I have to pick 1 winner this week

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Old School

Forum Member
Mar 19, 2006
Hmm I like the Eagles pick. It just seems to me the Vikings are playing better than Oakland, after I think about it more its not just about the save for next week I also dont think they can beat the Vikings.

Dammit I wish Sunday would hurry up and get here, my brain hurts from thinking about this.

I would like to just chop the pot 4 ways, 2500 each but two of the guys want to play until the end.

and they would be the guys with the perceived upper hand..:0corn

2-2 vote ya flip a coin..


Forum Member
Oct 31, 2015
gjn23, those were my thoughts. All of those teams sound like a really big risk to me, especially since 1 loss and I'm out.

Its really between the eagles and the broncos now.

My gut says the eagles but my brain says the broncos.

Also if the eagles win they take over first (IF the giants lose to the pats). That important of a game at home.

KC is 3-5 and playing against the Broncos which i dont think have lost at home in 2 seasons.


Forum Member
Oct 31, 2015
I have read about 8 prediction pages regarding the broncos vs chiefs, 4 of them said they cover the spread, 2 of them say they win outright. I cant find a single person on the entire internet (yes i searched the whole thing) that thinks the dolphins will win or even cover the spread.

I switched to the Eagles.
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the addict

Forum Member
Oct 9, 2009
PA proud
Carolina to me is the pick

Next is denver

3rd choice is ravens

Thats unless ben plays... like he seems to think he will....1% chance Cleveland wins in pitt if bens playing....pitt has to win 4 or 5 of final 7 games....they cant afford a loss here especially if manziel starting....depending on when picks need submitted, I'd strongly consider Pitt if Ben is playing

I think miami covers and will have a chance SU. Phily really is not a good team right now....neither are the dolphins, but their roster is more complete and I think they will move the ball with ease...plus, philly vs tampa next week....phily at home vs tampa much better then home vs miami....id save em for next

This will sound contradictory as I just had to add my .02 cents, but go with who you like...not others.....everyone is a genius until the games are played....myself more then most....i feel like I have a sure lock and they lose by 40....

I'd try not to overthink it

Your instincts got you here and in a position to win 10k...dont let to much info sway your decision....there is ALWAYS info to support the other side

Gl man....thats a nice payday....would hate to see you lose by not following your gut but this is the best site in world for sports talk...so either way, regardless of your selection, make sure to let us know who you choose so we can root you in.
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Forum Member
Oct 31, 2015
Thanks for all the tips and advice, I just cant get my gut off Denver. I have switched it a few times and dont feel comfortable until its back on Denver so... here we go


Forum Member
Oct 31, 2015
Should have gone with carolina. I picked Denver and got smoked.

The only person in the survivor league that picked correct was the steelers. He received a nice bag of cash.

Maybe next year.