just going to say this about Memphis

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Sep 25, 2002
blgstocks said:
UCLA had good defense tonight and much better than i expected out of them. But if you think 1 gangly 7 ft avg center caused Memphis to mis double digit layups you are wrong.
Or if you think the stellar perimeter d caused memphis to go 1 of 16 from 3 you are wrong.
Or if you think Ucla caused Memphis to dribble the ball of their foot every other possession you are wrong.
I give UCLA credit they played very good d. But Memphis had absolutely nothing going for them tonight and every time they built a lil steam someone choked.
I truly believe Oral Roberts would have beaten Memphis by double digits tonight as well.

well said. i had a lot more of my heart in this game than money. very disappointed with the tigers effort. so sad to see every player come unglued at the same time. darius was the only player that played ok. this was easily memphis's worst game of the year. the entire game cannot be blamed on one player because all 11 were bad. i can assure you that joey dorsey picking up 2 fouls with 16min left in the game was the beginning of the end. anyway, the poor ft shooting kept the score close. however, i am sick of hearing about how good ucla's def was. farmar held darius on about every play. if good def is played with the hands all over your opponent than every ucla fan should be upset that they beat ark for the national title several years back. that ark team fouled so much the refs couldn't call them all. it is funny that memphis gets no credit for ucla's poor performance last night, but memphis struggles were do to ucla's def.

there were so many blown layups, shots hanging on the rim,etc. the tigers had a melt down and it may been due to youth. however, there is no good excuse for last night's debacle. that team that played in the memphis' uniforms last night looked nothing like anything i have seen all year.

and yes, coaching was horrible for memphis as well. the fact that shawne willaims never posted once in the first half is a travesty.

lastly, the unforced errors and unforced bad shots can only be blamed on memphis. this effort was an embarrassment to bball in general and i think anyone that had to watch it was disappointed.

forgive me for not giving ucla much credit because i don't think they had to work hard to win. memphis was indescribably awful.

congrats to ucla and their bettors.

on a side note, i typically cheer for the pac ten in the tourney because i never get to see a lot of their games until this time of year.


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Jan 16, 2001
I am still scratching my head wondering how Memphis only lost by 5.......as bad as everything went for them they should have lost by a lot more......

I agree with Elvis that Joey Dorsey not even playing the game was a big factor......even when he came back in he picked up his 3rd foul so quick he was not able to play agressive the rest of the game.

Looking at the stats Memphis out rebounded the Bruins 39-36 and that was without Dorsey playing most of the game but in hoops when the shots are not falling you start pressing and everything looks bad.

Kudos to Ucla and with their defense they have a good shot to win the whole thing. I noticed they held Gonzaga to 29 points in the second half Thursday......so add that to holding Memphis to 21 and 24 points thats almost UNREAL DEFENSE to hold such explosive college teams to such low totals.......

I do wish the foul disparity would have been a little more even.....I dont know how 1 team gets called for 29 fouls while the other only gets 15......especially when the 2 teams are pretty evenly matched.........

Good luck to UCLA the rest of the way ......