It's a Steeler vs Rams Superbowl!!

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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
This is going to be a great game!! Steelers fans, book your tickets to NO!! I would find it VERY VERY hard to believe that the LUCKY ASS PATSY'S even keep it within 2 td's! Eagles should fight early, but it turns ugly in the 2nd half! I already took the favs:

Pitt -8
Rams -11

I just feel awful for the the Raiders! That was a terrible call and they deserve a trip to Pitt next weekend!


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Sep 2, 2001
Your right is should be a great game. Pittsburgh and St. Louis are clearly the two best teams in football this year. Steelers defense is awesome and should be able to slow down Rams and keep it close. This looks like it will be one of the better Superbowls in a while.


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Feb 23, 2001
rockville, md. 20852
That's right Yoda!!!!

The Force is with the Steelers and I will be with them in NO. I was at the game today, will be there next weekend, and already have some black'n gold beads to give some hot chica who wants to show me her cans!!!!
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Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England
I'm so sick of people using one bad call as an EXCUSE why the Raiders lost the game. The Raiders didn't lose the game because of that call (which incidentally, was CORRECT within the framework of the rulebook). They lost because they couldn't stop the Patriots in OT. They lost because they couldn't score after the 3rd qtr. So quit whining and making up excuses and saying the Raiders got robbed. Every team goes through bad calls if you consider that a bad call. If the Raiders were so much better, they would have overcome it.

BTW, Woodson clearly hit Brady with an illegal blow to the head on that play which wasn't called. That was the same EXACT play that Hamilton was called for hitting Stabler in '76 which sent the Raiders on to the Super Bowl so don't pretend that the Raiders were victims here.



They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Code Red,
I guess my feeling is that there never should have been OT. Yeah, according to the rules, they say it was the right call to make, but that is a rule that has to be looked at. Brady clearly held up after the forward motion and had 2 hands on the ball. You probably didn't see that though, cause you were too busy screaming at your TV about the "illegal blow" to the head.

In effect, if that rule is corrected, as it should be, then the game is over and you don't need to worry about OT.

GL vs the Steelers....I think you might need it.


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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
Dont make me laugh Code Red!!!!! THAT WAS A BS CALL & EVERYONE besides Pats fans knows it!!! Yah, Oakland should have made the first on 3rd & 1, yah AV hit a great FG, yah the Pats got the coinflip.......and yah yah yah yah.....

There was 1:30 seconds on the clock and Brady got SMACKED!!! He had ZERO intention of throwing that ball, the ball was back on the way up AND his other hand touched the ball! The play on the field was correct, overturned and BS!! They should have spent a few extra minutes REALLY examiningthat call. The Producers in the TV truck are telling on air talent that it was a forward pass THAN AFTER ALL AGREED that the last camera angle showed it was a fumble! Where was that angle before? Terrible rule!! I don't feel like going on rant...but guess what....

PATS ARE GETTING WHOOPED by the Steelers so who cares! It is just a shame that the AFC Championship game will have the Pats in it! I would be shocked if they even scored a TD! 27-6 Steelers!!!
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They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Don't you think that Brady would have pleading his case to the ref's after they ruled it a fumble.

He knew he only pump faked and when he fumbled...he simply hung his head....unsnapped his strap and headed for the sidelines.

Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England
You're missing the point. You can't whine and cry about it while at the same time ignoring the fact that Woodson clearly roughed the passer on that play. That in itself would have negated the phantom fumble. If you think the rule is bad well that's your opinion. Think it should be changed? Fine. But change it AFTER the season, not DURING the game!

If you lost money on it, hey, try to make it up later on


Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England

Maybe, maybe not. But if they do lose, it won't be by the score you predicted, although I would love to see you put the house on it.

In any event, the Rams will make the Eagles look like micro-waved cottage cheese. Now THAT is a game that will be ugly!

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They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Code Red said:
You're missing the point. You can't whine and cry about it while at the same time ignoring the fact that Woodson clearly roughed the passer on that play. That in itself would have negated the phantom fumble. If you think the rule is bad well that's your opinion. Think it should be changed? Fine. But change it AFTER the season, not DURING the game!

If you lost money on it, hey, try to make it up later on

No, I'm not missing the point. I understand that the correct call was made according to the rules.

Woodson did not rough the passer. Roughing the passer occurs after the QB has released the ball.

Yes, change it after the season.

No, I pushed on the game

Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England
Roughing the Passer

what constitutes roughing
1)Steps ? two or more steps after the ball is released.

2)Hits to the head.

3)Strikes with forearm blow

4)Uses helmet to inflict punishment


These are the official rules to roughing the passer. Woodson clearly hit Brady in the helmet with his forearm. The ball doesn't have to be released in 2,3 and 4


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Jan 31, 2001
Bethesda, MD
I pushed on the game as well as 90% of all action!

