the difference is easy to understand.....
on n.korea...if you like having s.korea and japan around,you have to back off....because....n.korea HAS....i repeat,HAS....a nuclear capability......they sail test misslies into the sea of japan occasionally to make their point......
that is why,it was so important to make sure that saddam never built or obtained a nuclear capability....
.if he`d had the capability,as he attempted in "89" to build a nuclear reactor with french and german assistance,he would still be in kuwait,and maybe even saudi arabia you remember,when we extracted him from kuwait,he sent scuds thudding into israel.....if he`d had his reactor and produced nuclear weapons,it may have been nukes landing in israel instead of poorly guided scuds....accomplishing his stated goal of a full fledged arab war with israel.....and maybe ww3...
focking up half the world`s oil supply and economy.....
it can be argued whether saddam had full fledged ties with radical fundamentalists..that can`t be argued about iran.....
if iran produces nuclear reactors with the capability of producing nuclear weapons(why a country as rich in natural oil reserves needs nuclear power is baffling to experts),what`s to keep them from secretly using their shadowy terrorist allies as surrogates to carry out some sort of catastrophic attacks on israel and/or the u.s.?...
could anyone in this country feel safe if these radical fundamentalist acquired a nuclear capapbility?...
possibly sneaking something into one of our ports in a rail car or a container on a merchant`s a fact that it`s logistically impossible to check them all...
we fell asleep on the n.korean situation....the middle east is much more crucial to our security and economy....i doubt that china will allow n. korea to shit in their backyard....
saddam`s track record of invading neighbors,gassing his people,trying to build reactors,ignoring u.n. mandates,refusing to verify destruction of his bio and chemical weapons stockpiles made him a more immediate threat than iran.....
since the europeans tried to block any real action regarding making iraq comply,and the world is once again hating the u.s.,it will be difficult to unilaterally deter iran from producing a nuclear stockpile.....
we know europe and the u.n. will once again sit on their hands....
don`t let your "bush hatred" blind you to how real the peril may be if fundamentalists get some wmd`s...
health care,education,taxes et al won`t mean squat if a portion of the u.s. is uninhabitable for a few decades due to radioactivity....