Just In Bush Wins

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Mr. C:

I thought that thread was buried. Right? Right. Now lets forget about past indiscretions and statments which can be misconstrued. In other words, let sleeping dogs lie. Actually, when Miami scored that fourth quarter td and field goal, I asked my buddy to pass the flask of Old Somethingorother and took a hit knowing what I had posted. Other than that the game was great.

Do you get the NFL down under? I mean is there some satellite link you can get to watch the games either live or taped. If so, how did Paul Brown Stadium look on tv. The place was rocking. After all, its been several decades (seemingly) since my Bengals were on national tv.

Charlie, we want to control Iraq with a puppet gov. just like Viet Nam. Strike that, we want to control the oil. Stealing it from the Iraqi people to satisfy corporate America. Hell, we all know thats why we are there anyway. You really don't think it was because we wanted to get rid of a bad guy, do you?

Just heard on the radio that 90,000 deaths in Sudan have been attirbuted to the regime in power in that country and related disease caused by there preclusion of aid into Darfur. Shall we invade? Re-shock and re-awe? Where does it end Charlie.

Like you said we can invade Sudan, topple the statute of whatever war lord is running the country, put up an American flag, win the war, replace the flag with a Sudaneese flag and be done with it.

Then we can invade Iran. Then we can invade North Korea. Then we can invade France. Then we can invade Canada. Move over Julius, its the American Empire.



The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
. Actually, when Miami scored that fourth quarter td and field goal, I asked my buddy to pass the flask of Old Somethingorother and took a hit knowing what I had posted.
Do you get the NFL down under?


:142lmao: :142lmao:

Haha! Sorry mate, couldn't resist!
We get the Sunday and Monday Night games live every week, and usual 1 or 2 or the Sunday games aswell live on the dish.

Did you catch up with any of the players while you were there, Ed? I'm sure with your legal expertise you could have sued Carson Palmer for impersonating an NFL QB. ;)


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Deny the facts liberals all you want, it's your M.O....No matter what I type you will always just try to attack it with whining and complaining. I have not heard one positive thing about your candidate yet. I WONDER WHY?????!!! You guys just keep believing all the BS that your party is feeding you. Better yet...check out moveon.org and read all that worthless BS. All of your anti-American unpatriotic efforts WILL NOT MATTER 6 WEEKS FROM NOW. Believe all the liberal news articles. Shoot down anything a republican ever says. Wise Americans know the truth. That's why Kerry is TOAST!!! You guys might as well not even waste your time voting because your candidate is HORRIBLE!!! He has no plan, no agenda, and 8 different positions on Iraq........

Say all you want on this message board, bash the republicans all you want, but just remeber, John Kerry said "knowing what we know now about Iraq I would have taken the same path as the president." You cannot un-say what has been said my friends. The damage is done and Kerry and the democrats are DONE!!!!

LOL No wonder you guys are mad.

Remember...6 more weeks.. :)
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Looks like anyone oher then white males will vote for Kerry. That should tell everyone something. Yes a few woman and maybe 2 or 3 blacks and Mexicans will vote for Bush but thats it. Bush has done, Well not Bush his election team has done agreat job of revisiting the civil war"

Lets look at this in different perspective--Statistically you have 2 elements that will vote 90% for kerry--gays and blacks
70% other minorities and no sevret about the dems trying to get felons votes counted.

Those classes that will statistically vote 70% for Bush
Farmers-military-small business owners

For the 100th time--- which side would flourish without the other and which could not exist.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
First of all pumpkin, when you refer to my party, I am not a democrat. I am a moderate and a centrist and an independent who believes (and for that matter knows) that Bush is by far the worst, most corrupt president these here united States of America has ever known.

Secondly, why do you take disagreement with your ludicrous positions as whining and complaining. I have the smarts not to make that argument in reply to your moronic posts. In other words I can say you whine and complain about Kerry. I don't. I could further say that you are greedy bullies, thugs, neanderthals, murderers, ugly americans and are hastening the destruction of the USA. But I don't.

As indicated earlier at this forum, I vote for the candidate not the party. I believe both parties suck and that in order for a person to get to the position of candidate for president, he or she has to be bought and sold so many times that the become so beholden to special interest groups on both sides. I have indicated that the single most critical issue facing this country is real, effective campaign finance reform to prevent the buying and selling of political office.

Although I disagree that we should have ever invaded another country without sufficent justification, Kerry said he would have handled the war differently. As you so often do, you took Kerrys statement out of context. He would have handled this war differently and provided an exit plan. Your boy is still allowing Americans to be beheaded.

Mr. C. I'm starting to hate you. JK. From what I've seen, I think my boy Carson could develop into a pretty solid NFL quarterback. Big, smart, poised, good arm. The antithesis of Akili. If you keep up your slander towards moi, I may have to come over there to the outback, wear one of those silly wigs, and slap a defamation suit on your g'day ass.

Crocodile DunEddie
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Well DTB early on this country survived because of all the farmers that took care of those soft city folks. The city folks and even the farmers had there slaves. Some still do today or they would not survived. Or at least they think they are there slaves.
The folks that will do the hard Manuel work can survive with out the softies. What is sad how the county is being divided by regions and religion. None of witch makes anything run any better.


Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
The last person Osama bin Laden and the rest of al-Qaida wants in the White House is Sen. John Kerry. Unlike President Bush, Kerry will not be sidetracked in his war on terrorists by waging a war of choice against a country that did not have any connections to Osama bin Laden or al-Qaida before going into war. Bush created opportunities for Osama and al-Qaida when he went to war with Iraq in order to settle a personal grudge against Saddam Hussein. Bush was distracted.

