Iraq says may agree to timetable for U.S. withdrawal


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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
i`m wondering if obama really will ignore the generals on the ground and just make an arbitrary decision to appease the extreme left of the democratic party throwing iraq into chaos....

i`m beginning to think not....

GW, he is obviously a Muslim intent on destroying this nation. Please stay on point.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
i`m wondering if obama really will ignore the generals on the ground and just make an arbitrary decision to appease the extreme left of the democratic party throwing iraq into chaos....

i`m beginning to think not....

i don't believe he was ever going to bring the troops home as soon as he initially said. he just said it as a political move to appease the people on the left. now he'll say when he comes back from iraq that the generals told him that it is inadviseable to have an immediate withdrawal..


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
We have hope November is closer. We need to get the war mongers out. And sad to say Mc Cain does not look any differant then Bush. I just shout everytime Liberman gets close to Mc Cain and wispers in his ear. Don't listen. But it looks like were to late. Remember Libya was the next big thing a few years back. We found a way with out putting world in WW III.

Did you get we have hope reference off AQ's website? :)
--and yep Libya was settled soon after they saw the stick vs the carrot in iraq as well as yemen and others.

Believe your also forgetting Iraq statement on victory vs AQ in Iraq---Hmm not so long ago UBL was declaring in the center of AQ war on the West and he'd drive us out--evidently AQ getting the ass kicked means little to some.

Then consider what state of affairs would be--if we had retreated like some suggested--AQ would be reiterating their U.S. is weak mantra instead of running with tail between their legs.

Of course those that suggested retreat would also tell you -- AQ's defeat in Iraq only made them stronger.

Certainly would welcome al-Maliki optomism on situation if only 50% correct.

Would be nice to turn over major efforts to them with only role of U.S. being similiar to that in Kuwait/korea and other places.

Will be interesting to see what develops in their elections this fall and see how many strides they have actual made.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Did you get we have hope reference off AQ's website? :)
--and yep Libya was settled soon after they saw the stick vs the carrot in iraq as well as yemen and others.

Believe your also forgetting Iraq statement on victory vs AQ in Iraq---Hmm not so long ago UBL was declaring in the center of AQ war on the West and he'd drive us out--evidently AQ getting the ass kicked means little to some.

Then consider what state of affairs would be--if we had retreated like some suggested--AQ would be reiterating their U.S. is weak mantra instead of running with tail between their legs.

Of course those that suggested retreat would also tell you -- AQ's defeat in Iraq only made them stronger.

Certainly would welcome al-Maliki optomism on situation if only 50% correct.

Would be nice to turn over major efforts to them with only role of U.S. being similiar to that in Kuwait/korea and other places.

Will be interesting to see what develops in their elections this fall and see how many strides they have actual made.

DOGS, look at the state of our country since going into Iraq. The sooner we get out the better. We can't afford it. No one can afford it and UBL knows it. We played right into his hand. We have the greatest military in the history of the world yet we are reduced to walking around with targets on our backs knocking on doors.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
"Did you get we have hope reference off AQ's website?
--and yep Libya was settled soon after they saw the stick vs the carrot in iraq as well as yemen and others.

Believe your also forgetting Iraq statement on victory vs AQ in Iraq---Hmm not so long ago UBL was declaring in the center of AQ war on the West and he'd drive us out--evidently AQ getting the ass kicked means little to some.

Then consider what state of affairs would be--if we had retreated like some suggested--AQ would be reiterating their U.S. is weak mantra instead of running with tail between their legs.

Of course those that suggested retreat would also tell you -- AQ's defeat in Iraq only made them stronger."

Libya was a big threat before we went into Iraq?


Ok. Whatever you say. I have one question for you. Now that we have "defeated" AQ in Iraq, what was the level of AQ influence in Iraq before we invaded?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
DOGS, look at the state of our country since going into Iraq. The sooner we get out the better. We can't afford it. No one can afford it and UBL knows it. We played right into his hand. We have the greatest military in the history of the world yet we are reduced to walking around with targets on our backs knocking on doors.

stevie I'd be glad to here your theory on how war in iraq has had impact on U.S. other than security issue.

Doubt he (UBL) is remotely liking AQ's position currently--however could change if is theory on viet nam attitude pans out--

If you get time read a few books by the general of North viet Nam V? Nguy?n Gi?p and how they had given up for all practicle purposes until they were given new life--here is general description from wikipedia--look familiar
Main articles: Vietnam War, Tet Offensive, Easter Offensive, and Operation Linebacker II
Vo remained commander in chief of the People's Army of Vietnam throughout the war against the United States. During the conflict he oversaw the expansion of the PAVN from a small self-defense force into a large conventional army, equipped by its communist allies with considerable amounts of relatively sophisticated weaponry, although this did not in general match the weaponry of the Americans. Giap has often been blamed for the massive casualties incurred by NLF and PAVN troops during the Tet Offensive of 1968, and certainly he bore a significant responsibility. Although this attempt to spark a general uprising against the southern government failed militarily, it turned into a significant political victory by convincing the American politicians and public that their commitment to South Vietnam could no longer be open-ended.

Peace talks between representatives from the United States, the Republic of Vietnam, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the NLF began in Paris in January 1969. President Richard M. Nixon, like President Lyndon B. Johnson before him, was convinced that a U.S. withdrawal was necessary, but five years would pass before the last American troops left South Vietnam.

The plan was that the last U.S. troops would withdraw from Vietnam in exchange for a cease-fire and the return of American prisoners held by H?nội. It was also agreed that the governments in North and South Vietnam would remain in power until new elections could be arranged to unite the whole country. Although the Nguyen Hue Offensive during the spring of 1972 was another costly failure, PAVN was able to gain a foothold in territorial South Vietnam from which to launch future offensives.

Although U.S. troops would leave the country, PAVN troops could remain in their positions in the south. In an effort to put pressure on both North and South Vietnam during the negotiations, President Nixon ordered a new series of air raids on H? Nội and Hải Ph?ng. The DRV accepted the terms of the agreement and, on 27 January 1973, Nixon agreed to sign the Paris Peace Accords that had been proposed in October

--following this event we also cut off funds to south vietnamese and they could not defend themselves--result was greatest massecre in history of man kind--guess what--all the whining we heard stateside about 1000's of civilians casuaties became mute over the millions that were massecred in the aftermath as result--they say history repeats itself--lets hope it's south korea and not V.N.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Dogs, very quickly. The debt this Occupation has caused the dollar the drop. Old bin Laden wasn't really going to keep flying planes into buildings until we had no more buildings was he? No, he wanted to sucker us into a war we cannot win and we cannot pay for. And thanks to Bush and guys like you he did it. Even if we "win" today we lost. The greatest military in the world reduced to knocking on dors with a target on it's back. It's a disgrace. Just as Vietnam was a disgrace.
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