Joker doesn't hate the military, he just doesn't like you.
Call him a clever name, tell him God hates him and move the fuck on.
These are life lessons you've known since childhood. As I told you earlier, as long as he knows it bothers you, he'll keep doing it. He'll keep doing it because you keep doing it to him, and don't insult my intelligence by blaming it all on him. I can read and so can everyone else. When you start threads like this you only make it worse for yourself.
Jaek isn't going to ban Joker and he shouldn't. He hasn't done anything wrong other than express his dislike of you. Again, so what. There are several on here that don't like me, they even say mean things sometimes. So what, I do the same shit. The difference is neither they nor I start threads whining about it and that's exactly what this is. When you whine and complain via an Internet forum, people get sick of it very quickly. It's as simple as that, people are sick and tired of this shit.
Again, I have no problem whatsoever with you. We converse outside of madjacks and I think you're a good guy at heart. Stubborn as a fucking mule, but so are lots of people. I know Joker personally and have hung out with him on several occasions, he's as cool a guy as anyone could hope for. I have nothing but good things to say about him. So don't think I'm siding for or against either side.
I'm am trying to help you out, but you've got to help yourself at some point man. Seriously brother, just let this shit go. Your and the forum's life will be much more enjoyable. Trust me.
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