll going. As on most good rolls I threw a lot of sevens on the Come Out rolls. This guy at the other end of the table was cleaning up because he was winning all of his Don't Come bets on my Seven.
Of course the roll just happened to be going his way. I was throwing a lot of numbers but they were not repeating.
Lucky for him.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Who was the guy that posted about craps all the time?
He said he bought a craps table to "practice his rolls".

That shit was both funny and entertaining. Great reads, although I think he was dead serious.

One of his rules mentioned that he immediately left the table when a ginger came up to the rail. :mj07:


Staff member
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Jul 13, 1999
Who was the guy that posted about craps all the time?
He said he bought a craps table to "practice his rolls".

That shit was both funny and entertaining. Great reads, although I think he was dead serious.

One of his rules mentioned that he immediately left the table when a ginger came up to the rail. :mj07:

Harley something?

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
A good one from Harley.......

- do not use your dice tossing hand to pick up the all stainless steal Serving spoons at the Rio Buffet - it will burn your fingertips


The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
A few more gems.....

- Caesars - the dealers there do not even hesitate when you request the same dice from the previous roller
- Paris - found a HOT female random roller that was chipping the dice off the mirror on a long roll and requested her same dice and had a long roll myself
- NYNY - on this long table make sure you loudly yell the Stickperson's name as you request the same dice before they mix in the other dice quickly after the previous roll
- Luxor - no problem with the request
- Sam's Town - most of the Boxmen and dealers don't have a problem with the "Same Dice" request from the previous roller except "Randy" who told me he would "only allow it this 1 time" ....... most of the dealers there know about this rule and educate a few of the new Boxpersons that the request is allowed

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Firebet protocol according to Harley....


So when you get on the 3rd point of a Fire Bet, expect any or all of the following countermeasures by the casino:

- Pit Boss starts banging his fist on the table rail
- Chip fill starts even when the chip rack is full
- Pit Boss says ?Make sure both your dice hit the back wall?
- Money buy-ins are slow with the Pit Bosses standing around watching with their thumbs up their ass whereas they could help the dealers like most other casinos do
- Pit Boss will say ?Throw the Dice? as the dice are pushed to you, even though the Stickman held the dice for over a 2 minutes in between rolls
- Stickman is ordered by the Pit Boss to hold the Dice longer in between rolls to interrupt the rhythm for no apparent reasonable reason
- Stickman "short sticks" the dice to you -- making you reach for the dice instead of putting them right in front of you

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008

Now a lot of skilled dice tossers (DIs = Dice Influencer's) like to find a table that is empty so they can shoot often ..... but I believe there is usually a reason a table is empty -- too often because the table is colder than Eleanor Rigby's left breast on a winter night in London ...... so most DIs think they can turn a cold table HOT --- and don't get me wrong, some can do that --- but more often than not, that is the exception rather than the rule

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!


Incidents that Ruin a Roll:

Recently at Bellagio, I correctly called "Off" my bets as a roller threw the Devil (7) to end a long hot roll. What led to my lucky prediction was a simple calculation - any time 2 of the following indicators happen before the next roll, then turn them off a roll or 2:

- New green money is thrown on the table - a buy-in during a roll
- Roller hesitates his throw for whatever reason - messing up his rolling rhythm
- Stickman change (usually done every 20 minutes)
- Boxman change
- Boxman, another dealer or customer questions the amount of a payout after a toss
- person leaves table on a restroom break
- waitress approaches the table and loudy asks for drinks (especially if a waitress delivers a drink to the roller)
- adjacent table erupts with loud cheers
- player colors-up during a roll
- LATE bets (after the dice is handed to the roller)
- the roll immediately after a Point is established
- the Stickman pushes the dice back to you with the 7 showing
- the Stickman brings the dice back to the center of the table after a roll and they show the 7 a long time
- a red-headed lady walks up to the table during the middle of a hot roll
- Dice bounces off the table
- Stickman starts pretending he will hit the dice with his stick
- dealer or boxman starts pounding his fist on the table rail
- dealer or stickman starts talking excessively to the roller
- the roller receives a cell phone call during his roll
- 2 crap numbers (2,3,11,12) are thrown in a row (or 3 craps in last 5 rolls)
- at least 1 player starts betting "Don't Come" during middle of a roll
- roller turns off his own bets
- Pit Boss, Boxman or dealer scolds the Roller with a "make sure both dice hit the back wall"


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
OK went last night only had $130 to play at parx casino ........... well la de da mother fuckers you are not allowede to bet pass line and dont pass at same tiem for same amount of money.

