Is the MVP a joke?


Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Tell me how TWO guys from the same team can finish 1,2 in the voting? This is a joke.

I don't think these guys have any clue as to what MVP stands for. Doesn't it mean, your team would have had no chance without you? So, if that is tha case, how can two guys on one team fit that bill? The Rams are a complete one part gets the team by. They have a tremendous amount of weapons over any other team. The MVP should be a stand alone/stand out player. (Favre comes to mind) Now, Warner and Faulk obviously work in tandem, so how can they be 1,2 in the voting? If their worth is that similar, one can't really be the MVP, can they? MVP means your teams would be far worse without you, so by definition, you could not have TWO MVP's on the same team!

It seems to me, that the voters think along the line of how good the player is, rather than what value he has to his specific team.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
I couldn't disagree more with your point of view. I know you are a diehard GB fan, but let's be a little objective.

How many times does Farve just throw up a wounded duck pass and hopes his receivers get to it before the Defense does.

And after that display of unethical play to give Strahan the sack record was terrible.

IMHO Warner is so much better than Farve at this time, it is not even close.

Warner deserved the MVP as did Faulk. (too bad they didn't share it) They both are head and shoulders above anyone in the league, that's why they finished 1-2 in the voting.

I only hope they get to play each other and settle it on the field. :nono:


Registered User
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Aug 29, 2001
Nepean, ON, Canada
Agree with Ctownguy

Agree with Ctownguy

[QUOTE by YYZ]I don't think these guys have any clue as to what MVP stands for. Doesn't it mean, your team would have had no chance without you?[/QUOTE]

To answer your question, "NO". Nowhere does it state that the MVP must come from a team that would have had no chance without you. Take a look at all previous winners of the award and I'm sure you'll see that the majority of these MVP players come from playoff teams. Take away this MVP from the team and these teams would still be competitive since football is a team sport and no one person can usually make the difference between a team being great and having no chance.


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May 13, 2000
I think Warner deserved it, it's not like Kordell won. True he has several weapons at his expense, but he still has to get the ball to them. He had a higher qb rating than Favre, almost 1000 more passing yds than Favre, more td passes than Favre and his team had the best record in football. If Warner went down and Martin had to QB, the team would have probably fared worse than they did when Faulk missed his 2 games. Favre made an excellent case for mvp, and may have been hurt by Ahman Green's excellent year??? I kinda think McNabb should have gotten more consideration. He doesnt have a top-flight receiver(Thrash 833 yds led team) and Staley was a big disappointment(604 rush yds), yet he threw 25 tds and led them to 11 wins. Favre won his MVP's when he had the likes of Brooks, Freeman, Chumura, Bennett, and Levens. Yes, the MVP usually turns into the "Offensive player of the year" award.


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Oct 10, 2001
Between Green Bay and Iowa City
I would have voted for Favre, his MVP qualifications begin when he takes the field for the umpteenth time in a row, and I am biased.

I expected Warner to win, he is fantastic and very deserving, and he shows his courage by the way he holds that ball until the last possible second before delivering his barage of aerial strikes.

What gives me a problem is playing football in a dome and calling it "The Greatest Show on Earth." That makes me want to puke.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
All three of you, just proved my point....thank you.

You all talk about how Favre didn't do this, or how Warner had better that. The stats are not what make the MVP, fellas!

The MVP is the guy, who if not there, would have had the most adverse affect on his team!

Personally, I think Warner is a hell of a quarterback, but a lot of other qbs could look good, if not great, on that team. Can you say the same about the Packers? I don't think so. Brett does a lot of dumb shit, but in the end, he wins ball games for his team. Having Green all season helped his cause, but there is no way anyone else comes to Green Bay, and does what Favre does.....Including Warner.

Stats have their place, but it is not in the voting of the MVP. The only "stat" that matters, is how the team would do with that player gone.

I guess, like any other item that involves opinion, there will always be backers on both sides of the argument. I respect your views, yet I think you are wrong, guys.

