Illuminati: Give it a rest...

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Dude, we get it. You want us to read every story on the Infowars website, and follow Alex Jones without question.

I think it was made pretty clear about a week or so ago that people here don't want to have to wade through a bunch of links to other sites, all with the same kinds of ideas. I ripped into Raymond, Skully, and Hedge for it, and now it's gone off the deep end again.

Again, it's not my forum, and I'm not the police (good thing, because you'd probably shoot me with your AK...), but these incessant anti-government and conspiracy links to the same sites just clutter up any kind of conversations here. Maybe a couple a day, or something? I know this will tick you off, but it's just getting ridiculous.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
Dude, we get it. You want us to read every story on the Infowars website, and follow Alex Jones without question.

I think it was made pretty clear about a week or so ago that people here don't want to have to wade through a bunch of links to other sites, all with the same kinds of ideas. I ripped into Raymond, Skully, and Hedge for it, and now it's gone off the deep end again.

Again, it's not my forum, and I'm not the police (good thing, because you'd probably shoot me with your AK...), but these incessant anti-government and conspiracy links to the same sites just clutter up any kind of conversations here. Maybe a couple a day, or something? I know this will tick you off, but it's just getting ridiculous.

Everything was taken to heart Chad until the accusation of me owning and AK? They are pieces of shit, unless you have the scratch to buy a Czezch model.

I will keep it one thread each day.
Funny no one complains about all the sports info I post
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Yeah, I am a little overbearing at times, aren't I? But jeez, this place has just gotten ridiculous lately. Ray, I can't even carry on a good argument with you anymore... what fun is that?:shrug:
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Sorry, illuminated one, I confess, my knowledge of quality assault rifles is lacking. I do find some of your stuff interesting, and it's definitely different, for the record. And I'd rather see a bunch of these than a bunch of moronic vids and cartoon links, for sure. Just seems like half the time there are 10 links to wade through before we get into a conversation about anything anymore. And we rarely do, without a bunch of BS namecalling and labeling going on.

Carry on, guess I need a drink...


Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
Obama's health care plan will be
written by a committee whose head says he doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that hasn't read it,
signed by a president who smokes,
funded by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes,
overseen by a surgeon general who is obese,
and financed by a country that is nearly broke.

What could possibly go wrong?:shrug:

please tell me:)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Chad - agreed - it is getting tougher to be in here. Loved the times I could butt heads with Smurph, Stevie, Eddie and others. And, learned alot along the way.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
illuminated one

The genesis for my username:

When I lived in Las Vegas, I loved the lights, and from my house in Summerlin I could see the Strip. I learned allot about Las Vegas, studied the history of the casinos and gambling halls. I also know so dirty secrets of Vegas. That's how I had chosen my username, at the time it was Vegas_Illuminati and I used that moniker on several boards. I dropped the Vegas part when I signed up here, that was 7 years ago so I don't remember why. Also, I choose to constantly learn, read and study, which is hard for me since my vision isn't that great. I have a 22' monitor and that helps quite a bit, but University Books are a pain. I just got a Kindle, so I am looking forward to using that .

There is no Skull & Bones or Masonic mystery to my name.
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I see, no problem, I'll back off the illumination references. I do admire people who try to learn more about "stuff" and enjoy some of the references you throw out there.

Ferd, I know what you mean. I have learned a lot from guys like Wayne, TerryRay, you, and several others here that have a more conservative outlook than I do. I definitely have a greater appreciation of the financial side of things, of business and politics, etc. I have to say, the guy that tests me the most and makes me question my thinking is probably Weasel, who really makes a lot of sense in practical ways, although we rarely see things the same. I honestly don't have a good answer for many of the rambling dissertations he throws out there. I've been criticized for ranting on Wayne all the time by one person here, and it's mainly because he tests me and frustrates me at times, and I know his heart is in the right place in these discussions. It's just very small, most of the time... :tongue

At any rate, just wanted to say that stuff again. This is kind of a sick hobby of mine, and I love the give and take when it's above board and thoughtful (one way or the other). But, not everyone loves language and words like I do, and I should remember that and shut my fingers up more often.


Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
I see, no problem, I'll back off the illumination references. I do admire people who try to learn more about "stuff" and enjoy some of the references you throw out there.

Ferd, I know what you mean. I have learned a lot from guys like Wayne, TerryRay, you, and several others here that have a more conservative outlook than I do. I definitely have a greater appreciation of the financial side of things, of business and politics, etc. I have to say, the guy that tests me the most and makes me question my thinking is probably Weasel, who really makes a lot of sense in practical ways, although we rarely see things the same. I honestly don't have a good answer for many of the rambling dissertations he throws out there. I've been criticized for ranting on Wayne all the time by one person here, and it's mainly because he tests me and frustrates me at times, and I know his heart is in the right place in these discussions. It's just very small, most of the time... :tongue

At any rate, just wanted to say that stuff again. This is kind of a sick hobby of mine, and I love the give and take when it's above board and thoughtful (one way or the other). But, not everyone loves language and words like I do, and I should remember that and shut my fingers up more often.

It doesn't bother me


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
It doesn't bother me
Yeah, but does THIS bother you?

<object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Dude, we get it. You want us to read every story on the Infowars website, and follow Alex Jones without question.

I think it was made pretty clear about a week or so ago that people here don't want to have to wade through a bunch of links to other sites, all with the same kinds of ideas. I ripped into Raymond, Skully, and Hedge for it, and now it's gone off the deep end again.

Again, it's not my forum, and I'm not the police (good thing, because you'd probably shoot me with your AK...), but these incessant anti-government and conspiracy links to the same sites just clutter up any kind of conversations here. Maybe a couple a day, or something? I know this will tick you off, but it's just getting ridiculous.

I am anti-government, but damn he clutters up the forum and other forums as well. Chadman, I agree with you, he should put all his shit in one thread, I backed off when the police came after me. ;)