Jerry Springer show


Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
I would love to know how many suicides there has been in the US because of this show. I havent watched a full episode but all the times I have flipped a channel and seen this show all they were doing was humiliating people. Today it was fat people and believe me there will be at least one suicide because of this show. Why as Americans do you allow this show to stay on the air and screw up your children and society. Canada banned it, but thanks to free tradse and other bs we get a channel form California that shows this crap. I cant believe you guys let this crap stay on the air. Its amazing what lowlifes will do for a dollar. America the great. And yes this time I am bashing the US because this show does hurt and affect people. But hey as long as the suicide is not in your family.Reply boys/girls.


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banned in Canada? i didn't know that 'cause we can see that crap on tv everyday my fiend!

Why is is on tv? My guess is that people love trash and reality tv. They love sensationalism and to see what is going on outside of neighbour's bush. It is because there is a demand that it is on tv. That's where we are right now. How low have we been.... (remember now nolan's turtle story...)
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
have you seen European tv,or shows from Great Britain or how about Brazil or Germany.
you are way off on this my friend talk about sex showes and showes that could be deemed poor choices for children, these places have lots more of this then you will ever see in the US.
I am starting to think you have a problem with the us. well tuff shit get over it and worry about things of real life.
hungar,piss poor medaical treatment for 3rd world countries. alot more going on in the world then US tv, and by the way Canada isnot with out its idiots,belive me i was in ft,lauderdale for 6 years,have seen my fair share of jerks from Quebec.
sorry to all my friends from canada this guy is getting on my nerves. if your not racist,you sure speak and rant like it most of the time.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Censorship is a slippery slope, my friend.

Looking at your posts, I see that you have all of the answers when it comes to 'cleaning up' the U.S. :

Ban BET(bad for children), ban Springer(bad for mindless idiots who go onto the show and then get embarrassed)...Censor CNN (don't show so many depressing stories)...make excuses for McVeigh(it was the government who pushed him to mass-murder)....filter immigrants (after all, they represent a high percentage of drug dealers in the under 10 yr group)...treat soldiers as terrorists (????)....ect ect

You blame your racism(your words) on the US media. Wow!! That's a good one. Nothing like thinking for yourself.

You expect a government that you hold in such contempt to hold the hands of American citizens and you trust them to decide what is right for us to watch, and what is wrong. This makes little sense.

I'm not sure that Canada 'banning' Springer is really something to be proud of. That sort of censorship would make me a little nervous and a lot angry. I think that this would be the reaction of anybody who holds dear the notion that *they* can decide what is good/bad , right/wrong and not depend of the government to regulate them to death.

Just my opinion.
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Feb 6, 2001

This goes along with my previous statement that if you dont like the country (assuming you live here to begin with) then get out.

Same goes for TV. If you dont like, dont watch.

[This message has been edited by KotysDad (edited 05-21-2001).]


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl

You were clear enough, but Average Joe mentioned that it was banned in 'Canada' and he took it as a source of pride. Then the resulting frustration that through 'free trade or some BS', Canadians are able to receive it. Boy oh boy.
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Palmetto Pimp

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Feb 12, 2000
Over 50% of the show is set up I think so I dont think as many persons feelings are getting hurt as you think.
Have you seen when they go on the road with the springer cam??? SOOOOOO Set up it is funny as hell. I dont take the show seriously..I dont think anyone should.
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Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
First of all it was banned in Ontario and you can only get it through American cable channels. And I know why it is on tv, my question was why do North Americans allow their kids to watch it. Someone said if you dont like it just turn it off, hello tell your kids they cany watch a show and they will go to their friends home and watch it twice as dont talk like an idiot whoever said that. Blue chip I watched it because I actually couldnt believe what I was seeing. Fletcher I like you but you are old school and I respect you like crazy for being old school so no disrespect to you...You are right about shows in Europe and asia but I dont live and travel outside of North America and the Carib so I cant judge them,they dont affect me. I dont have a problem with Americans in general,I do have a problem with how it is going down the drain on a weekly basis and dont try and tell me it isnt. And Fletch Quebec is more like a mini France than it is a part of Canada,beautiful area but gross ugly ignorant people,the chicks are hot though. Didnt understand your racist comment,elaborate. Kosar I didnt blame my racism on the media. What I was saying was that I dont consider myself a racist in any way, but when you ask people the 3 black men in a alley question most answer a certain way. They may not be racist but the answer is racist. I love and hate people of all nationalities pretty well the same I would say. In general I dont like censorship but when it actually helps a country I dont know how you can frown upon it. Lets just say if a member of your family killed themself because of a Springer show I think you would change your point of view. North Americans are numbed to what happens to other outside of their family. Kotysdad that type of attitude is why the US is declining everyday'well if you dont like it just leave'. Hello kids dont always do what is right,they need all the help and guidance they can get. Dont throw crap in their face and ask them not to smell it. Give me a break. Jaygrave it doesnt affect me in any way but unlike most I actually do care about our continent and what kids have to see and go through on a daily basis. People have killed themselves because of this and other shows like it, am I wrong or does this not look right.Think about it guys dont just blurt out things.


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Nov 4, 2000
Joe, Fletch, has got your number. Your here to try and start trouble. You have not added much to the site but B S. I have a hunch you hate your Mother. I can tell you don't like your self at all. But good luck anyway.


Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
Well DJV it is nice to see you got youyr grade 10 education. Im always amazed by most Americans responses when they are backed into a corner with facts they would rather ignore . I have not added much to the site, it takes an ignoramous to say something so intelligent. Actually read what I write before you open your ass to speak. I have brought up facts about the good ole US with the hopes that a bunch of average everyday men/women could try and actually do something productive with their lives. I am sorry that you dont give a rats ass about your country. It seems all you care about DJV is whether you win your $100 bet, not about mayebe making your country a little better. Pure class,hows the trailor park. Jack I apologize but you are a very smart man and know I am right. When you try and make someone open their eyes when they actually look at life through their ass it upsets them.


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May 21, 2001
Ok, the Springer Show is the source of all juvenile violence and mis-guided kids. You're right, AVG Joe.

It has nothing to do with f%cked up parents that can't even take care of themselves, let alone raise children.

Think about that.



Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
Jay well put. I am not solely blaming the Springer show. But it is a large part of the problem. Today they were making fun of fat people. Doesnt make sense to keep this show on tv where kids can see it.
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Forum Member
May 21, 2001
I do see where you're coming from.

In my honest opinion, it is a useless show.
I'm not bashing anyone that watches it but I see no purpose in it.

I guess it's along the lines of "entertainment" such as the WWF where it is harmless ONLY if you understand where it's coming from and that it's fake and only 'entertainment."

Some people can't realize the difference between real-life and these shows.

That's where the problem lies I believe.



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Originally posted by AverageJoe:
Kosar I didnt blame my racism on the media. What I was saying was that I dont consider myself a racist in any way.

Hmmm. Ok. I guess I was just commenting on your quote from the other thread:

"So why do I sya I am racist. When I look in a newspaper or on tv I see lots of blacks men mostly committing crimes"

Your subsequent blather about '3 men walking on the side of the road' is irrelevant to this point.

BTW- I didn't catch your response to my other points.