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You can have that green shit on top. I actually tried it again and for the last time.
They had a Hot Wings challenge, if you can eat 20 you get your pic on the wall. Well, we knew we couldn't do it but thought we would at least try the wings with their hottest sauce so got a small order. Damn things were hot but not overwhelming and were thinking about taking the challenge.
I asked the waiter why there were only about 30 people on the wall because they didn't seem too hot for us. He said, yeah, people think they can do it, they try all the time, but usually give up after about 4. Well hell, we just each ate 4 and no problems. he said you didn't get the super hot, or whatever the name is they have for it. Oh shit, we thought we ordered that. Can we try a sample of it? Nope, it's a big procedure because the cook has to wear a gas mask and wear gloves to prepare them and nobody can even go into the kitchen while he makes them. It's such a procedure that if you try and you fail they charge you 30 bucks.
We didn't try.