Never put the house on any wager! I 100% agree w/ Smooth...he was dead on!! Brady went RIGHT to the sideline and my guess is he knows better than anyone else. No way close to a roughing call!

Listen, I have NOTHING against the could have been just about any other team! My problem, is that I think off all all the hard work/challenges in a season, and to see a teams season unfold on a terrible call just pisses me off. I don't play heavy so the action isnt the concern. It is robbing a team of being where they deserve to be. Yes, that was one play of many throughout the game, but by far the BIGGEST play of the post season! As Smooth CLEARLY pointed out, the BIGGEST OF ALL FACTORS is Brady walking right to the sideline! He KNEW it was a fumble! Woodson handled it correctly in the post game conference. It was Bulls_ _ _!! How Gruden was soo calm is beyond me!

As a Football fan, Oakland/Steelers would have been an AWESOME game!! Old 70's action back!! This game is going to be lopsided and I hope the public is on teh Brady bandwagon!! If so, and the line goes to 7, I will through another Franklin on the game!!

Code, it was BS and if you werent so biased you would agree!! Think if roles were reversed!!

P.S. The rule WAS CHANGED during the game......and it shouldn't have!!
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They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Code Red said:
Roughing the Passer

what constitutes roughing
1)Steps ? two or more steps after the ball is released.

2)Hits to the head.

3)Strikes with forearm blow

4)Uses helmet to inflict punishment


These are the official rules to roughing the passer. Woodson clearly hit Brady in the helmet with his forearm. The ball doesn't have to be released in 2,3 and 4

You say it was...I say it wasn't. Anyways, Instant replay can not be used to look for penalties. If that was the case, we'd have a replay every play for holding in the trenches.

Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England
I don't know what game you were watching then. Woodson hit Brady in the helmet with his forearm. If you can't see that then I don't know what else to tell you. That's exactly what Ray Hamilton did in '76 and he was called for it, costing the Pats a chance to go to the Super Bowl. Those are the official rules. They weren't changed during the game, as you stated. On all the pre-game shows I saw today they even said that the rule may be bogus, but it was called correctly. If they aren't going to be enforced then let's just have a free-for-all in every game and see who comes out alive.

As far as working hard, well, hey, both teams worked hard to get where they are. The Pats had to work harder because they had less to work with and they lost their starting QB. If you're somehow stating that they deserve it less then you have very limited football knowledge.

And yes, I may be biased, and yes I would have been pissed if the Pats lost like that. But I wouldn't be making excuses for their loss or carrying on about it for days afterward. There is something to be said for moving on and getting over it.



They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
you're cracking me up

you're cracking me up

I never said I didn't see the hit in the head, but the ref's obviously didn't and you can't call a penalty on something you notice on instant replay.

Do you think NE will win outright? If so, I'll make one of those ball cap bets with you.

Gimme PITT even and buy me one of these......

Code Red

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May 21, 2001
New England
Thats not what I am stating Smooth. That's off a site that I got. I'll post the link if you'd like. Personally, I would have thought that everyone here would already know something as basic as that anyway. In your case, a defender could spear a QB at any time, as long as he was still holding the ball. I guarantee, that would draw a flag.

Anyways, Instant replay can not be used to look for penalties.

By this statement alone you are basically stating that you in fact could care less that the game may have been "tainted". More to the point, you are upset that it was "tainted" in the Pats favor.


west coast guru

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May 18, 2001
Say what you want the pats are playing this week. How about the Tampa call that sent the Rams to the superbowl. How about the controversial call that sent tennesse to the superbowl. How about the controversial call that send the pats to the superbowl:D
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They still suck
Forum Member
Feb 2, 2001
Ann Arbor, Ohio
Code Red said:
Thats not what I am stating Smooth. In your case, a defender could spear a QB at any time, as long as he was still holding the ball. I guarantee, that would draw a flag.

By this statement alone you are basically stating that you in fact could care less that the game may have been "tainted". More to the point, you are upset that it was "tainted" in the Pats favor.

The game may have been tainted????? Hell yes it was tainted and not because you think they missed a personal foul call. You're damn right a spear to the back would a flag. That's a little different than when your arm hits his helmet when you're trying the "chop move" to cause a fumble.

Oh, and here's your quote from WCG's thread.......I've watched this guy play all year. Trust me, he WON'T be intimidated by the Steelers.

Belichiks scheme will be the difference maker in this game.

Pats 24-17
so....are we on for the "ball cap bet"? I got the Steelers straight up.

Just you think the correct call was made in Cleveland a coupla weeks ago vs Jax?