SO i say why is my pass line be left down they say thats contracted you cant pick it up.

OO yeah really i pick up the $15 and walk away. I'm quickly appraoched by pit boss.

WE go back n forth and finally he says ok i let it go this time but thats it.

I come back saying fine but lettting you know this was no ignorance on my part.

He smiles ok sir were good.

I went to meet a guy i became friends with on you tube name Rob who is a Cpa

He lives far north of Philly but parx casino was closer ti him than others.

Any way rough night i went to table he was already at he says this table is fairly hot they are making passes and boxes.

So i said thats great we bet with them.......he says no we find another table.

OK one table (kick us in the ass) was doing poorly he says players aint got much chips in hands or on racks we cant win that much there.......i agree ..stupid fuck who cares we are looking to win money whats differnce if we only get 1/2 hr playing time on one table.

OOOOOOOOOOOOO you stupid pie hole.......

Anyway tables were not working i lost my 1st no 5 bet $31

so finally get in groove on another table i'm up $50 now looking good.

Betting after point was established this way no naturals or 12 hurts me.

Same result as betting both ways I win $20 or if really going good double up to win $40

Lost agin was down to $90 move to another table amazing late night 6 tables going

I wait this time i want to hear 7 for 3 shooters or more i want that table karma with a black cloud hanging over thier heads I want them losing consistently.

YES this table was ice cold they couldnt make a pass no body me n rob passed dice he agreed that way is best let them stay in rhythm.

we got 1.5 hours on that game and i won $150 and i'm frigging happy.


SO it's like 5 :30 now I'm tired and say Rob lets call it quits he came back to almost even he startedwith $2000 .........wow so he wanted to play

He had to play that $10 free play before 6 so i show him how to get in on slot machine

Went to best machine for Your money the 5 times multiplier 25 lines

well he won $12.50

top pay out with max bet $2.50 is $1000 thats both multipliers making it 25 X your bet with the red 7's weird thats it thats a fixed JP under the $1200 hand pay.

SO now i can pay car payent mon. and breathe easy get to take care of $80 taken from account but didnt go to house taxes and pay $90 on water bill under new pay plan

So fucked in that municipal services bldg ......i go in person and nothing got done.

O need to get this crap system working and build a large bank so i say bye to fucking stiffs NO tips on $16.10 order last night and the fugging black bitch didnt pay the .10 and of couyrse always the longest deliveries in darkest neighborhoods 2.5 miles from us.

$2 tip on a large $52 dollar order :facepalm:

I'm screaming mad in car had to smile and say have good night.

NO more baby i'm done unless other place opens up for me where i can make far more money and earlier hours closing at 10 and altest is 11 fri n sat nights.

I'm like focus hard here.

I want it to happen i will do it because my sanity is gone .

HEY 3 to 5 nights a week even if only win $100 it's all tax FREE

$500 X 52 $26,000 a year unreported income.

plus waht i get in SSI $755 a month $9060 and wifey gets lil more we just use that money to pay bills and buy food with MY Gambling bank remains untouched for sure because i will deposit $1000 in each casino in time i know i can do it.

This way when i go i dont need cash onky for tollls and gas.

If the bitch wants to go I give her 1 or 200 to play slots while i work the tables.

It's grind standing at one table for 2 to 5 hours BUT really I know i can win $200 in any session.

picking my spots if table is choppy for sure i can do it because hey 39 years experince i leanrned every result what happens after something changes on table and Joker LOL if ginger haired woman walks up to a table aint changing my bets it stays.

Fuck i married blue eyed red head I should know what i'm talking about.



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
OK went last night only had $130 to play at parx casino ........... well la de da mother fuckers you are not allowede to bet pass line and dont pass at same tiem for same amount of money.

SO i say why is my pass line be left down they say thats contracted you cant pick it up.

OO yeah really i pick up the $15 and walk away. I'm quickly appraoched by pit boss.

WE go back n forth and finally he says ok i let it go this time but thats it.

I come back saying fine but lettting you know this was no ignorance on my part.

He smiles ok sir were good.

I went to meet a guy i became friends with on you tube name Rob who is a Cpa

He lives far north of Philly but parx casino was closer ti him than others.

