John "Orange Glow" Boehner on the Bush Tax Cuts


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Sunday on Meet the Press, for more than 5 minutes, David Gregory tried in vain to
get John "Oompa Loompa" Boehner to answer a simple question... Are the Bush tax
cuts paid for? Boehner refused to answer the question.


Apparently the new Republican mantra is...


So $700 Billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest 2% in this country has no effect
on the Federal Budget?

Now, that's the "Sound of Music" to Republican sock puppets like DTB...

:mj07: :142smilie


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
For those who missed it, the exchange between Gregory and Pumpkinhead regarding
the Bush Tax Cuts occurs about 4 minutes and 30 seconds into the video...

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Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
You have to love this fucker. He wants to have an honest conversation with people about social security. What a cocksucker. Its very simple. You lift the cap on the SSN tax. He wants to raise the retirement age to 70. Fuck him. To be honest, i'm not counting on SSN at all but some people are. This is the GOP at work. Steal from the poor to give to the rich.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
You have to love this fucker. He wants to have an honest conversation with people about social security. What a cocksucker. Its very simple. You lift the cap on the SSN tax. He wants to raise the retirement age to 70. Fuck him. To be honest, i'm not counting on SSN at all but some people are. This is the GOP at work. Steal from the poor to give to the rich.
Exactly Tramp.

God forbid Pumpkinhead's rich cronies be burdened with the exorbitant taxes they paid during the Clinton Administration... :rolleyes:


The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
You look at something like this and then u ask urself how fuking stupid are people. You have people in this country defending sacs of shit like this.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Boehner is the biggest piece of chit I know of

how anyone would trust this asswipe doing anything for the good of the American people is beyond me.

and by the way. He wont.

Wonder what DTBlackgumby would say about this guy ?

The guy is like a brother almost.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
John Boehner is a lazy boozesack, according to hundreds of Republican lawmakers interviewed by Joe Scarborough. [Think Progress/Raw Story]

Read more at Wonkette:
Note his spokesminion said ?Thus far this year, he?s headlined over 230 events?? That doesn?t include the events he just attended. Sounds like the drinks flow freely in the orange one?s office as well to be telling stories like this. How does he fit in the tanning booth time with all the events and isn?t there a danger of spontaneous combustion by introducing that much alcohol into a radiation chamber?

July 1st, 2010 at 10:26 am


it is reported that JB has near end liver disease
due to raging alcoholism

So the liver problem turns him yellowish and the the tanning beds turn him the orange.
Last edited:


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
You look at something like this and then u ask urself how fuking stupid are people. You have people in this country defending sacs of shit like this.
Yup, the Republican way is to keep bringing good news to the rich at the expense of the poor. It's guns vs. children and guess where the money goes. Same as it ever was...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
On the Social Security issue - do you folks realize the intent of the program when it was set up was to provide insurance for people that outlived their normal lifespan?

When it was enacted, the average male life was 58. For females it was 62. They set the age at 65, to help people that lived longer than they thought they would. The whole idea is that people were still responsible for saving for their own retirement - but if they lived years above the average, there was money there to help them as they couldn't anticipate they'd outlive the averages.

It was NEVER meant as an entitlement program, for people to use as a retirement fund.

I am one that does feel the age at which benefits are available should be 70 or 75. It is peoples responsibility to save for their own retirement, not the government.

Problem is, people don't save today like they used to. It is too important to have 2 cars, PS3, cell phones, flat screen TV's, little Johnny in sports every night of the week.

And regarding the tax cuts - EVERYONE should pay the same percentage rate - not have brackets. It's funny, you can't "discriminate" based on any characteristic of a person, but it is ok to discriminate based on how successful/unsuccessful people are. With a flat rate, the "rich" will pay a larger amount of taxes than "poor" in terms of dollar amount - which is fair. Jacking up the percentage rate is not.

The sad thing is, by Obama putting a line in the sand at $250K a year in defining rich, he is really hurting the economics of our country. Most of the house and Senate members are multi-millionaires (John Kerry for example - even Obama is). Raising the tax rate doesn't hurt them much at all.

