Jerry Springer show

Snake Plissken

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Mar 21, 2000
The Island of Manhattan
Average Joe why don't you find a hobbie. You are wasting your time with this crap here. All you are doing is trying to stir shit up. If you want to save the world this is not the place to do it.

Big Daddy

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Apr 30, 2000
Joe, I'm not sure you understand what the Springer show is all about. It is not real. It is totally scripted. It is no different than Pro Wrestling. As a matter of fact, 4 friends of mine from our local independent wrestling league have been on the show recently, along with one of my women bartenders. The Springer people like these kind of people because they know how to stir up an audience, and get the people to either like you or hate you. These people get the script the day of the show, and then basically, go out on stage and put on a 10 minute skit. It is nothing but a spoof on other talk shows, nothing more. Take the show for what it is, a comedy.


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Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
what the heck, i may as well throw my two cents:

joe: i have not read in detail all you have written, but do agree on many issues you bring up. buck power, social decay, yes, it is here and getting worse.

i believe the problem here is that this is mainly a sports forum area, and any time you get into a personal (and not kind words) with an oldtimer here, it is taken as an attack on others who have strong bonds with those you challenge/attack or whatever. you broke the social order of the madjack forum.

it is a noble cause you bring up, how the hell to fix this up? i don't have the answers, but the smart ones i have met do it by thinking/acting positive, hoping, foolishly or not, that it will be contagious and others will follow. i deeply respect that.

i do think you need to find web pages/groups that focus on these themes, where you can get together for strategies on how to fix this up and find a way to get your message across to most of us. i don't believe you will achieve that on this board, judging by the way these threads are going.



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Apr 9, 2001
Tampa, FL
To All that suggested Avg joe hasn't put anything positive on this site: Then just stop replying. Better then telling him to not to post or go away, after all some of the same people was suggesting not to watch the Jerry Show if he didnt like it. Same flavor.

Like kosar said : Censorship is a slippery slope.
Avg Joe, Are you serious? You are bashing US because this show hurt and efect people? It might be a good time start a topic about what you don't like in Canada(If any). I am just curious. I do agree w/ some of your opinion but not this one. Why should they cencor. Personally I would prefer to teach children certain values and then let them decide. Educate them. I don't know how it is in Canada, but here media tries to cover the nipples. SO what if my kid sees a nipple or pubic hair.

Ohh well, nuff said w/ this Jerry BS.


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Jul 16, 1999
lets look at what has been said

"And Fletch Quebec is more like a mini France than it is a part of Canada,beautiful area but gross ugly ignorant people,the chicks are hot though. Didnt understand your racist comment,elaborate."

that kind of comment speaks for itself, I know quite a few people in Quebec and yes they are all smarter and kinder than you!!

In general I dont like censorship but when it actually helps a country I dont know how you can frown upon it.

I would like to know what country it has helped. Russia under Stalin, or Germany under Hitler. If you do not like the show turn it off, teach your kids principles and values. Watch show besides Jerry Springer plenty of alternatives. once you take off one show it just never stops, there are more shows you have on your list, and then comes the books.

Show me a country with wide spread censorship and I will show you a country that is not a democracy.


[This message has been edited by selkirk (edited 05-22-2001).]


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Nov 12, 2000
Quebec PQ, Canada
For once I must agree with kosar here... You heard me.. Well it's not because I don't like the man that I have to disagree with everything he says.

You see there'll always be "weak" people and that will never change. A suicidal person is a suicidal person. Believe me if someone commits suicide because of a Jerry Springer show, then by all means it just shows that the guy/gal was in a really sad and desperate situation '? priori'. It's a rather ridiculous way of thinking.

You have many kinds of tv programs and YOU choose what you watch and what you don't watch. Don't go tell everybody what's good and what's not like you know the answer to all problems. You sound like Steven Richards from "Right To Censor" in the WWF - RTC is having some problem right now maybe you can ask them to recruit you

Anyways.. as we all know, time is very precious for a human.. so instead of sitting there and criticizing a tv program that makes millions of people smile, and that just because you don't like it, do something useful or at least swicth to another channel and have a good time.

