Summerall is getting into his Harry Carey years.
I am convinced Summerall has a visual problem. I liked the part when he started yelling "The ball's loose! The ball's loose!", meanwhile the official is clearly signaling the player was down, not that it wasn't obvious anyway. I think he was better back when he was boozing.
My girlfriend doesn't watch much football, and before Sunday's game, she walked through the room while Madden was on the screen talking with the sound off.
She paused and said, "What a strange looking... creature."
I'd never thought of it that way, but Madden is indeed a strange looking creature.
It gets worse from here on in too. In the championship games and Super Bowls, Madden always has to talk about the "finality" of it all. He says "finality" about a hundred times near the end of these games.
And, he's about to start adopting players that give him stupid sayings in interviews. In the Packers game it was something to the effect that when inside the 20, they'd look for a "touchdown, then spin down". Any time either team was int he red zone, that's all he could talk about.
The worst was a couple of years ago in a game with the Rams or maybe the Packers and they were talking about how they had to take their "shots" at the end zone. So every deep ball Madden called a "shot." He kept emphasizing "shot" as if this was some new cool term. Ugh.
You know who they remind me of? The two old guys in the balcony of The Muppets Show, Statler and Waldorf. But they were funny because they mocked what was going on- Summerall and Madden are only making fools of themselves.
I am convinced Summerall has a visual problem. I liked the part when he started yelling "The ball's loose! The ball's loose!", meanwhile the official is clearly signaling the player was down, not that it wasn't obvious anyway. I think he was better back when he was boozing.
My girlfriend doesn't watch much football, and before Sunday's game, she walked through the room while Madden was on the screen talking with the sound off.
She paused and said, "What a strange looking... creature."
I'd never thought of it that way, but Madden is indeed a strange looking creature.
It gets worse from here on in too. In the championship games and Super Bowls, Madden always has to talk about the "finality" of it all. He says "finality" about a hundred times near the end of these games.
And, he's about to start adopting players that give him stupid sayings in interviews. In the Packers game it was something to the effect that when inside the 20, they'd look for a "touchdown, then spin down". Any time either team was int he red zone, that's all he could talk about.
The worst was a couple of years ago in a game with the Rams or maybe the Packers and they were talking about how they had to take their "shots" at the end zone. So every deep ball Madden called a "shot." He kept emphasizing "shot" as if this was some new cool term. Ugh.
You know who they remind me of? The two old guys in the balcony of The Muppets Show, Statler and Waldorf. But they were funny because they mocked what was going on- Summerall and Madden are only making fools of themselves.
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