Hey Beantown,
I have a lot of respect for the reputable cappers here and I don't want this to go off into something it isnt but your the one being fcking retarded, your too pussy to make your plays and go about your business, "OHHHH I AM WAITING FOR FOOTBALL" your a loser, you know you have all but lost and your not man enough to admit, so keep on coming in here and ripping on me thats fine but I will keep talking till I get paid. $200 might not be much to you but I placed a bet and I would have paid you regardless, if $200 dollars is such chump change to you make your plays and pay up. Ohhhh its not about the bet you will say but in essence it is because you were the one asking for takers and now your not living up to what you've become you knew all along you were going to cop out of it if you didnt make the change you needed, well frankly I would have paid you right away so if your so confident make your final five picks and lets end this..... Obviously your not taking a break because you said your putting your hard earned money down at the books on games.
I can already see the response.... SLIP your making a fool of yourself shut up you little kid, footballs coming be patient...
Your such a dipchit