Iraq shuts down Al-Jazeera.


Forum Member

"They have been showing a lot of crime and criminals on TV. They transferred a bad picture about Iraq and about Iraqis. They have encouraged the criminals and the gangsters to increase their activities in the country," al-Naqib said.

In a statement, the Interior Ministry added: "Al-Jazeera has accepted to be the mouthpiece of terrorist and criminal groups thus contributing to attempts to impair security and achieve aims of terrorism in spreading terror in the minds of peaceful Iraqi citizens with activities that have nothing to do with acts of violence.

"In so doing, it has contributed to hindering the Iraq reconstruction process by justifying kidnappings and killing of foreigners working here.

"It has also subjected the security, safety and property of citizens as well as government facilities, security and safety of national armed forces to danger."

Wonder how long Michael Moore would last over there?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2003
19th hole
LMAO, we posted at the same time on the same subject, what
are the chances of that? The Iraq people would probably saw
Moores head off given the chance.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I can't say that I blame them but what does it say about democracy actually working over there? Just one of the many reasons Bush never should have gone into that country.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
democracy?.....what about democracy here?.....the dems removed al jazeera`s banner from the podium at their convention....allegedly to put up a john

you mean there was no room for al jazeera?......i wonder why?...

why wouldn`t the dems want to associated with al jazeera?...

of course,i kid...the republicans would have hammered the dems for having that banner on their podium....and rightfully so....

because they are a propaganda machine...that sows hatred and animosity toward the west....people are afraid to go to the market.....innocent merchants trying to go to their jobs to help establish iraq`s infra-structure are kidnapped....they`re having their heads chopped off like they`re animals at the slaughter house...

there`s no democracy in iraq....not yet...not for a long time...if ever....

thanks,in part to al jazeera`s skewed message encouraging hatred,violence and insurgency....

iraq is fighting for it`s very life...i can forgive them for not wanting these radicals shouting fire in a crowded theater....
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Soldiers' Rescue Attempt in Iraq Rebuffed

Soldiers' Rescue Attempt in Iraq Rebuffed

PORTLAND, Ore. - Oregon National Guard soldiers attempted to stop Iraqi jailers from abusing dozens of prisoners, but were ordered to return the prisoners to their abusers and leave, according to a published report.

A soldier spotted a man beating a prisoner June 29 in a courtyard near the Iraqi Interior Ministry, The Oregonian, which had a reporter with the Oregon guardsmen of the 2nd Battalion, 162nd Infantry, reported in Sunday's editions. Members of the unit later saw other prisoners who appeared to have been beaten, and items that could have been used to torture them.

Capt. Jarrell Southall gave the newspaper a written account of the incident and other guardsmen, speaking on condition of anonymity, interviewed in Iraq (news - web sites) echoed his account, the newspaper said.

The U.S. Embassy in Iraq told The Oregonian that the United States raised questions about the June 29 "brutality" with Iraq's interior minister.

The embassy would not say what response was received, but said the soldiers "acted professionally and calmly to ease tensions and defend prisoners who needed help."

The incident occurred after Iraqi officials announced a crackdown on crime and police and security forces arrested about 150 people in a Baghdad neighborhood, the newspaper said.

On June 29, while the Oregon guardsmen were on patrol, a scout positioned in a tall building looked through the telescopic sight on his rifle at the Justice Ministry courtyard.

He saw a man beating a prisoner with a rod or a stick, took photographs and radioed battalion headquarters to report the abuse, said soldiers who spoke with the scout.

The battalion commander, Lt. Col. Daniel Hendrickson, led a group of soldiers to the compound and entered the detention yard unchallenged, according to the account by Southall, of Newark, Calif., who serves with the Oregon Guard.

According to Southall and other soldiers, the guardsmen separated the prisoners from the Iraqi policemen.

"Many of these prisoners had bruises and cuts and belt or hose marks all over," Southall said. "I witnessed prisoners who were barely able to walk."

The Oregon soldiers freed the prisoners, gave them water and administered first aid.

At about that time, U.S. military police arrived and disarmed the Iraqi policemen, according to Southall.

Hendrickson demanded to speak with someone in charge of the policemen, and a well-dressed man told him "there was no prisoner abuse and that everything was under control and they were trying to conduct about 150 investigations as soon as possible," Southall said.

Hendrickson led some of the Oregon guardsmen into a nearby building and found a room containing "even more prisoners, all in the same sad shape as the prisoners found in the outer area," Southall said.

They also found "hoses, broken lamps and chemicals of some variety" which could have been used as torture devices, Southall said.