PS....I am not sure that Favre was the guy who should have gotten it, either, as with no Ahman Green, there would have been another story in Green I was not being the "homer". But, I do think he belonged ahead of two guys from the same squad.

Thanks for your time.


Registered User
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May 13, 2000
yyz, now that you said we were wrong in our views, who would you have voted for?? It's only fair that we get to hear your pick. I never said you were wrong for suggesting a guy like Favre, infact I said he made an excellent case for MVP.


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Jan 4, 2001
Owings Mills,MD
A Question for the Kordell Haters:
Why didnt Kordell deserve strong consideration for the award?
If you base it on stats alone, I would agree. However, Kordell does much more for his team. He put up strong stats both throwing and rushing. Plus he was clutch for the Steelers when Bettis went out. That doesnt even take into consideration the leadership that he showed this season. Not many people would have stood behind Kris Brown the way he did.
I think that Warner, Favre, Faulk, and Kordell were by far the top 4 choices for MVP.
As for DNabb, last year maybe, this year definitely not.

Good luck to everyone this weekend!!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
hey yyz.......should Steve Francis win the NBA MVP then? The loss of him by the Rockets is clearly the most detrimental loss any team could suffer.......Rockets would be the worst team in NBA histroy without him and with him (for a full season) they are playoff maybes...........


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!

I honestly don't feel that there was a clear cut choice. Stewert could not get his team in the endzone enough for me to give him the nod. I guess you ask your qb to get you in the endzone, right? Pitt was in too many close games to meet that criteria.

Favre? He pissed two of those 4 loses away, but i think he "bought em back" with more wins.

Warner has too many weapons to go to. I guess Marshall would get my nod over Kurt on the Rams, because he was used out of the backfield as an option, thus, he had more value.

I guess I can't pick the guy who deserves it.

My only point was, how can the 1 and 2 vote getters be on the same team? How valuable can you be, if the next most valuable guy is standing right next to you? It would seem to me, that in your absence, he would pick up the slack!


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Nov 14, 2001
oakland, CA , USA
Any feeling about Garcia of the Niners. They would not have won a place in the play-offs if not for him. He should have gotten a bit more consideration.


eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
I agree with everyone's input on the MVP, but numbers are the #1 factor when determining the man and Warners and Faulks #'s speak for themselves. I haven't looked, but Warners #'s should put Favre's to shame.


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Faulk should have gotten it! Warner is so overrated it's sickening. If farve played on that team they would be even better. For god sake Trent Green put up numbers with the Rams!!! I think we saw this year how godawful that fool is. Do not put Warner in Farve's class until he can prove that he can do it without the best weapons in the game, and outside out of that dome. There is a reason he was sacking groceries 5 years ago. I defy any of you to give me another Qb that has ever had the weapons that warner has. Not to mention he plays 10 freaking games inside!!! He is a joke.:thefinger


eat box
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2000
in the muff
Montana....considered one of the best if not the best. Rice and Owens and Craig. Chiefs he couldn't do squat. Old age or not??? many MVP's????


Registered User
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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Rice Montana And owens were never on the same team together at the same time.
However Montana had Rice, Taylor and Craig. If you think that matches up to Faulk, Bruce, tory Halt, Az hakim, on the turf, your crazy!!!!


Registered User
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Oct 30, 1999
I really think that there are a number of QB's in the league that could have come up with better numbers had they been in St Louis. Marshall Faulk won Kurt Warner the MVP. Something wrong with the voting here. Take out Faulk and Warner doesn't come close. Take out Warner and Faulk wins MVP with St Louis being no worse off.


Registered User
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Aug 24, 1999
You fellas disagree b/c your definition of "MVP" is totally different. Taking both definitions, I believe you all are BOTH right. Favre not playing for the Packers would be much more detrimental than if Warner or Faulk happened to leave their respective team. I'm not pickin' a side cuz I honestly do not know WHAT the correct definition of NFL MVP is.....:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:
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