Yeah, Warren Buffet. There is a blowhard if I have ever seen one. (Along with Biden)
That guy sure didn't voluntarily pay taxes while he was making money and getting rich.
Yet another hypocrite.
Sure, if I had billions I wouldn't care if other people who were trying to get them and their families' ahead got taxed either. Take it from Warren.
So, Buffett is a blowhard who didn't voluntarily pay taxes while making money and getting rich. Priceless. If he spoke about lower taxes and keeping more of his billions, I can only assume you would call him a hard worker and a willing taxpayer. He's a hypocrite, huh? Because, why, exactly? He's probably done more and paid more taxes with his business and his personal accounts than 99.9% of the people that you call hard working and successful.
In my opinion, it is a form of patriotism when you, as a millionaire - or just a regular Joe, say that you don't mind paying what you pay, because you have a good life and live in a great country where the common good is helped along by as many people as possible. I can understand the frustration of many - I share that at times - who think their money is not well spent. My personal biggest complaint is that 1/3 of my tax money goes to paying down the national debt - which does absolutely nothing good for anyone except the debt holder, which many times is another country, and sometimes is a direct threat to our way of life.
I think it's pretty hard to qualify what people would do if they kept most of their money. I would think that very few would willingly spend it on large scale group things that make our lives livable, and prosperous, even. People sure keep re-electing representatives that continue to ask for federal money for projects and things in their own territories, rewarding them for the very thing that they complain about on a national scale. THAT, to me, is hypocritical. As long as my street, my town, my state is taken care of, cool. But cut those other things out, that would be good.
Great question asked early on in this thread - how much is a fair amount to pay in tax? I've asked this time and time again in this forum - and no conservatives will say an amount. They just say they should pay less. Easy position to take. And I also ask would they be willing to take an across the board cut in all programs - or most of them at least - until we can balance our books. Have not seen any conservative say yes to that. And they preach about personal responsibility, and only want other things cut that they personally don't like. Why? Mainly because they don't think it benefits them, or the country because of the view they have of it.
Many ways to make and keep a strong country. We've had this system, more or less, for a long time, and we have a great country. What's going on today is pretty scary, but all in all, what we've been doing and paying for years now has worked pretty well.