yeh your probably right.
I have honestly been thinking alot lately about how much time I spend capping which takes away from family, work, etc. other outside interests.
Wondering if its worth giving things up to do this so much.
Especially with football coming up which is my favorite time of year.
Just immerse myself into the sport of football, for 6months, think about little else, watch every game I can, try to win the big cash, try to help others win the big cash, research, read read read about hundreds of teams, posts, players, games, posts thousands of pictures, google the internet about every obscure fact that might affect the outcome.
It seems almost selfish of me.
And then its the bowl games and then pick a winner in the Super Bowl again.
Where did that 7 months go ?
I think having a grandson now may be putting things in perspective, about how time can pass you by.
Thinking about the inscription on the gravestone.
Here lies KOD, wasn't he that guy at madjacks.