Little help from computer guys


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Why do you squirt mayo on your face when you eat them?

I just told my buddies what you said and they were like



That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Actually, I just checked with an iPad, and same download speed right next to the router as where the TV is. So distance, walls, etc. is not the problem.

With my lack of experience, if a buddy called me with the same problem I would go down the list - - to see if I could find a solution. I copy/pasted the info below from this website

Two old school things I would check are do you have a cordless landline between the router and fire stick? Old cordless phones and bases operated at 2.4 ghz which could interfere with the signal. Is there a microwave in the line of sight? Less likely but microwaves can disrupt wifi.

One of the first fixes below are similar to the above problems and calls for an hdmi extension to move the fire stick away from the TV.

Fire TV Buffering Issue QUICK FIXES

Welcome beloved KFireTV visitors! You are all very special snowflakes and we love you all individually ? each streaming one of you.
Before you fix your Fire TV buffering problems, we wanted to let you know Amazon is giving away free trials of their Prime services:

Also, the gift of Amazon Prime
would be great for a loved one.

(Scroll down to jump to the Buffering Fix list.)

See How to Fix Kodi Fire TV Buffering Issue Below

While watching an HD movie recently, my Kodi Fire TV Stick kept giving me the ?Buffer full? message. This was a pain! I had to constantly wait for the buffer to refill. Here?s what I did to fix the Fire TV buffering issue on my FireTV Stick:
Also, keep in mind that Amazon FireTV is only one of a few great Internet streaming boxes available. People love to use a PC as a Kodi box, too.

* Update: Low Quality Streams Warning for Genesis & other Addons

With the growing popularity of streaming TV & movies, the streams accessible via Kodi have become less and less reliable.
This has been causing users of Kodi?s TVAddons to assume that their hardware is the issue, when the issue is really a collection of low quality streams. It is likely that increasingly popular, unreliable movie links are the cause for your FireTV buffering issue.
To become truly informed, check out this Guide to TV Without Cable for a comparison of streaming devices, services, and even HD antenna setups.

Your FireTV Buffering Fix may be to get some higher quality streams!

You can try the buffering fixes below ? but first you might try installing a stock FireTV app such as Crackle. Then see if your FireStick/FireTv still has the buffering issue. This wouldeliminate the stream quality of your TVaddons (Genesis, etc.) as a possible problem.
Simply put, apps like Crackle and HBO Go have more resources to allocate toward servers and streaming services as opposed to smaller, more talented organizations such as the people at Kodi.
Basically, just keep in mind that a link you try this morning may vanish by lunch ? so it may be wise todiversify your streaming apps instead of relying solely on apps like Genesis. See our list of the Best Apps for Kodi for some more great Kodi streaming apps.

FireTV Buffering Fix List

Fire TV Buffering Issue Proximity Fix (aka RF Interference Fix)

  • Move your FireTV at least 6 feet away from your TV. Some TVs can cause RF interference which would interfere with the WiFi signal, causing your FireStick to buffer unnecessarily. You can get a top-rated High Speed HDMI Extension Cable for $8 (Quick Add to Cart).
Fire TV Buffering Issue Power Supply Fix (aka Phone Power Fix)

  • Fix firestick buffering with this Samsung power supply

    Use a smartphone power supply (a 2Amp power supply) instead of the one that came with your FireStick. Try using a Samsung smartphone power supply ? users report much better performance from these power supplies.
Download it first ? Then watch it

  • With Navi-X, you can avoid FireStick buffering issues altogether by downloading the video completely before you view it.
Fire TV Buffering Issue File Sharing System Fix (aka NFS/SMB Fix)

  • Are you playing your video from a local network location? If you?re getting FireStick buffering problems when playing your video from a local network location, try NFS file sharing instead of SMB (?Windows?) file sharing. Or try a nice Network Attached Storage (?NAS?) drive that links in to your network and allows all attached devices (such as your FireStick) to access your video files.
Fire TV Buffering Issue WiFi Analyzer

  • If you have a little bit of networking/PC know-how, use a software WiFi analyzer to see the channels of your router which are showing the least congestion. Then set your router to use those interference-free channels.
Fire TV Buffering Issue Zero Cache Fix for Kodi

  • WARNING: This buffering fix may cause your FireStick to stop playback when the local disk space gets full.
  • In the Kodi dashboard, go to Maintenance Tools, then install the Zero Cache Fix.
    • You can optimize Kodi with the TVAddons Maintenance Tool. You can try to fix Kodi buffering by optimizing your FireStick with TVAddons? optimization guide.
Try a Lower Quality Stream

  • Your Internet connection may not be able to handle 1080P, so consider trying a 720P stream if you?re unsure. If you think your hardware is creating a bottleneck which is causing your Fire TV buffering issue, you could try a gnarly Hi-Power WiFi router or a new DOCSIS 3.0 modem (make sure the one you buy is compatible with your Internet service provider before buying).
  • ProTip: On the flipside, if you have an extremely fast Internet connection and a 4K television, you can stream 4K movies from Netflix and Amazon and search for them using
Fire TV Buffering Due to Overheating

