Kerry Opposes Measures that Could Lower Health Care Costs


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I don't think I have ever mention you being guity Edward,on the contrary I usually exclude you. I am just saying the issue of personal injuries and class action is huge strain on economy and it is increasing. Something has to give--and I will post this again as I definately think it is the problem not the solution.

"Once a year, 100 of the most successful personal injury lawyers in the country meet for a five-day series of seminars and strategy sessions -- all designed to make them even more successful in court. They're rich, they're wily, and they call themselves the Inner Circle of Advocates. Perhaps the richest and wiliest among them is Jack Olender of Washington, D.C. According to the television program "60 Minutes," he earns $5 million a year, mostly from suing Ob/Gyns. In the past 14 years, he's successfully sued more than 200 Ob/Gyns, 20 of them more than once and four local OB practices four times each.

Olender's total caseload is 80 percent medical malpractice, with almost half of those cases involving Ob/Gyns. And though he sues some individuals in other specialties repeatedly, he far more frequently sues and sues again the same OBs. "We concentrate on OB work because I like it," he says. "And it turns out that it's more lucrative." There's no cap on awards for pain and suffering in Washington, D.C. "So the return on those cases justifies the work that goes into them. We average $50,000 to $100,000 in expenses per case."

BUT I will add that it is apparant that there was a little spin in this

as the most destructive phrase was (There's no cap on awards for pain and suffering in Washington, D.C.) was NOT in quotes therefore I have to assume it was added where it was, to trick the reader into believing it was part of quote.
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