Clem As both are candidates for commander and chief and considering the debate on differnet stances on each is unknown at this time----answer this question.
In comparisons of the their statements and stances Which of the two do you think
A. has positve or negative influence on troup morale
B has positvie or negative influence on Iraq's that are on the fence
C Has postive or negative influence on the terrorist.
Think about it??????????---then tell me who you think the military-Iraqi's and terrorist are pulling for in Nov.
Seems Kerry finally had news conference and most questions from reporters was on his flip-floping on Iraq issues --which he tried to spin that he has not-----
you tell me---
"Iraq, however, has been the source of the most damaging charges of equivocation and wind-shifting against Kerry. The Massachusetts senator voted for the Iraq war in October 2002, but a year later voted against Bush's request for $87 billion for military and reconstruction spending in Iraq and Afghanistan (news - web sites). The latter vote came when former Vermont governor Howard Dean (news - web sites)'s antiwar candidacy was ascendant. The vote may have been wise politics at the time, but came with a high price -- lending an aura of plausibility to the subsequent charges by Bush that Kerry is motivated by opportunism.
Kerry's statements have compounded the damage. In September 2003, he said at a Democratic debate, "We should not send more American troops" to Iraq. "That would be the worst thing." In April, he said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that "if it requires more troops . . . that's what you have to do." In August, he told ABC's "This Week" that if elected, "I will have significant, enormous reduction in the level of troops." This week, he said that, as president, he would not have launched an invasion if he had known that there was not clear evidence of weapons of mass destruction or ties to al Qaeda, though last month he said, knowing these things, he still would have voted to give Bush congressional authority to wage the Iraq war.