Katrina Contracts go to Halliburton

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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Be truthful Matt-- Do you really find it ironic that I would be against anyone pardoning a 10 most wanted felon for cash?


Surprising? No. Ironic? Yes.

Aren't you on a 'did he/she/they break a law' kick? Was there a law broken here?

Also, do you honestly care that a money launderer is still on the streets?

I thought we went through this about 6 or 7 months ago. Clinton had the second least amount of pardons per year in office in history(tied with Reagan). If his worst transgression is pardoning a money launderer who helped and profited from the the illegal and disgraceful Iran-Contra episode(any comment on this?), then so be it. I would think that the reason you'd be mad that he was pardoned would be because of Iran-Contra, since you surely know how foul that was. Or maybe that was ok to you?

Well, we both know the answer. It just depends who happened to be the president at the time.

Can you imagine what would be said if Iran-Contra happened under a Democrats watch? :mj07:
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Just think if it was the Red Cross or Salvation Army with a credit card. Conservatives would be going nuts.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Why do you care about Al-Jazeera?

---because they quote every errant article of NYT-LA Times and other liberal outlets but say nothing about the retractions--they use liberal agendas to back up their propaganda.

"I thought we went through this about 6 or 7 months ago. Clinton had the second least amount of pardons per year in office in history(tied with Reagan). If his worst transgression is pardoning a money launderer who helped and profited from the the illegal and disgraceful Iran-Contra episode(any comment on this?), then so be it. I would think that the reason you'd be mad that he was pardoned would be because of Iran-Contra, since you surely know how foul that was. Or maybe that was ok to you?"

Were did you get that info--NYT these are just the last 10 presidents---BUT if you want to count #'s of pardons GW has had 34 I believe so far.--and what about out of office last minute pardons--who leads that list?

good try Matt Stevie might jump on that but 2 questions for you.

1st which do you feel is more important the # of pardons or who was pardon.

The bulk of all pardons by former presidents are of political nature.
Question # 2 Who do you think has pardoned more drug felons Clinton or all other presidents combined???? Clinton pardoned 72 drug offenders.

Here are FACTS on Clinton--feel free to put any other president up you think comparable

Pardons by Clinton
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Drugs Offenders Pardon. Was Rush one of them? How about Bush he said he sniffed a little. And who said I did not inhale. Clinton? Dam there all in same bed.


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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm just curious how our government still does business with these unpatriotic companies that have most of their subsidiaries in tax havens.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
negative, there are buy american clauses in many contracts these days. What do you really want man? Halliburton and KBR are american based... and people slam them..
and then the next breath they are saying "why do we use foreign entities?"

and additionally, it is the parent holding corporations that are located offshore and their subsidaries are located within the Continental US. Accenture is a great example of it.

Companies goi offshore so that they can compete in foreign markets due to tax implications of being US Based. Companies have to look out for what is good for them too! Ever wonder why many companies do a LOT of business in washington DC, but will not use DC as their Headquarters but will instead drive 35 miles west and located themselves in Northern Virginia?

Because the labor laws are incredibly "slacker" (employee) friendly in DC and quite the opposite in Virginia. Corporate entities need to watch their own bottom line constantly and not GIVE money away or they will find themselves standing in the free cheese line at the end of the month.
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poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
JCDunkDogs said:
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm just curious how our government still does business with these unpatriotic companies that have most of their subsidiaries in tax havens.

JC, perhaps I was not clear enough in my ramblings about this statement of yours.

The government has severely curtailed their dealings with companies that do this. Many of the major contracts being awarded the past year or two have had "Buy American" clauses imbedded in them. The clauses state that XX percent (normally 60%) of the buiness must be performed in the United States, or with US Labor, or some form of work/supply coming from the united states. They do not make it higher than that percentage number because many times specific technologies or services can only be rendered by foreign entities.

Excellent examples of this would be the re-bidding of the contract to develop and produce the new versions of HMX-1 (the President's helicopters) It was bid between a team led by Northrop Gruman, and a team led by Lockheed Martin. One team had the team composed of mainly foreign companies to lower costs, while the other was made up of largely american corporations but cost a little more. Each had their own unique prototype that was created for it.

It was heavily protested about one team being made up of foreign companies. VERY VERY visible legistation in that the led to a revamping of who got the award and who was involved.

Another example would be the US VISIT contract awarded to Accenture about 1.5 years ago that would track all people coming in and out of the country. Accenture won the award, but because of their headquarters being offshore, the award was pulled back for further investigation and work was put back out under new requirements.