Now as for Quebecers...:

And Fletch Quebec is more like a mini France than it is a part of Canada,beautiful area but gross ugly ignorant people,the chicks are hot though.

1837, your english is better than mine; if ever you have some time to waste feel free to ask AverageJoe a couple of basic questions about Quebec's culture and people just to know if he at least knows what he's talking about. He probably just saw a couple of unattractive french-canadian actors on tv and brought this rather 'inductive' conclusion (ask Extrapolator about it
). Pis demandes-y donc qui r?ponde en fran?ais tabarnak. How 'ignorant' would he sound then. As for the chicks I can't deny it - however I hope you're not referring to C?line Dion.

What I was saying was that I dont consider myself a racist in any way.

You take a shot at Quebec people and then you say that. Now that's pretty interesting...

I hope I don't sound too mean here but dam.. I hate it when someone starts to judge a foreign culture.

[This message has been edited by katts (edited 05-22-2001).]


Forum Member
Apr 14, 2001
Selkirk you are either from Quebec or you are an idiot. People in Quebec are smarter and kinder than me, ya most people from Quebec have graduated MIT...And are kinder,oh ya thats true. Man you are a fool,or just an outright liar. Ive been to Quebec around 25 times I would say. Have you. What country has it helped, are you not from Canada. Censorship has helped Canada stay away from turning into the Now USA...thats was a real good point? Moron the US hasnt been an actual Democracy for decades. Katts you have a point, so do you believe in just letting anything happen in the US and let all fend for themselves. If so the US will be owned by China very soon. And I know all about Quebecs history, I truthfully just dont like the people in general. Obviously there are nice people in Quebec but in general they have been losers. Pretty landscapr though alot nicer than Ontario. AND FINALLY FOR THE GUYS THAT COULDNT READ THROUGH THE LINES, I WASNT SAYING I WAS RACIST BECAUSE OF THE MEDIA. I WAS POINTING OUT THAT THE MEDIA AS A WHOLE IS VERY RACIST. THEY LIKE TO PUT MORE BLACK CRIMES IN THE HEADLINES THAN THE NON BLACK CRIMES. I WAS ALSO TRYING TO SAY THAT MOST NON BLACKS ANSWER THE 3 BLACK MEN IN THE ALLEY QUESTION THE SAME WAY AND THAT IT WAS BECAUSE OUR MEDIA PORTRAYS BLACKS IN TERRIBLE WAY COMPARED TO ALL NON BLACKS. HOPEFULLY YOU GUYS DONT NEED TO BE SPOON FED AGAIN.


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Jul 16, 1999
Selkirk you are either from Quebec or you are an idiot. People in Quebec are smarter and kinder than me, ya most people from Quebec have graduated MIT...And are kinder,oh ya thats true. Man you are a fool,or just an outright liar. Ive been to Quebec around 25 times I would say. Have you. What country has it helped, are you not from Canada. Censorship has helped Canada stay away from turning into the Now USA...thats was a real good point? Moron the US hasnt been an actual Democracy for decades.

1.I am not from Quebec so I guess I am an idiot.
2. MIT must be proud of you.
3. Quebec been there four times and loved each time sorry you have not.
4. In the USA you can watch Jerry Springer you can read different magazines you can be involved in the political process, that is democracy. You can spout off your insults at will, freedom of speech. Go to China and put sign up that the Chineese government is corrupt, see how long it takes for you to be arrested and kicked out of the country. that is what is a democracy, you can join any party and try to elected.

5. Canada has the CRTC how many shows get censored. start listing them for me.

finally I will just avoid you, like the trash on the side of the road.


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Jul 13, 1999

go find another forum to disrupt, loser!

we don't need your insults around here. i put up with your crap long enough.


