Two way street Shammy. Yes of course atrocities were committed. Were they common place and witnessed by all-
F*ck No. Life is a two way street. Look how good we have it here- does that mean there isn't any crime, drugs, graft, etc.?
Kerry was there 4 mos and he's an expert?
You're a good person Shammy. I can live w/Kerry being President- but think you and the others on your side of the fence would have a hard time defending his Administration. Sorry I just don't
trust Kerry, (I felt the same way about Clinton-both of them.) If life was fair- To me- McCain would be the real Hero. We all know he is, but we'll talk about Kerry's experiences or how Wubya got into Flight School and so on.
In case you're interested...
If you want to know why Vietnam Veterans hate John Kerry, read this article and look at this picture, which John Kerry put in his book THE NEW SOLDIER.
Lots of links.