John MCcain was smeared by the spokesperson for Swift Boat Vets.


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Nov 4, 2000
Chanman. The problem is he said it out laud. The chit happens in every war. Not everyone is around it, does it, or see's it. In Nam we were a little different breed. It was time for free love and pot smoking. The 60's were just part of a screwed up culture. Early 70's were close to the same. The USA had never seen things like woodstock and hippies. Hey you get all kinds in a none volunteer service.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
More chickens are coming home to roost----:)

"Vet for Truth Says John Deserved a Medal
Speaking of Vietnam Veterans for Truth, one of them, Larry Clayton Lee, says that when John Kerry led three swift boats, including Lee's, into fire from the Viet Cong in February 1969, Kerry deserved a medal, though Lee says he would have preferred Kerry got a bronze rather than a silver star.

But Lee says that since discussing incidents he didn't see first-hand with fellow group members, he now questions Kerry's other medals"


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
c Man, are you saying ears weren't cut off, women weren't raped and children weren't killed?? Because I have had Vietnam veterans tell me to my face about women being raped & children killed. Never heard anything about ears until dogs said something about Korean s doing this in different thread.

Dogs, the guy said he was there & deserved a medal, silver bronze enough already, we are really splitting hairs here no??


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Two way street Shammy. Yes of course atrocities were committed. Were they common place and witnessed by all- F*ck No. Life is a two way street. Look how good we have it here- does that mean there isn't any crime, drugs, graft, etc.?
Kerry was there 4 mos and he's an expert?

You're a good person Shammy. I can live w/Kerry being President- but think you and the others on your side of the fence would have a hard time defending his Administration. Sorry I just don't trust Kerry, (I felt the same way about Clinton-both of them.) If life was fair- To me- McCain would be the real Hero. We all know he is, but we'll talk about Kerry's experiences or how Wubya got into Flight School and so on.

In case you're interested...

If you want to know why Vietnam Veterans hate John Kerry, read this article and look at this picture, which John Kerry put in his book THE NEW SOLDIER.

Lots of links.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
A pic is worth a thousand words---------

Shamrock There were children killed by accident but seriously what morbid SOB would target a child on purpose--and you could buy all the snatch you wanted for a little bit of nothing I could see only the most sadistic raping but you do have those type in service as well as in society in general.

As far as medals I fail to see any that Kerry deserved---but will add as in my 1st post on this issue way back when--the line drawn for officers to receive accomadations were MUCH less than your regular soilder. Usually (the you scratch my back) effect came into play.You had carreer soilders who would benefit from such and your regular GI who just wanted to go home.
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