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Before this thread gets closed, I wanted to retract my original support of George Carlin's philosophy and throw my support to Pepin's way of thinking when he said,

"...i don't have the answers, but the smart ones i have met do it by thinking/acting positive, hoping, foolishly or not, that it will be contagious and others will follow. i deeply respect that."

Pep, IMO, that's worth a lot more than "two cents."


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Oh boy average joe you are going on a slippery road... Katts, i don't think my english is better than yours nor my speaking but i'm sure he understood your point. I agree completely with selrik and again, ave..joe you are attacking people who are having lots of credibility down here and that piss me off!!!

You wrote you know quebec history...let me laugh... I'm an history teacher and a former criminal lawyer so if you want to talk about it.. fine! Well, forget it, i'm an idiot gross ignorant guy from Quebec (as you wrote about us hum?). Don't know what is your problem but i won't spend any more time replying to you.. It doesn't worth my time...

Jack you can close this thread if you want. I thought people were enough intelligent to not judge a collectivity by a few numbers but hey, it is like this that racism and misconception starts no?

Case closed!


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Aug 24, 1999
I now realize that your comments were one big joke cuz Canada doesn't have televisions yet!!

No offense JOe, but I believe you're just looking for an arguement. If ya want to rustle someone's feathers, then take it some place else.


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Nov 4, 2000
Then there was poor old DJV. And you kicked his ass real good. Old and slow I may be. But wiser then a brick like you. Never trust me if we ever have the pleasure. I have had many smart folks blow smoke up my ass. You arn't one of them. In fact I see a couple of our good friends here, well they did'nt even bother with you. It's a goodthing. You would have looked like a bigger fool then you are. Smart you are not. Attack is your game. Well stick it to me. But remember look in the mirror and have one on me.


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Aug 24, 1999
Tell ya what Joseph, instead of focusing your efforts on the good ole USA, why don't you focus your attention on the country from which you reside? If ya somehow don't know of your country's existing problems; I'll point a few out to ya...


Been described as a breeding ground for whores and pimps. It's a well known fact that if you're in the mood to drop yer load, look no farther than the great confines of Toronto...

Environmentair pollution and resulting acid rain severely affecting lakes and damaging forests; metal smelting, coal-burning utilities, and vehicle emissions impacting on agricultural and forest productivity; ocean waters becoming contaminated due to agricultural, industrial, mining, and forestry activities


Ever wonder why most doctors in Canada head South to start a profitable career??

Infant mortality rate

5.08 deaths/1,000 live births (2000 est.)


Out of roughly 31 million people, only 50% of Canadians have a telephone...

Illicit drugs

illicit producer of cannabis for the domestic drug market; use of hydroponics technology permits growers to plant large quantities of high-quality marijuana indoors; growing role as a transit point for heroin and cocaine entering the US market

I could go on and on....

[This message has been edited by Neemer (edited 05-22-2001).]


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Well, well I see we have another clown trying to stir up trouble here at Madjack's. Lucky for this piece of crap my computer has been down for a week or so, or I woulda tore this piece of shit a new one but quick.
I am assuming by Jack's post that he has set this loser back to whatever rock he crawled out from under-- but just in case he still has posting privledges-- take a swing at me, you racist punk. You are just living proof that no one country has a lock on stupidity or ignorance.
The only thing that makes me mad is that I will probably never get the chance to meet this pussy face to face.


Forum Member
Jul 5, 2000
And I was about to say "Where the hell is Redsfann??" He needs to be in on this one!

As one who has lived (resided for a lengthy time) in 4 different countries, though only in the western hemisphere, and travelled ostensibly to over a dozen, I can see SOME point in what the jerk says. But believe me, that chit and attitude i've seen in every single culture I've known. The guy's a loser and trouble-maker in Canada, the good ole USofA, Singapore, Surinam or the bayou's of southeast Louisiana (lagniappe there).

Nothing is perfect, dude, that's why we keep working at it, generation after generation (and, no, I do not own a gun

Bye, average.
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