After Hendrickson radioed for instructions, he was told to return the prisoners to the Iraqi authorities and leave the detention yard.

Neither Hendrickson, a Corvallis police officer, nor others interviewed by The Oregonian would say who gave the order.

Hendrickson referred further questions about the episode to Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Hammond of the 1st Cavalry.

The story of what happened June 29 "needs to be told," Hammond told The Oregonian. But he said that, "because of the nature of this issue, it's being handled at a higher level than me."


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2003
19th hole
I'll tell you where that fat slob is......he hit his lottery off the
ignorant liberals....he's at DisneyLand........


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
unbelievable...iraq isn`t the soft, kushy have to crawl before you can walk...and it`s hard to crawl with al jazeera whipping up it`s own little version of violence and anarchy..

does anyone think that this happens instantaneously?....that bringing democracy,or at least trying to bring law and order and some semblance of civilization to it`s people after 25 years of monstrous oppression is a walk in the park?... .that we have to observe the marquis of queensbry`s rules?...while the radicals are willing to do anything....kill anyone and everyone that disagrees with them?.... if you think that,you are obviously living in la-la land....

don`t try and draw moral equivalency between these fanatics,shooting alleged israeli sympathizers in the west bank at the whim of a guy that calls himself "hitler".....or monsters that are kidnapping innocents because they are attempting to assist in getting the country up and running to help it`s own citizens...

while this "news organization" runs interference for the monsters that want to tear the country apart....

they are terrorists...we are fighting terrorism...

there`s no moral equivalency here...the left has to understand this....

this isn`t an argument between rational opposition...they want to kill me....and you..and anyone that is trying to establish a government,rather than a theocracy in iraq... .they want to tear iraq apart so that they can establish another iran.....


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'm always running the risk of shedding the LIberal label I've earned online, when I say things like this, but:

I totally agree with GardenWeasel:
unbelievable...iraq isn`t the soft, kushy have to crawl before you can walk...and it`s hard to crawl with al jazeera whipping up it`s own little version of violence and anarchy..

does anyone think that this happens instantaneously?....that bringing democracy,or at least trying to bring law and order and some semblance of civilization to it`s people after 25 years of monstrous oppression is a walk in the park?... .that we have to observe the marquis of queensbry`s rules?...while the radicals are willing to do anything....kill anyone and everyone that disagrees with them?.... if you think that,you are obviously living in la-la land....
On the flipside though - it was the Bush administration living in la-la land when they thought they could simply march in and create democracy. We have to do this right - that would probably mean generations of our forces in Iraq. I don't think Bush thought that out well at all.


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May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
I'm all for running Al-Jazeera out of Dodge City. Once order is established (in 2050) we can have freedom of the press in Iraq.


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Jun 18, 2002
I seem to remember the Bush Administration telling us we would be met with flowers and kisses. So I guess they might have thought it would be easy because never told you our soldiers would have targets on their backs and trheir hands tied. Face it "dubya" and Fox sold you a crock of crap.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
finally i see some liberals with some sense...

but then some are blantantly anti-American....anyone who believe Al Jazeera should be operating cannot be supporting the troops over there


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky


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Illegal Immigration at the Southern Border?Not Just Hispanics, Anymore.

(?U.S. seizes 77 Mideastern aliens in southern Arizona,? World Tribune, 8/2/04;

?Two groups of middle-eastern invaders caught in Cochise county in past six weeks,? Tombstone Tumbleweed, 7/18/04; ?Breaking silence over possible terror threat,? Defense Watch, 7/23/04.)

American border patrol agents arrested 158 illegal aliens in Cochise County, Arizona, on 6/13/04. One agent, who speaks Farsi and Arabic, overheard dozens of detainees speaking Arabic in the back of the detention vehicle. He counted 53 of Middle Eastern rather than Hispanic origin. His superiors told him to keep that information to himself; but he reported it to the local newspaper, the Tombstone Tumbleweed.

Just one week later, on June 21, 2004, another group of illegals were apprehended, including 24 Arabic speaking men. But at least as many or more escaped apprehension and disappeared into the United States.

Border Patrol officials deny that there have been any Middle Eastern illegals among those arrested, but individual arresting officers attest to the accuracy of that ethnic description.

Upon deeper investigation, the Tumbleweed editor learned that since October 1, 2003, Arizona border patrol agents have arrested 5,510 illegals from countries other than Mexico, Central and South America. In addition, the arresting officers noted that all of the Middle Eastern illegals sported identical haircuts and moustaches; and while their clothes were the typical illegal immigrant jeans, baseball caps and jerseys, the Middle Easterners all wore brand new clothes, still spiffy looking and clean (quite the opposite of the usual rather frazzled appearance of illegals).

