not just the u.s,THE WORLD believed that saddam had wmds...and because the u.n. dragged their feet and gave him years to hide or dispose of them doesn`t mean they weren`t there...thanks to his pals and cohorts in the u.n......the crooked,useless u.n...
we had 12 years of "debate and discussion" and it went nowhere....u.n. resolutions repeatedly violated......
and as far as the u.n. is concerned,any suggestion that the u.s. ignore threats in favor of seeking u.n. permission to preemptively defend our country is ludicrous...we know that now....
.. our government has a constitutional obligation to defend the u.s. against the threat of terrorists and tyrannical dictators.....and if you check,you`ll find that most democrats voted to go into iraq..including john kerry and john edwards........ there is no obligation to consult the u.n.....and we now know that the u.n. will do,it`s a moot point.... .
we acted because we felt a threat....and because the france`s,germany`s and russia`s of the world didn`t give a damn whether five or ten 9/11`s long as their cash cow was kept in his pen...
n.korea fooled the iran sees that the u.n. is a straw man.....
forgive us for not allowing europe to run our foreign policy for us... maybe if europe had the gumption to exercise a little preemption,hundreds of thousands might have been saved in ww1 and 2....
the unfortunate part of this equation is that we may never know what saddam did or didn`t have..or whether or not we may have circumvented some sort of catastrophe......thanks to the u.n.`s politics and impotence....
as far as our meddling goes,i`d rather let the governments of said middle eastern countries decide whether they wish to deal with the u.s. or they don`t..not allow the radical islamists to speak as though they are the united voice of all muslims.....nobody bitched the last several times americans took up arms and
sacrificed the blood of our youth iin the defense of muslims (Bosnia,
Kosovo, Gulf War 1, Kuwait, etc.).....
yeah,i know,the governments are all u.s. puppets...and it`s about the oil...
no,of course they aren`t all puppets...and yes,it is about the oil...the middle east and the u.s. have a symbiotic realtionship regarding oil that benefits both parties...the middle east is important not only to the u.s. economy,but to the world`s economy as well.....
and please stop blaming all the middle eastern problems on "the great satan" is embarrassing...and condescending... i agree that it`s sad and pathetic that many muslims have to live in squalor under savage
dictatorships.... i am sorry that their leaders squander their`s sad that these same "puppet governments" that "belong to the u.s."" breed hatred for the U.S. in their religious
schools, mosques, and government-controlled media.....there`s a contradiction...
whether invading iraq was the right thing to do,we may never know for sure....that saddam is gone cannot be considered a bad thing.....but radical islamicists will never allow iraq a chance at self some sort of chance at self one seems to be concerned about that....why?
it`s also sad that no other Arab country
will take in or offer more than a token amount of financial help to the palestinians.....these rich oil`s much easier to hate israel.....self help is hard work...
and as far as religions are concerned there`s a small the u.s.,you can choose whatever religion you wish to observe...with "radical" islam,if you decide to observe anything but their religion,there`s an excellent chance you`ll be murdered...along with your family...and your church will be blown up...just happened yesterday,as a matter of fact...christian churches in iraq,i believe...
the west isn`t cutting people`s head`s off...they aren`t killing people because of religious intolerance...
i don`t think muslims are evil.....that`s ridiculous....but the "radical" element of the religion is mired in age old customs,intolerance and as we see everyday,violence....
many young muslims,i`m sure, would love to observe and celebrate their religion in the 21st a more contemporary manner...
WE stopped burning witches hundreds of years ago....
but,the argument in many parts of the"radical" muslim world is whether it`s in bad taste to behead fellow muslims who do commercial work for the new iraqi government....
helllooo? ...excuse me?...can anyone picture a similar headline here? ...
"Americans Debate Christian Basis For Beheading Middlle Easterners!!!!"......
in some parts of the the middle east, this is a serious discussion.....that`s not scary?...bizarre?...uncivilized?
"radical" islam is truly stuck in the dark ages... it's true that you can dig up ancient records of violence in all religions... but I see nearly constant contemporary islamist violence....
intentionally directed at women and children and the honestly innocent....
it seems to me almost insane...
every human on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding cultures.... but,it seems that the "radical" islamists do not. best gambling buddy at work is egyptian....and he is utterly appalled by what is perpetrated in the name of islam...
and please note that i italicize "radical" in my comments...i don`t mean to denegrate peaceful,truly god loving i said,my friend is a practicing muslim...and he is,imo,the salt of the earth...
we are not at war with islam. but the most radical elements within the muslim world are convinced that they are at war with us.....
but their enmity is not just directed against us. they also mean to hijack islam itself and to destroy 13 centuries of islamic civilization. we are not in a war between two civilizations. we are fighting an enemy of two civilizations.
we won`t agree...that`s fairly obvious...i`ll give you the last word....
we had 12 years of "debate and discussion" and it went nowhere....u.n. resolutions repeatedly violated......
and as far as the u.n. is concerned,any suggestion that the u.s. ignore threats in favor of seeking u.n. permission to preemptively defend our country is ludicrous...we know that now....
