John Kerry for President

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
hybrid cars are being sold because the consumer demands them....not because the government told people to buy them or make them

i agree fuel standards are good...if we have the techonology to make things clearner, then lets do it....but you cant force that technology....

its almost as ridiculous as telling people that Alzheimers and other diseases will be cured magically with stem cells....dont get me started on that but these ridiculous propositions that sound good dont necessarily have weight to stand on


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
how much should rich people be taxed then?

the top 5% pay 50% of the burden
I'm only suggesting that the recent tax cut be eliminated. This is not an increse over where we were when Bush took office. The Kerry proposal is to to do nothing more than return the tax levels to where they were before the cuts on people making over $200,000. Isn't this a reasonable way to make huge cuts in our deficit?

I'm with you for the most part on your other points. The US fell behind in hybrid technology - and now we're paying for it. The government does a lot of things to keep a standard that most people don't really feel are an infringement. We need to do these things for quality of life. I believe some kind of fuel efficiency standards and government involved research makes perfect sense at this point.

Regarding something like stem cell research - I certainly dont suggest there will be magical cures. But it makes no sense to me to restrict research because of what is essentially a religious belief.

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
Kerry Pro choice stance is not important to me but I do not wish to see the constitution ammended on roe v wade. Should Bush win and two to three justices die or retire, It is in jeopardy.

I also don't want a constitutional ammendment barring gay marriage. Can you believe it me and dick Cheney agree on something.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
smurphy said:
Regarding something like stem cell research - I certainly dont suggest there will be magical cures. But it makes no sense to me to restrict research because of what is essentially a religious belief.

lots of the sexiness has disappeard from stem cell research....doesnt quite work as well as we thought and there is a long way to go

it already is going on to a great degree in this country and privately funded....there are many other much more worthwhile endeavors for the government to fund concerning the genome which they are doing one heck of a job right now at the NIH.....

the stem cell research issue does somewhat overlap the abortion issue and i dont consider it to be an issue of religion.....i have seen many ultrasounds of young babies and also seen many "products of conception" after an abortion and i have one thing to say to the prochoicers: you better not be wrong on this one....and if there is any doubt in your mind that this is definitely not a life, then you should unmask your ignorance by seeing what goes on in an abortion clinic and if you are still 100% certain that you are not taking a life.....God help you.....


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Personally, I can understand both sides of the abortion issue. It obviously is used too often as a form of birth control. I know people that have done this, and it truly does not sit well with me.

I understand the passions on both sides of this issue. It's definitely an area which I have no problem NOT taking a stand on. I honestly don't know where this country should stand on this isuue. My ideal solution I suppose that we still have choice - but also have a sense of reponsibility to not use it for birth control. Pretty idealistic.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Speech does not bother me as I have always thought actions speak louder than words--and he didn't do too shabby in debates with Gore.

---and as for as effectiveness how many times do you have to be reminded he occupied 2 countries in bout half the time it took last administration to control small compound in waco texas and if I'm not mistaken with about the same amount of casualties--granted the planning of post occupation of Iraq could have been better.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Speech does not bother me as I have always thought actions speak louder than words--and he didn't do too shabby in debates with Gore.

---and as for as effectiveness how many times do you have to be reminded he occupied 2 countries in bout half the time it took last administration to control small compound in waco texas and if I'm not mistaken with about the same amount of casualties--granted the planning of post occupation of Iraq could have been better.
It's amazing what $120 billion will get you. Afghanistan can hardly be considered a "country". We better have been able to roll through Iraq. But the war isn't OVER. We are reminded daily with a steady flow of casualties. So you consider that to be "effective"?



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Freeze, you are correct about stem cells probably not helping Alzheimer's. However your negative outlook regarding their promising development is incorrect. Believe me I have been on this issuefor obvious reasons over the last decade. Been to Miami Project to cure paralysis 3 times, Cleveland clinic, Detroit and am considering going to Beijing, so I know what I'm talking about. Have also had email correspondence with Kerry, brownback (KS), lott (MS), Hayden (OR), and McCain as they all serverOn the Senate Science Subcommittee. Medical advances would be very promising in ALS, MS, SPINAL CORD INJURY, AND DIABETES almost immediately. Embryos are discarded at a daily pace at IVF CLINICS, morally how can people be for ivf but against stem cell research? Its a moral conflict.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
5 years ago yes it was a great looking deal...and there still is promise....

but things are going to take a lot longer than we thought....

getting information from people who are doing the research is often biased because that is how they get funding...#1 one rule on getting funding is you have to write a good story

and for heavens sakes....dont believe what a politician tells you

the money right now is in the genome and making and delivering molecular based therapies....gppd case in point is the drug "Gleevac" which is kind of a pioneer and most likely primitive in what is to come

big joe

Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 20, 2001
smurphy said:
I'd rather be bored by a President I can trust than on my toes with one wrecklessly sendng us to war and bankrupting the nation.

I'd rather have a President sold out to a ketchup company than one sold out to an oil company.

I'd rather have a snooty New England flip-flopper than a sub 100 IQ downhome Texan with a DUI record.

Clem,,first of all,,what makes you think you know more than Congress and Bush and his administration. You are convinced you know more,,maybe so, but probably not. I can't imagine taking on Powell for one.
I read recently that to attack Bush's IQ is to indirectly boast of your own.
There's plenty of other concrete issues than attack his IQ.
However, if left to debating the issues,,Bush and his administration will look favorable in most.
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