Any way rough night i went to table he was already at he says this table is fairly hot they are making passes and boxes.

So i said thats great we bet with them.......he says no we find another table.

OK one table (kick us in the ass) was doing poorly he says players aint got much chips in hands or on racks we cant win that much there.......i agree ..stupid fuck who cares we are looking to win money whats differnce if we only get 1/2 hr playing time on one table.

OOOOOOOOOOOOO you stupid pie hole.......

Anyway tables were not working i lost my 1st no 5 bet $31

so finally get in groove on another table i'm up $50 now looking good.

Betting after point was established this way no naturals or 12 hurts me.

Same result as betting both ways I win $20 or if really going good double up to win $40

Lost agin was down to $90 move to another table amazing late night 6 tables going

I wait this time i want to hear 7 for 3 shooters or more i want that table karma with a black cloud hanging over thier heads I want them losing consistently.

YES this table was ice cold they couldnt make a pass no body me n rob passed dice he agreed that way is best let them stay in rhythm.

we got 1.5 hours on that game and i won $150 and i'm frigging happy.


SO it's like 5 :30 now I'm tired and say Rob lets call it quits he came back to almost even he startedwith $2000 .........wow so he wanted to play

He had to play that $10 free play before 6 so i show him how to get in on slot machine

Went to best machine for Your money the 5 times multiplier 25 lines

well he won $12.50

top pay out with max bet $2.50 is $1000 thats both multipliers making it 25 X your bet with the red 7's weird thats it thats a fixed JP under the $1200 hand pay.

SO now i can pay car payent mon. and breathe easy get to take care of $80 taken from account but didnt go to house taxes and pay $90 on water bill under new pay plan

So fucked in that municipal services bldg ......i go in person and nothing got done.

O need to get this crap system working and build a large bank so i say bye to fucking stiffs NO tips on $16.10 order last night and the fugging black bitch didnt pay the .10 and of couyrse always the longest deliveries in darkest neighborhoods 2.5 miles from us.

$2 tip on a large $52 dollar order :facepalm:

I'm screaming mad in car had to smile and say have good night.

NO more baby i'm done unless other place opens up for me where i can make far more money and earlier hours closing at 10 and altest is 11 fri n sat nights.

I'm like focus hard here.

I want it to happen i will do it because my sanity is gone .

HEY 3 to 5 nights a week even if only win $100 it's all tax FREE

$500 X 52 $26,000 a year unreported income.

plus waht i get in SSI $755 a month $9060 and wifey gets lil more we just use that money to pay bills and buy food with MY Gambling bank remains untouched for sure because i will deposit $1000 in each casino in time i know i can do it.

This way when i go i dont need cash onky for tollls and gas.

If the bitch wants to go I give her 1 or 200 to play slots while i work the tables.

It's grind standing at one table for 2 to 5 hours BUT really I know i can win $200 in any session.

picking my spots if table is choppy for sure i can do it because hey 39 years experince i leanrned every result what happens after something changes on table and Joker LOL if ginger haired woman walks up to a table aint changing my bets it stays.

Fuck i married blue eyed red head I should know what i'm talking about.


Thanks for the write up scrappy, best of luck in your quest :0008 I wish more people were as honest as you are


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2013
south east PA
thanks hedge hog

one of rare qualities i have is honesty.

last night took shot at harrahs with $65 tables were only two games so i was restricted to slots only playing $5 at a time finally after down to last $10 i swear thats all i had build up to $25

the bang boom mr cashman the african dusk modely i bangt the 5 scatteers with a 5 X bet of $1.25

pays me $50 +.75 cents other wins I am dancing around at 5:45 am saying yes baby that what i'm talking about and no one is near me :lol:

I kept playing lil more got it up to $87.97 and cashed out adter 5 hours of playing time I won $22 :mj07:

eh wtf i was looking at going home broke thats was an exahusting win ...

funny thing wife didnt ask me where i was she mustve slept through it all never checking to see if i was down stairs asleep.

weird... So.now i got $45 ledt to build up a bank this week working wed thurs fri sun night and take a shot either late sun night or sometime mon night.

I went to bank to try and refinace my 2011 doge calber with heat trim ....................mofder fucker because of no real income on books no thanks he said BUT if get a cosigner i can do it.

Payoff amount is more than my car is worth $11,418.10 really i only paid $9900 total with life time wheel n tire protection plan was $11,000
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