.. our government has a constitutional obligation to defend the u.s. against the threat of terrorists and tyrannical dictators.....and if you check,you`ll find that most democrats voted to go into iraq..including john kerry and john edwards........ there is no obligation to consult the u.n.....and we now know that the u.n. will do,it`s a moot point.... .
we acted because we felt a threat....and because the france`s,germany`s and russia`s of the world didn`t give a damn whether five or ten 9/11`s long as their cash cow was kept in his pen...
n.korea fooled the iran sees that the u.n. is a straw man.....
forgive us for not allowing europe to run our foreign policy for us... maybe if europe had the gumption to exercise a little preemption,hundreds of thousands might have been saved in ww1 and 2....
the unfortunate part of this equation is that we may never know what saddam did or didn`t have..or whether or not we may have circumvented some sort of catastrophe......thanks to the u.n.`s politics and impotence....
as far as our meddling goes,i`d rather let the governments of said middle eastern countries decide whether they wish to deal with the u.s. or they don`t..not allow the radical islamists to speak as though they are the united voice of all muslims.....nobody bitched the last several times americans took up arms and
sacrificed the blood of our youth iin the defense of muslims (Bosnia,
Kosovo, Gulf War 1, Kuwait, etc.).....
yeah,i know,the governments are all u.s. puppets...and it`s about the oil...
no,of course they aren`t all puppets...and yes,it is about the oil...the middle east and the u.s. have a symbiotic realtionship regarding oil that benefits both parties...the middle east is important not only to the u.s. economy,but to the world`s economy as well.....
and please stop blaming all the middle eastern problems on "the great satan" is embarrassing...and condescending... i agree that it`s sad and pathetic that many muslims have to live in squalor under savage
dictatorships.... i am sorry that their leaders squander their`s sad that these same "puppet governments" that "belong to the u.s."" breed hatred for the U.S. in their religious
schools, mosques, and government-controlled media.....there`s a contradiction...
whether invading iraq was the right thing to do,we may never know for sure....that saddam is gone cannot be considered a bad thing.....but radical islamicists will never allow iraq a chance at self some sort of chance at self one seems to be concerned about that....why?
it`s also sad that no other Arab country
will take in or offer more than a token amount of financial help to the palestinians.....these rich oil`s much easier to hate israel.....self help is hard work...
and as far as religions are concerned there`s a small the u.s.,you can choose whatever religion you wish to observe...with "radical" islam,if you decide to observe anything but their religion,there`s an excellent chance you`ll be murdered...along with your family...and your church will be blown up...just happened yesterday,as a matter of fact...christian churches in iraq,i believe...
the west isn`t cutting people`s head`s off...they aren`t killing people because of religious intolerance...
i don`t think muslims are evil.....that`s ridiculous....but the "radical" element of the religion is mired in age old customs,intolerance and as we see everyday,violence....
many young muslims,i`m sure, would love to observe and celebrate their religion in the 21st a more contemporary manner...
WE stopped burning witches hundreds of years ago....
but,the argument in many parts of the"radical" muslim world is whether it`s in bad taste to behead fellow muslims who do commercial work for the new iraqi government....
helllooo? ...excuse me?...can anyone picture a similar headline here? ...
"Americans Debate Christian Basis For Beheading Middlle Easterners!!!!"......
in some parts of the the middle east, this is a serious discussion.....that`s not scary?...bizarre?...uncivilized?
"radical" islam is truly stuck in the dark ages... it's true that you can dig up ancient records of violence in all religions... but I see nearly constant contemporary islamist violence....
intentionally directed at women and children and the honestly innocent....
it seems to me almost insane...
every human on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding cultures.... but,it seems that the "radical" islamists do not. best gambling buddy at work is egyptian....and he is utterly appalled by what is perpetrated in the name of islam...
and please note that i italicize "radical" in my comments...i don`t mean to denegrate peaceful,truly god loving i said,my friend is a practicing muslim...and he is,imo,the salt of the earth...
we are not at war with islam. but the most radical elements within the muslim world are convinced that they are at war with us.....
but their enmity is not just directed against us. they also mean to hijack islam itself and to destroy 13 centuries of islamic civilization. we are not in a war between two civilizations. we are fighting an enemy of two civilizations.
we won`t agree...that`s fairly obvious...i`ll give you the last word....
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