This story is comical at best. :142smilie :142smilie
Where do I start??
First off if the site that is carrying the fights doesn't have a US based IP address which most don't then you can subpoena until you are blue in the face and it will not do any good.
Second- Getting an IP address will only prove that you went to the site and doesn't prove you watched the UFC fight as most or all sites do other things(Justintv is an example).
Third- If you are that worried about them getting your IP address then guess what, there is this thing called a Proxy Server that will disguise who and where your IP is coming from. They are easy to get and use so just turn on one when watching if you are in fear of this lame attempt.
Directv and Dish Network have hackers stealing the signals for 12+ years now and they did get some of the sites and hackers themselves. They seized records from a few companies and sent letters to people who purchased equipment(such as card programmers) from these companies(I got one). They were threats of legal action and wanted you to reply that you would not hack ever again and pay them like $1200 fine. Problem was it was not certified and everyone said ignore it and it will go away. That was like 6 years ago.
While they can prove you visited the site they can not prove your intent.
I wish them luck in going after all the sites that do this as they are going to need it and they are going to spend tons of money to lawyers to stop something they probably can't.
As for going after the end user.:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
Last time I checked it was not illegal to surf the internet. It would be one thing if I downloaded something on my computer to watch them and they got a warrant to obtain my computer to have hard proof, it is another to just say my IP showed up on that site.
And who is Dana to judge people for ripping off the UFC when he rips off fighters every card.:142smilie