What it does hurt is the small businesses that make between $250 and $500K. That is the vast majority of the money and where it resides. Maybe it would make more sense to INSTEAD install a few more tax brackets - maybe 50% at $1M, 75% at $5 a year.

Seems like those 2 ideas would really help - still spur small business growth, raise the tax base, and help get Social Security back to what it was meant to be - an insurance type program and not an entitlement program.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
How is it an "entitlement program" if you pay into it your entire working life?

yeh and how is anyone entitled when the US goverment stole the money from SS funds
and never paid it back.

the money could have doubled by now and we would even be talking about it.

its pathetic


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
The sad thing is, by Obama putting a line in the sand at $250K a year in defining rich, he is really hurting the economics of our country. Most of the house and Senate members are multi-millionaires (John Kerry for example - even Obama is). Raising the tax rate doesn't hurt them much at all.

They're part of the wealthiest 2%. If it doesn't hurt them, then it doesn't hurt any of the wealthy ruling class. So then, if your assertion is true... Why do Republicans harp about budget deficits, then oppose the repeal of the Bush Tax Cuts that would generate $700 Billion per year that could be used to cut the budget deficit?

What it does hurt is the small businesses that make between $250 and $500K. That is the vast majority of the money and where it resides. Maybe it would make more sense to INSTEAD install a few more tax brackets - maybe 50% at $1M, 75% at $5 a year.

Most economists and business experts disagree with you. They argue that demand for products and services determines the success of small businesses, not the tax bracket they're in.
See above.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
On the Social Security issue - do you folks realize the intent of the program when it was set up was to provide insurance for people that outlived their normal lifespan?

When it was enacted, the average male life was 58. For females it was 62. They set the age at 65, to help people that lived longer than they thought they would. The whole idea is that people were still responsible for saving for their own retirement - but if they lived years above the average, there was money there to help them as they couldn't anticipate they'd outlive the averages.

It was NEVER meant as an entitlement program, for people to use as a retirement fund.

I am one that does feel the age at which benefits are available should be 70 or 75. It is peoples responsibility to save for their own retirement, not the government.

Simply unbelievable. Why don't you bend over and let the government fuck you in the ass some more? I'm sick of this bullshit I read everyday on here. Its fucking sad.

No one gives a fuck what you think. The bottom line is the government has taken money that was to provide benefits for people after retirement and used to fight wars. Now they want to fuck the middle class over some more. Its fucking sad how these middle class or poor people actually can see the good in this. What a fucking joke. Really.

I just don't know what to say anymore. :facepalm:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
How is it an "entitlement program" if you pay into it your entire working life?

It's an entitlement program because the formula used to derive your benefit amount is not strongly linked to your contributions. Benefits are maxed (with some individuals who should get a much larger benefit, but that money is "reapportioned" to those people who are guaranteed a minimum benefit.

Check for formula sometime - it is just another way to redistribute income.

But I still believe that the retirement age should be raised signficantly, so it functions as it's original purpose.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 26, 2002
How is it an "entitlement program" if you pay into it your entire working life?

The very definition of an "entitlement program" is Social Security.

Wikipedia: An entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits based on established rights or by legislation. A "right" is itself an entitlement associated with a moral or social principle, such that an "entitlement" is a provision made in accordance with legal framework of a society. Typically, entitlements are laws based on concepts of principle ("rights") which are themselves based in concepts of social equality or enfranchisement.

In a casual sense, the term "entitlement" refers to a notion or belief that one (or oneself) is deserving of some particular reward or benefit [1]?if given without deeper legal or principled cause, the term is often given with pejorative connotation (e.g. a "sense of entitlement").

And just in case you wanted to know what some of the other "entitlement programs" are:

The most important examples of entitlement programs at the federal level in the United States would include Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, most Veterans' Administration programs, federal employee and military retirement plans, unemployment compensation, food stamps, and agricultural price support programs.

Also, you may not know that there is absolutely no legal guarantee that you will receive one single penny of the money that is taken from you. No guarantee at all. The congress can vote tomorrow to end the system and keep every dollar that has been paid in Social Security taxes. There would be nothing you could do about it. Nothing except, that is, to vote against the jerk(s) who stole your money. All your local politician would have to do is come up with a little pork for the district or state and all would be forgiven.
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