
Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Blitz said:
getting drugs from Canada? wouldn't that cost jobs in this country. Couldn't you call that a form of outsourcing? Isn't Kerry against outsourcing?
I suppose it could be considered that. This is not an area I know well at all - since I have yet to have any medical problems or the need for over-priced prescription drugs.

Is there a good idea proposed by anyone currently - or at least what's Bush's plan? Seems to me the only people benefitting from the overcost currently are insurance company executives. It's not quite the same as outsourcing Dell technical support jobs. Would this form of outsourcing cost anyone outside of some corporate profits that have been inflated due to lack of a truly free-market in this field.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
no local pharmacies are the ones banking big $$ right now....

they can charge as much as they want because everyone demands a co-pay in their insurance policy....thus you pay 10$ for the same drug no matter where you go....the dollar is not there to keep the price down......

therein lies your problem....the citizenry must somehow get back to purchasing insurance plans which do not pay for routine labs/meds/checkups....premiums will go down and insurnace, health care and meds will be more affordable....yeah you might pay 75$ to see the doctor twice a year or whatever but that seems a little better than the 2 grand coming out of your paycheck....

plus individual consumers will be more motivated to learn about their condition so that unneccessary tests will not be ordered and charged to insurance companies....because they will be charged to them......if doc says i need to order these 5 tests you will say...hey wait a minute....why? then you can decide if you want them or not...and if you find your cholesterol levels may be hitting you in the pocketbook....those supersize french fries may not taste so good and the exercise plan may seem the better option.....and America may once again get healthy.....

will this ever happen? no...Americans have been turned into fat, lazy dependent cattle for the most part......and now too many people have their hands in the pot and once those hands are in like insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, lawyers....there is no way to get them out


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Sounds like your idea is the best one yet on this, Dr. Freeze!

Myself, I don't even have insurance. Not that I'm thinking this is a smart idea - it was born out of not being able to afford it when I was starting my business. Now I'd rather put that money in a nest egg that can make interest. If something really big happens - I'm obviously in trouble. But in the meantime, I've saved thousands $$$.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
its a good idea....and if you do get sick you will always be treated at a hospital ER...

and if you get cancer believe it or not there are many oncologists who will gladly pay for your insurance plan.....many are doing this now...they upgrade patient's insurance plans to premium and pay for it all because they make it up and then some with the reimbursements.....

legal? yes......ethical?....probably not....raising health care costs? definitely


Forum Member
Jun 24, 2002
toronto canada
truly educated people have not/will not vote for a monkey like bush.

as a human im ashamed that even one so called person voted for him. and if any do for any other reason than they are strict republicans, then shame on them. and when the us declines even more dont whine to the rest of the world.

i love the us but i cant stand dumb ignorant selfish people. and those are the types that will vote for bush.

say hi to another 9/11 if he gets in.

good luck and thank god i am canadian!!


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
WR is definitaly a joke/phantom account, right? this is too absurd to pay attention to, right?


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Maybe I LOVE WR is a former right wing poster pulling the EAE (Eddie's Alter Ego) routine except doing it backwards. hmmm...


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
I think he's been here a while. I remember him posting for like a week. If I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be), he came in and started stirring some things up in the college hoops forum a couple years ago. He certainly could be a ghost, though.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I will agree on drug issue but it will do squat for health care costs such as rising premiums and costs for medical services which is biggest issue every year.As long as providers cost raise/premiums will raise and as long as continued litigation cost increase that cost will be passed down theline. The paperwork issue is discussed by both sides every election--but never happens.

Improve economy
Create good paying jobs-cut taxes on businesses
Cut middlle class taxes
Here is his record (if you have a day to read it) of every time he voted to raise taxes or against tax cut--would you mind showing us a just 5 times he voted for tax cuts--but you think once he is elected he will change. List of Kerry Tax Votes.pdf

Invest in jobs of tomorrow---They can do nothing on new tech ect. It has and always be--up to privite enterprise.

Make Washington live within a budget. If this isn't hilarious.1st you have the most liberal spender in congress---and what is he going to do if we have another 911-- stay in the budget--what if there is need for military action--do nothing and stay in budget--what if natural disaster hits--fck em and stay in the budget.

Fight on terror
Several elements pointed to making our military stronger--do I really have to post his record on defence spending--surely not.and on diplomacy and alligning allies--which allies beside french and others that have never did anything---and diplomacy--does he want to go back and send aid to N Korea to diplomatically pacify them again.

Free America from Mid East oil. There are 2 ways locate and drill more of our own or invent or improve some form of fuel alternative
that cost less than oil. Which do you think he can or will do?

From my prospective there is squat that either can do on health care--however I give Bush edge for being the 1st to confront litigation despite a congress full of past attorneys.

Improve economy is another issue that neither have substantial say in--however what concerns me is hurting economy like 911 events--so I tie economy and fight on terror as 2 peas in a pod---and while some don't like current operations against terror (and I respect there opinion) I think there have been mistakes in operations but like overall objectives and new alliances with those in Muslim world.
Just my opinion--but as I said before I give both Bush and Kerry little notice on wat they say they intend to do and much more weight on what they have done in past.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
I fail to see how the purchase of prescription medication is outsourcing of jobs to Canada. The medications are produced in the USA. Our wonderful drug companies, with the assistance of BushCo, selll the medications to foreign countries at a fair price while gouging American consumers. Why? Cause we have the money to pay for it and Bush had removed restictions on drug companies. Another victory for corporate America at the expense of the middle class and poor.

