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eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
I'm a very leery person and the thought has crossed my mind......

I'm waiting on an email before I finish


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 14, 2000
djv if your refering to me starting trouble your wrong i just so something and stated the facts . if there was no problem w/ it why was his homepage removed from profile i think if yourr going to be an ass about you should bitch to mj (removed because this is a class site )not me for pointing this "oversight" out

The Big Tease

Forum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Columbus,OH USA
Man, this is getting to be a lot like high school.... People always worrying about crap that has nothing to do with what you are here to do. In high school I was always worried about who was banging my girlfriend and when i found out, how I could nail his woman, or how I was going to cut out of class to catch the first round of the NCAA basketball tournament....All of which doesnt apply to what I was there at school to do, and that is learn.

Madjacks is a site for people to post picks, get info, then decide what they want to bet on, then we win or lose our money based on what our TEAM has gathered for that day. All of this other crap is just dumb. If Kevin wants to have his own site outside of Madjack's, what the hell is wrong with that? And what does it concern us? The only one it should concern is Jack, and I havent heard him one way or another, so that leaves no one that should worry about it. It has gotten to the point where I am on my own in bases just because it is too much of a hassle trying to get through the soap operas going on here to get anything productive done.


eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
Jc for you......I have a deal you can't decline.

I'll give you a play, if it wins, pay me $150. If it loses, I have to go 2-0 on the next 2. If I don't.....I disappear

This topic is dead as far as I'm concerned, but with none of the "Veterans" having anything to say,..... sumpen sumpen smellen' fishy, and it ain't the big Kingfish I caught yesterday


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 1999
San Diego, CA
OK......time for me to interject. This is a post I don't want to make because, quite frankly, it shouldn't matter. But, with the plethora of e-mails I got today, I have decided to go on the record and share my feelings on the subject, as well as get something off my chest, because I know what's coming. This will be news to some, and old hat to many others..

I will try to be very short and brief. Do I run a service? Yes, I do. Over a year ago, after a long period of doing so on my own, I was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and after a period of CAREFULLY weighing the pros and cons of the offer and the assurance that my integrity would NOT be compromised in ANY way, I accepted. Under no circumstances would I EVER sell myself out. Those who know me personally have 0 doubt about this. I have been handicapping my own games for about 15 years now and it is a full-time endeavor for me, anywhere from 4-8 hours a day, and quite bluntly, I'm good at it. This was an opportunity for me to do what I love to do in a straight-forward, fully-monitored, no BS environment backed by a company with enormous capital. I was recruited by them, not vice-versa. This is the first and last time I will address the subject in this forum. If anybody needs to know more, then feel free to put on your Sherlock Holmes hat and do some detective work because it won't (and never has) come from me.

Now, as far as this forum is concerned, I have a few things to say. First of all, over a year ago, I spoke with MJ and told him of my plans. I felt that there might be a conflict of interest, and out of respect for him, I thought it might be best to leave this forum. His response to me was something like this: "If you stop posting here, I'll bash yer teeth in. I trust you and your judgement." That meant a hell of alot to me. He could have kindly asked me to take a hike or, perhaps, even post under a different name. But, he didn't. Instead, he supported me. Now, fast forward about 14 months. I've made close to 2000 posts in this forum (and probably 5 times that on the web in general) and have NEVER solicited ANYTHING. Never even close, not even a hint, a subliminal message here and there, nothing. Not once. I've never once even had the desire to, and never will and I hope that Jack now feels comfortable that I didn't betray his trust.

Now, let me re-emaphasize that I didn't have to disclose this. I did so because I have absolutely nothing to hide, and quite frankly, what I do for a living (or anybody else at MJ's) is really nobody's business. Just like it's none of my business what you do outside of this forum, jc128. There are actually alot of things I do (some gambling related/some not) and nary a one is the least bit unsavory. I have an EXTREME distaste for the Jim Feists, Stu Feiners, and other "scamdicappers" of the world, and one of my goals is to do everything I can to put these vultures out of business. Now, do these people find their way onto forums such as this? Absolutely. But the moderators here know what they are doing and they usually have a life-span of about 20 minutes. But, to stereotype everybody that handicaps for a living into a big ugly group with alterior motives is downright ignorant. If this were the case, Kevin, myself, and a host of other posters here would have been shown the door a LONG time ago. Now, if anybody feels differently about me now, that's your choice. But I can assure you I will NEVER bring that to this forum. I am just going to continue doing what I've been doing here for the last few years or so. Providing and sharing what I can to help my fellow brothers.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Have known Kev and Junior for several years and never knew they had pay site till today.
Does not change my opinion of them in any way shape or form.Two of the finest fellows I have had the pleasure to know and I wish them the best in what ever endeavors they pursue in life.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 14, 2000
last comment on this for me first i never said anything bad about kevin he probaly is a classy guy all i did was point this out didn't think it was right . i didn't try to bash him at all waht makes him different or better then the feist's of the world because you know him or he post here so what as i said before if there wasnt a problem mj would let all of us do IT . so quit f***** cryin enough said
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