I'm tired of the left trying to prop up Clinton's legacy...


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
The great state of Ky decided to adpopt many of Mrs Clinton provisions in her health care reform plan after it was nixed nationally.
Heres a few we adopted
unlimited benefits on aids

same cost regardless of health

if your a resident for 6 months you can get standard rates regardless of health.

Needless to say every insurance carrier in the state pulled out except 3.We had influx of people moving in from san fran,d.c. ect
and It was complete chaos and after it was all repealed we have not yet recovered.

I don't think government can run anything efficiently.like Thomas Jefferson said. "A goverment that rules the best rules the least"
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Nov 4, 2000
DTB Sounds like welfare programs. The smart ones travel from state to state where they can get best deal. When law is changed there off to next stop. Sound like your health plan had to short of time 6 months is nothing. Should have been 2 years waiting period for new folks. They could carry there own till that point. Then fazed in over the 3rd year.
It's going to take the insurance companies and the government working together to solve it.


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Nov 9, 2000
Djv,What you said about welfare happened in NYC.They had very liberal rules for eligibility when they first started & people from all over the country came & claimed that they were NY residents.Needless to say it really got out of control.


I don't agree with the abuse of the welfare system, as you're describing it. But it's hard to make things fool proof because you will always be fighting against those that don't have enough morals and want to get by with something that is not illegal, but at the same time, lacks morals.

But don't just blaim the liberals and the welfare, because the conservative business owners that want to cheat the system take advantage of the outrageous bankruptcy laws, too! Those are as big schmucks as anyone, who rip people off (and sometimes do so illegally) and then move to Florida where they can keep the mansion and fancy cars while they're bankrupt.

It's a tough question to answer, but not matter what who you're trying to please and no matter how great the program is, there are always people trying to find a free lunch.

Equity Trader

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Jan 21, 2000
About Welfare

About Welfare

This is an area where the need is not connected or affiliated to any party,but a matter what is the right program......The need for some will always be an important role in a civilized society.

Prior to the reformation of the current welfare system,which pretty much allowed members to stay on without much oversite and was passed on through their next generation, was the big problem...The previous system certainly didn't give the recipient much insentive to get off and with added abuse, various states even made it more attrative for the nomads to latch on and collect from 2-3 states at one time...

Studies have shown that if and when a recipient does get off the system they will in most cases never have the desire to get back on.It is why this new system that allows an individual to collect for a number of years(not sure how many, 5 years??and have to find work in 2-3..) in a life time and once that is spent will never be able to collect again...They are also in the interim have to make themselves available for job training,which the previous system had,but not monitored.

Individual states have their own generous programs that are tied to the federal system since in the end they pay or we through federal taxes....My state,which is mostly Democratic is extremely generous with the system and carried no oversite until the federal law came in under Clinton with strong Republican backing and was the model I believe from Michigan...The county that I live in is mostly rural and borders 3 states and is or was subject to people collecting from all 3 states without a background check.This is what was wrong and maybe now it will settle down,but abuse will always find it's way into the cracks.never fails.

With a free market society where jobs disappear, a helping hand is the right course of action...Finding work should be the most important element in reducing welfare and have that person feel the need of worth....It is this that well reduce the abuse and give the individual the self-respect and give the rest of us peace of mind and lower taxes.....

Yeah right,heard that before.....

Have a good day...



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Nov 4, 2000
When some jobs pay only the fed minium. Some of these mothers if they can not get free baby sitting from there own mother. Or there husband works differant shift so one can always be home. They don't make enough to pay for child care so they stay home on welfare. They need schooling to find a better paying job. Trick is to get them to school.
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