Bush has given Osama a three-year (and counting) reprieve. Bush took his eye off the ball. You can be sure, John Kerry won't make that kind of silly and tragic mistake.


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
First of all pumpkin, when you refer to my party, I am not a democrat.

I thought about raising that point earlier, but thought it was self-evident, since I don't live in the US and all.
Manson, I've never seen anyone get confused about 'politics' and 'party politics' like you do. All this Rah, rah, Bush's OUR man...We'll win....You'll lose... It's not what it's all about, (Not to mention primary school stuff!).

I know little to nothing about Kerry...and yes, he may well be 100% worse than Georgy boy (man is that scary!!)....but that has never been an arguement of mine.
Fact is, (and I don't see how ANYONE can deny it!) that Bush is of average to low intelegence (at best!), and clearly isn't fit to run a chook raffle, let alone the most powerful nation on Earth.

I can assure you 100% Manson, that I am quite capable of forming my own opinions...not relying on what one man/political party tells me to think.
You should try it some time....Just make sure you take off your short skirt and pom-pom's first.....GIMMEE A 'B'......BEEEEEEEE!! :142lmao:

Ed, please forgive me. I would NEVER have mentioned Palmer if I had have known there was still some flicker of Akili in your waking conscience.
And, no wonder no-one takes the American justice system seriously if you guys don't wear silly wigs!! :142lmao: :142lmao:

EDIT: My god!!...That's it!! This is the answer we have all been after for so long!!....
...Make the U.N. wear silly wigs!!! No-one could possibly defy a U.N. resolution then!
Worst thing is, as silly as it would all be, it would still be a step up in credibility for them. :clap:
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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Kdogg21 said:
The last person Osama bin Laden and the rest of al-Qaida wants in the White House is Sen. John Kerry. Unlike President Bush, Kerry will not be sidetracked in his war on terrorists by waging a war of choice against a country that did not have any connections to Osama bin Laden or al-Qaida before going into war. Bush created opportunities for Osama and al-Qaida when he went to war with Iraq in order to settle a personal grudge against Saddam Hussein. Bush was distracted.

Bush has given Osama a three-year (and counting) reprieve. Bush took his eye off the ball. You can be sure, John Kerry won't make that kind of silly and tragic mistake.

I guess since the media doesnt report on Afghanistan we must not be there anymore.....

Good point.

I bet you and John Kerry are full of great ideas on how to catch Bin Laden.

The only thing I can think of is to either Nuke the entire area, mount a full blown offensive on 100,000's of square miles, or work in small groups along with the Pakistanis and new Afghan government to weed these guys out one by one.

Option number 1 and 2 are stupid.

3 appears to be what we are doing.

If you have another option, lets hear it. Otherwise, instead of constantly criticizing and imagining your Utopia that we all strive for, pipe down just a bit.


Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
...and another thing, your right, Kerry may not be the man to get Osama, but Bush sure hasn't done anything about it. He sure caught Saddam, so why cant he catch Osama??? Today was great, Bush says iraq will be fine, than Powell says another thing, than the PM says another thing and than Rumsfeld says another. I'm glad we got such a great team running this whole Iraq situation. Now I hear we are sending more troops over there???? give me a break.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
KDogg.....What did Rumsfeld say I didn't catch that???

......since you're one of the resident liberals who talk a lot of shit in here.....please go read my post regarding Clinton saying there were indeed hiden WMDs in Iraq....I DARE YOU to answer the questions I posted.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"well lets put it this way, did Bush catch the man who killed 3500 of our people???? nope. end of story"

not end of story--IF UBL was responsible for the killing THEN Slick is resposible for 911 when he was offered and he wouldn't take him.

Now would you like to compare terrorist captured/killed ect in this administration vs last administration--I didn't think so--end of story.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
According to my Iranian sources Osama is alive and well living the resort life in Iran traveling freely. We have 0 operatives there and cant touch him. This has been mentioned on MSNBC but guess the white house put pressure on them to stop the info.


Forum Member
Dec 8, 2001
"well lets put it this way, did Bush catch the man who killed 3500 of our people???? nope. end of story"

not end of story--IF UBL was responsible for the killing THEN Slick is resposible for 911 when he was offered and he wouldn't take him.

Now would you like to compare terrorist captured/killed ect in this administration vs last administration--I didn't think so--end of story.

:142lmao: :142lmao: :142lmao:
3 years to catch him, 3 years of nothing

Have they forgotten that Bush and Dick Cheney took us to war in Iraq, telling us, the American people and the U.S. Congress, that they had hard evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq somehow was linked to what happened here on Sept. 11, 2001? We were all told by the Bush administration that Iraq was a ''gathering threat'' to us. Well, the facts are now in, and the results are crystal clear that was simply not true. We were misled.
Which deception has cost us more? CBS may have gotten the story wrong, but its mistake pales in comparison to the huge mistake that Bush made that was an affront to all of us. We are bogged down in a war that was not necessary and we are not safer because Saddam Hussein is no longer in control of Iraq. In fact, a very strong case can be made that we are less safe today because of Bush and Cheney's ''mistake.'' We have lost more than 1,000 American lives, and the number continues to grow. We have had thousands of Americans seriously wounded in Iraq and there is no end in sight.
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