Oh the democrats are not perfect, no doubt, but the republicans are worse, MUCH worse. There was a time that wasn't totally the case. You think Eisenhower could get the funds to build all those highways now? Not with those take my ball and go home freedom caucus losers. No fairness doctrine (remember that?), no net neutrality (and we already have shitty internet compared to other countries). Privatizing public lands/parks. (it was in their convention platform of 2016) Hello uranium in Utah! Hardly any enforcing of anti-trust laws. (Another thing republicans used to do). Here is a quote from Ike way back when, "I have just one purpose...and that is to build up a strong Progressive Republican Party in this country. If the right wing wants a fight, they are going to get it...before I end up, either this Republican Party will reflect progressivism or I won't be with them anymore." It's unfortunate he lost. Is there any Eisenhower/Rockefeller Republicans left anywhere anymore?