can i include in them reason because of bush screw ups??
1)obviously he's a more honourable man. he didnt hide behind his parents power . he fought for you and dubya didnt.
2)bush has screwed up health care system beyond immediate repair.
3)bush has single handidly killed the us economy and unemployment numbers
4)kerry was honest about viet nam. anybody that says he wasnt honest about that just has no common sense. why would he lie?? no gain by lying
5)bushes vice president is a proven thief/crook. haliburton among other scams
6)kerry didnt lie about iraq and kill innocent people including americans. kerry also didnt make up numerous lies to try and cover his aiisss.
ill stop there. other than kerry fighting for his country i dont know much about kerry.
but i do know about bush and the republican party. and also bush sr and his skull and bones scams.
will kerry be a better pres. how can he be worse?
does the world hate the us more since bush taking power, obviously.
honestly if bush gets re-elected legally or like 4 yrs ago i honestly believe the terrorists will hit 10 times harder than 9/11.
i believe it was partial payback for the gulf war among other things bush sr was behind.
bottom line is the us is in trouble. look at israel, suicide bombings. u dont think that is going to start happening. come on dont be so naive.
i really wish i was wrong but i know im not. i look at life through clear eyes. im not a democrat or republican. i dont think im better than anyone. im average.
but i look at things with open eyes and years of experience in reading situations.
good luck america with bush or kerry.