Kerry Flip Flop Game


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Clem Before you high five you might want to read this article in its entirety.Eveidently we come away with different observations.

In reading remember that Kerry nominated himself for these awards with exception of Bronze Star which was nominated by Rasmussan (intially as silver strar but down graded.)

Silver Star Lets use Kerrys account and not swift boat vets for your benefit. To believe his account you would have to believe that under intense fire he docked his boat making it a sitting target and left command of boat to chase down wound soilder---Does that make sense to you?

Bronze Star Once again we'll use Kerry's and Rassmusans theory. He fell off boat and when Kerry descovered it came back and picked him out of water.As I said before--what was other option let him drown.--and you think one should be decorated for this action and ubelievably Rasmussan nominated him for silver star.Quite odd considering medivac pilots and crew hover over jungle dropping line with stretcher to pick up people with life threatening wounds (proof of real contact by enemy) exposed to real fire hundreds of times a week and this is all in a days work--no citacions requested.--and I could name many situations such as retractions from hot lz's,medics daily routines ect that are far more dangerous than pulling someone in a boat. Are all these men by comparison all medal of honer candidates.Hardly--they call it all in days work.

Purple hearts Article above has decremency whether account was correct--take which ever you please it still comes out to scratch which Kerry nominated himself.

"Also appearing in the ad is Grant Hibbard, Kerry?s commanding officer at the time. Hibbard?s affidavit says that he ?turned down the Purple Heart request,? and recalled Kerry's injury as a "tiny scratch less than from a rose thorn."

That doesn't quite square with Letson's affidavit, which describes shrapnel "lodged in Kerry's arm" (though "barely.")

Another purple heart which consisted of contusion(that means bruise) and tiny piece of shrapnel to buttock or thigh depending which report you want which Rassmusion constantly referes to "as Kerry despite being wounded" can be guaged in the acrobat medical report--

click on underlined link "casualty report" in write up on this award
It states (can't cut and paste acrobat reader)
"condition good,prognosis good,presence of NOK not medically warranted"

What they are telling you as with other purple heart that no medical attention was necessary.

So I can empatically state that while most people in Nam received purple hearts for being treated for wounds after being sent in from field and being recommended by superior-- what we have here is someone who nominate himself continuously for wounds that need no treatment.

and I am quite curious if anyone else in the history of any war ever considered a bruise as Purple heart qualification.

I find these quite humerous in respect to Sandusky account of his"being shot 3 times" LOL

and while on subject of proven lies you might want to go over a few (flip flops of recollection kerry has removed from his website ;)
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Nov 4, 2000
DTB He did not according to Washington Post nominated him self. He was not the Senior Officer. One of the men who wrote him up for the silver had to admit that last night. Same idiot that tried to say Kerry volunteered for swift boats. So he could put his plan in to action to get wounded three times and get sent home. Hello!.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Please share with us who made these initial nominations and do you know what a nomination is?????? I'm talking about who put in request initially for nomination not who did paperwork on it afterwords per statement from individual making claim.

I assume you would want us to believe that someone was worried about Kerry's wounds needing attention a filed for purple hearts for him. Take off the blinders DJV and use a little common sense please.

--and did you mean Washington Post or Times
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Forum Member
Clem D said:

Guess you missed the previous post I had that included this Clem. Here is your 4 month Veteran on what he thinks of Viet Nam and those who served...In his own words

P.S.- "Reporting for Duty"- Bwaaahahahahahaha!

I'm done w/this topic. I know too many who served their hitch w/out complaining or seeking praise :Yep: Lets just agree to disagree. Dogs- since most won't say it- again Thank You for Serving


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Aug 20, 2004
"Swift boat veterans" ad is a complete fabrication. here are some articles:
Also Kerry was man enough to condemn the MoveOn ad for going over the top.

Any informed person with a brain and a heart will vote for Kerry, or at least against Bush.
John Kerry has a Plan to Give Tax Breaks to Corporations who Keep their Companies in the U.S. Kerry is a thinking man, that knows that most political issues are complicated (nuanced). Also he realizes that rich can live without tax cuts, but the rest of us might actually need it. And health care should be a right not a luxury.
And here is an article that says that he will most likely win:
Support the Change


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
pgmatg said:
Any informed person with a brain and a heart will vote for Kerry, or at least against Bush.
John Kerry has a Plan to Give Tax Breaks to Corporations who Keep their Companies in the U.S. ]

I wonder if any other countries will tax any of their businesses that employ or use any US goods/services.

I smell a sh*t storm coming if that were to catch on.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
most people would say that basic human rights are timeless....

like freedom, pursuit of happiness, etc......

to imply that health care is a right implies that the pilgrims, homesteaders, and pioneers were denied their rights......

such an argument is ludicruous

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i wonder if that tax break to companies who keep their busniess here appies to drug companies whom all the screaming hypocritical liberals want to boycott and go to Canada


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
"Also Kerry was man enough to condemn the MoveOn ad for going over the top."

After they started digging into his war BS and got him by the short ones. After threatened lawsuits failed to stop it he has little recourse but to try any avenue of approach to stop whats coming down--and its going to get better. At 1st they were ignored by the liberal media but now the story is too big and they have chime in and do research.
Its odd he is fighting this with said lawsuits-claims Bush is backing it and now he filings complaints with FEC. His approach is entirely trying to shut everyone up rather than offer any defence on accusations--I wonder why??????????????
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