Illuminati: Give it a rest...

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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
I am anti-government, but damn he clutters up the forum and other forums as well. Chadman, I agree with you, he should put all his shit in one thread, I backed off when the police came after me. ;)

They should have kept you locked up. Make your jokes about the cops, I don't know about the town you live in? But the guys that work for me have been pulled over 3 times in 6 months for DWM (Driving while Mexican). I see the police harassment all the time.

I didn't realize posting the sports info was such a problem? If it was Jack would have told me to quit it.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
They should have kept you locked up. Make your jokes about the cops, I don't know about the town you live in? But the guys that work for me have been pulled over 3 times in 6 months for DWM (Driving while Mexican). I see the police harassment all the time.

I didn't realize posting the sports info was such a problem? If it was Jack would have told me to quit it.

have you actually picked a game? I just skip your posts in baseball forum, so no big deal, just saying...

I was talking about the cops around here:SIB
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Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Dude, we get it. You want us to read every story on the Infowars website, and follow Alex Jones without question.

I think it was made pretty clear about a week or so ago that people here don't want to have to wade through a bunch of links to other sites, all with the same kinds of ideas. I ripped into Raymond, Skully, and Hedge for it, and now it's gone off the deep end again.

Again, it's not my forum, and I'm not the police (good thing, because you'd probably shoot me with your AK...), but these incessant anti-government and conspiracy links to the same sites just clutter up any kind of conversations here. Maybe a couple a day, or something? I know this will tick you off, but it's just getting ridiculous.

Chad, it's a good thing you're a member since 2000, otherwise Jack would probably throw your CRYING ASS to the curb, are you this controlling at home? GEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!


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