When you take the time to understand how heavily taxed US Corporations are on the international/exporting of their goods and services, you will understand why companies create subsidiaries offshore to compete on an international level. It is called growth.

And many times, when these major contracts are awarded, it is the subsidiaries based internationaly that have the technology in place to do the work, not the headquarters in the states.

Finally, and this is not directed at you specifically JC... but please take the time to understand that many things are much more complex than they appear to be and some sh*tbag journalist spouting off big words like ID/IQ and multi billion dollar sole source contract... federal contracting is EXTREMELY REGULATED. There are sooooooo many regulations in place to push the work to small, disadvantaged, SDVO, VO, 8a, Hub zoned companies that "big business" gets few wins exclusively their own. Halliburton alone has over 100 small business partners that they use to do all the work. DOn't belive all the hype.

in fact, check out fedbizopps.gov and take a look thru there and count how many RFP's are out there that are ONLY for large business.


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I see over 250 ambulances are on order for Iraq. Most for Baghdad. Baghdad a city of over 2 million has 34 ambulance left to handle emergencies. It seems between our little war with them. Then all the suicide bombings they been lost. But what I don't understand is the company building replacements is in Canada. I just hope it to is not part of Hal. They did not say. It's bad enough the work is not being done here.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
maybe bush and cheney did blow -up the levees........

just maybe,the jews really did call in sick on 9/11.......

rumor has it that dick cheney was seen in the area of the goldman/nicole simpson murders...

conspiracy theorists ask,"why didn`t we send air conditioners to the elderly french during last year`s heatwave?"...

interesting....hmmmm :shrug:

or maybe,this is just another example of the most outrageous,contagious pandemic that europe and segments of the radical u.s. left has ever suffered from in the history of modern civilization.....

"""""bush derangement syndrome""""

it originated overseas...and seems to have infected many with compromised immune systems(and mentality)....on both coasts....
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Sep 5, 2002
L.A. Area
To recap: Hope Yen?s AP article calls attention to the fact that the US Government is watching these contracts carefully to catch abuses, based on past track records of Halliburton and others. Marine quite eloquently agrees that there is heavy government watchdog laws in place already.

The proposition that we shouldn?t do repeat business with those that abuse our laws, is, I would think, uncontroversial.

Are there so few American companies that do this sort of work that we must patronize the same ones over and over?


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
JCDunkDogs said:
Are there so few American companies that do this sort of work that we must patronize the same ones over and over?

in short: YES.

No one has the wide network of support, the past performance, and the administrative nightmare already in place, and the overall size and cash flow to be able to survive a contracts of this size.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 22, 2005
Stupid people say stupid things .... I already enlightened you fools on this ....Its the 7 year contract to KBR that will give all mkinds of no bid contracts to Halliburton corp a subsidary of KBR ...do you guys understand anything about how you government works !!!! Hello is anybody home in their ?????? Didnt think so .....Just a bunch of morons puzzled by the same thing over and over again .


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Palehose said:
Stupid people say stupid things .... I already enlightened you fools on this ....Its the 7 year contract to KBR that will give all mkinds of no bid contracts to Halliburton corp a subsidary of KBR ...do you guys understand anything about how you government works !!!! Hello is anybody home in their ?????? Didnt think so .....Just a bunch of morons puzzled by the same thing over and over again .

Yes, I do. And those "no bid contracts" you refer to are commonly and more accurately known as Task Orders.

KBR wins contract XYZ with is 1 yr plus 6 option years (7 yr total) to do business with a certain agency for certain goods and services. Now each time the agency needs something they send the invoice over to KBR to do it. Seems pretty simple and straightforward to those of us that know how the gov't buying process works.

Care to go for the extra bonus points and let us all know what the name of the contract is you are referring to? Is it the GWAC? is it ITESS-2? KBR isn't the only one with contracts like this.


Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
Sorry about the typo. I didn't think it was sin-t-i-a-lating. I've seen you make spelling errors too Kosar. I'm making fun of djv's spelling because he has trouble with 3rd grade level vocabulary and then he goes around calling people losers. His aren't even typos. I can see how you would expect more out of me however. I'll try to do better.
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Forum Member
Jan 7, 2004
If you don't like what I have to say then use the ignore feature or go crying to Jack....thanks for the advice...whoever you are. The reason I said that is I think it's so comical how you desperate liberals are still clinging onto Halliburton. LOL :mj07:
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poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX

The only reason I make that request is that you came into this thread and offered nothing. You rant on djv and his atrocious spelling. Keep it on topic or keep it to your own threads.

And, on a finer note, if you would actually read what is posted here, you will quite obviously see that I am not a "liberal clinging to Halliburton"