Connecting the Dots:

We are witness to expanding Islamic terrorist bases in South America, operating with almost no interference from, or in collaboration with, the host countries? governments; thousands of Arab terrorists training in these bases; and credible evidence that hundreds or even thousands of Arabic speaking illegals have been entering the USA through our porous border with Mexico for almost a year. Given the Border Patrol leadership?s refusal to divulge the ethnic or national identities of the 5,510 non-Hispanic detainees, we cannot know how many of these thousands are Arabs.

Why would Middle Eastern terror groups spend untold millions of dollars to set up bases in South America? Certainly to benefit from the drug trade and money-laundering opportunities that lax or corrupt governments afford. Clearly, to attack South American targets (inter alia, Israeli or American embassies, Jewish communities, and/or other institutions that are involved in South American financial, political, or military interaction with the USA). Probably also to facilitate the planning and execution of future terror attacks in South America or abroad.

Why would Arabs enter the United States in such large numbers? At least some of them are likely bona fide terrorists who, once they have eluded the Border Patrol, can connect with established contacts in the American Muslim community and lay the groundwork for future terror attacks within this country. It takes a minimum of five ?support-staff? to launch one terrorist action. How many terror attacks can we expect, now that we know now that hundreds or perhaps thousands of Arab terrorists have entered this country illegally during the past year, and are completely untraceable by law enforcement or military agencies.

Why would hundreds of these Arab terrorists sneak into America illegally via the Mexican border? The credible scenarios are:

1. These Arabs are known terrorists who could not enter in a simpler and more direct fashion, via our legal ports of entry; or?
2. The terror planners and strategists foresee that if our legal ports of entry were suddenly flooded with dozens or hundreds of entrants recognizable as Arabs but bearing legal South American travel documents, our immigration officials might get suspicious.

Thus, to infiltrate very large numbers of terrorists into the United States in anticipation of future massive terror assaults, it would be necessary to create a base for the invaders in neighboring safe areas from which large numbers of terrorists could be transported en masse.


Why do the official spokespersons for the Border Patrol in Arizona refuse to acknowledge what their field force tells us? Surely corroboration by several different guards on different occasions warrants public concern.

Why are Border Patrol guards instructed to keep silent about the presence of Arabs and Iranians among the many thousands of non-Hispanic illegal aliens? Surely this unusual and alarming phenomenon merits the scrutiny of the Border Patrol?s leadership.

Why have no mainstream media outlets publicized this infiltration of terrorists into our country? Surely such a phenomenon is newsworthy.


Once we connect these dots, it becomes obvious that the presence of thousands of Arab terrorists in two separate areas of South America and the illegal entry of hundreds of Arabs via the Mexican border portend massive terror assaults against American and other targets in South America and within this nation.

It does not require much imagination to foresee that the many current Arab terror sleeper cells scattered throughout the USA and Canada today are being re-enforced with the influx of Arab terrorists from South America, an influx of such numbers that normal ports of entry cannot be used.

Can the purpose of this re-enforcement be other than an Arab terrorist plan to mount major attacks on numerous targets throughout North America? Such imaginative terror masterminds as Imad Mughniyyah or Osama bin Laden himself would surely have little difficulty figuring out how to best utilize an untraceable sleeper army of Arab terrorists waiting patiently for the signal to strike at centers of telecommunication, transportation, electric power, and even law enforcement and military bases.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Well Wayne, terrorists attacks immediately before the election can be interpretted another way. If such an event occurred in this country before the elections don't you think that this deep thinking country of ours would re-elect John Wayne reincarnated as opposed to the candidate who most view as softer on terrorism (although not true)?

Like the lies that the right continues to spread that Osama and the boys would love to see Kerry elected, your assertion falls into the same right wing spin catagory. Terrorist attack before the election benefits Bush as well as keeping people in fear by raising terror alerts favors Bush. Republicans are the party of fear and spin. Democrats to a lesser degree.



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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
You have valid point to some degree Edward. I, as you think an attack would benefit Bush,however I do not think the terrorist consider the resolve of americans both left and right. The are relying that the liberal side in america will fold as those did in Euro countries and phillippines ect. I think the make big mistake in thinking most dems are not as patriotic as reps---excluding the far left --there is no diff on patriotism or courage of dems or rebs.
however there are times it takes a catastrofic event to get them to pull together.
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