Obviously, the wealthy can pay the higher prices. But tell me, what jobs do we lose? Oh yeah, thanks Freeze for your astute insight on how this plan to lower the costs for American consumers while dipping into Lilly's profits is in reality another plot instituted by the trial lawyers in concert with Kerry/Edwards. You are one brilliant dude.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Improve economy is another issue that neither have substantial say in--
Certainly they can choose not to give tax incentives to sorporations that outsource. At least Kerry is proposing ways to help. Bush has done nothing except allow the floodgates to remain open. Time to give someone else a chance.

This is why Senators haven't won since JFK. You have to look at every single item he voted on to fully understand the record. It's so easy and effective to paintbrush a candidate because frankly EVERYONE in the Senate has a questionable record. It's why the Bush family was able to tear apart McCain - and Dole before that. The reality of the Senate involves making compromises and bills that may contain so much garbage - that you'd have to vote against - but there might be that one item included that makes you look bad. Bush had the luxury of never dealing with this - JUST LIKE he had the luxury of not being in Vietnam.

Bottom line - What Kerry promises now - he'd have to live up to at least a good portion of.

does he want to go back and send aid to N Korea to diplomatically pacify them again
What would you propose for N. Korea? We now have committed ourselves to a nation which is a distraction from the war on terror. What resources would we use against N Korea, Iran, or anything else that flares up from this point?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Thats a very good point on senator records Smurph I never considered that--thank you--- but still think Kerrys are extremely on tax issue and defence spending

On N Korea I would continue to do as we are. NK people are defecting in record #'s---even believe military insiders are not happy--I don't think train wreck there few months back was accident.
The tighter the sqeeze the more they rachet jaw and they are doing some heavy duty now.

They did some serious name calling on GW a day or so ago---they sure don'tlike their meal ticket canceled.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
Don't really like either one of the two candidates - wouldn't trust them to watch my dog. However, as to the winner, I think that the guys who know best might just be the bookies. Last time I checked at Olympic, Bush was -130. Those who predict a Kerry landslide should open up an account and get some of that action.


Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
I will give you kerry +200 for play money 100 or 200 nothing big and if you win i will send it no problem if you lose will you send it? I think you will if you take the bet you seem on the up and up, or we could do it a simple as a team shirt or hat up to you all in fun. the money will not hurt me if i lose nor do i think it would hurt you but the hats or shirt might be more fun and cause no harsh feelings, hard to get a nice nhl shirt or hat in vegas.

Good luck if you want take care and let me know. I think the hat or shirt is more in the ture meaing of side things we do here but if you want the cash thing i am open to that . You call

Have a good week



Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
Model of consistency

*President Bush regarding the threat posed by Iraq in 2003:

"Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing."

*President Bush regarding the threat posed by North Korea and Iran in 2004:

"I don't think you give timelines to dictators."

Steady Leadership in a Time of Change.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
the difference is easy to understand.....

on n.korea...if you like having s.korea and japan around,you have to back off....because....n.korea HAS....i repeat,HAS....a nuclear capability......they sail test misslies into the sea of japan occasionally to make their point......

that is why,it was so important to make sure that saddam never built or obtained a nuclear capability....

.if he`d had the capability,as he attempted in "89" to build a nuclear reactor with french and german assistance,he would still be in kuwait,and maybe even saudi arabia you remember,when we extracted him from kuwait,he sent scuds thudding into israel.....if he`d had his reactor and produced nuclear weapons,it may have been nukes landing in israel instead of poorly guided scuds....accomplishing his stated goal of a full fledged arab war with israel.....and maybe ww3...

focking up half the world`s oil supply and economy.....

it can be argued whether saddam had full fledged ties with radical fundamentalists..that can`t be argued about iran.....

if iran produces nuclear reactors with the capability of producing nuclear weapons(why a country as rich in natural oil reserves needs nuclear power is baffling to experts),what`s to keep them from secretly using their shadowy terrorist allies as surrogates to carry out some sort of catastrophic attacks on israel and/or the u.s.?...

could anyone in this country feel safe if these radical fundamentalist acquired a nuclear capapbility?...

possibly sneaking something into one of our ports in a rail car or a container on a merchant`s a fact that it`s logistically impossible to check them all...

we fell asleep on the n.korean situation....the middle east is much more crucial to our security and economy....i doubt that china will allow n. korea to shit in their backyard....

saddam`s track record of invading neighbors,gassing his people,trying to build reactors,ignoring u.n. mandates,refusing to verify destruction of his bio and chemical weapons stockpiles made him a more immediate threat than iran.....

since the europeans tried to block any real action regarding making iraq comply,and the world is once again hating the u.s.,it will be difficult to unilaterally deter iran from producing a nuclear stockpile.....

we know europe and the u.n. will once again sit on their hands....

don`t let your "bush hatred" blind you to how real the peril may be if fundamentalists get some wmd`s...

health care,education,taxes et al won`t mean squat if a portion of the u.s. is uninhabitable for a few decades due to radioactivity....
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