  • Since the FireTv is simply a small computer with relatively lots of power, it will get hot. Try putting a smallUSB-powered fan next to it so it cools down. Cooler electronics work better than hotter electronics.
Re-Install Kodi

  • Is Kodi giving you relentless buffering issues? Reinstall Kodi and it just might fix that pesky buffering.
Fire TV Buffering Fix for Netflix / Kodi

  • If you?re getting Netflix buffering issues and you also use Kodi, your Kodi may be using up too much memory. You must close out Kodi by going to the bottom of the Kodi screen to hit the power button, then press Exit. This will close out Kodi so Netflix buffering won?t occur, since Netflix will then have more memory with which to work.
Fire TV Buffering Issue Disk Space Fix

  1. Go to your FireStick Home screen
  2. Go to Settings > Applications > Manage Installed Applications
  3. Look at the Internal Space at the bottom left corner. If it?s at 1GB or less, you need to clear some space, so..
  4. Select an app that?s using a good amount of space (at least 200MB) and then select Uninstall.
  5. After you have plenty of space cleared, your Kodi Fire TV buffering issue should be fixed. If not, try the suggestions below.
Modify/Create the AdvancedSettings.xml File

Create an AdvancedSettings.xml file and upload it to your Kodi folder. Basically you put some code in a file you create called advancedsettings.xml, as an additional method to fix the Kodi / Fire TV buffering scenario. Check out the Kodi site?s guide on how to modify the video cache.
HTPCBeginner also has an excellent article on some specific AdvancedSettings.xml changes you can make, such as:

  • Disable logging
  • Tweak for low power devices
  • Move library to MySQL
  • Set Kodi or XBMC cache settings
    • This is AdvancedSettings.xml change to fix Kodi buffering.
  • Tweaking video library scanning and operation
  • Personalize playback controls
Reset to Factory Default Settings

Sometimes a reset to factory default settings will fix any software overlaps that may have occurred in your Android system. The link above is Amazon?s guide on how to reset Fire TV to factory defaults.
Test Your Network Connection Using Xfinity

Sometimes your network can be bottlenecking your connection, so do a speed test. 1080p content typically requires at least a 5 megabit connection.
Test Your Network Connection Using

How to Fix Kodi Buffering Issue (SpeedTest Screen) is another great connection test. They even have an Android app ? try sideloading it to FireTV (may need a mouse to operate the app).
Kodi Fire TV Buffering Issue ? Additional Things to Try

  1. Power cyle, reset, and update your router.
  2. Test your Internet connection using services like SpeedTest. A good Internet connection has low latency, such as 10ms. For HD content you typically need at least 5megabit download stream.
  3. Reset your Fire TV to factory settings
Fire TV Buffering Problems

Users experience Fire TV buffering problems typically when the network stream they?re playing isn?t fast enough to play the video stream. One common cause of this is too many users being connected to the network stream. Since Genesis and other Fire TV / Kodi addons are free, this causes them to be susceptible to overloading (since there?s no barrier to entry).
You can get around this by actually paying for streaming TV service like Netflix. You should experience much fewer Fire TV buffering problems with Netflix ? and if not, try the Fire TV buffering fixes listed above!
Fire TV Buffering Issue ? Additional Sources

  1. YouTube Video #1 Shows how to fix your Fire TV buffering issues
  2. Kodi Official Site ? How to Modify Kodi Video Cache for Fire TV Buffering
  3. Tells how to fix Fire TV buffering problems
If you continue to experience Fire TV buffering problems, then maybe Fire TV is not for you. More powerful hardware (such as a gaming PC) would provide a situation less conducive to buffering.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
appreciate your efforts? No significant walls, I'll try moving the router around. You lost me with the 24 meg d-speed? If I need to a) upgrade Internet speed, b) upgrade router from Linksys e 2500, or upgrade to fire TV, I'll gladly do any of the above.

Shamrock - you probably already thought of this, but a direct ethernet connection from the router to your streaming device (smart TV, PS4, etc) is the best and will get you the speeds you desire.

I've always viewed wireless as convenient, for non speed critical data transfer. Every TV, PS4, and desktop computer is hard wired to our router. If you rely on wireless instead of directly connecting to their router - and then you are at the mercy of all sorts of interference within your home which can slow down/interfere with you signal.

For the cost of upgrading your modem, or paying for higher speed, you can likely get a guy to come over and get you directly connected to your router.

Pulling CAT-6 cable is not that difficult (although I did note you are in a wheelchair, so maybe you would need help?), but in most cases, fishing the cable through the walls and directly connecting your devices is by far the best solution.

I realize it is not always possible depending on where your router is compared to where you need to cable run, but your comment about being only 30 feet away make me wonder if that is not a possibility.

You mentioned (I think) an Firestick. Not familiar with that but assume it is a plug in that you can't run ethernet to. May want to consider a streaming box (Roku, Apple TV, etc) and direct run the cable.

You will be very happy with the result. Will get the 75MB download speed you have, the as the PC.

Just a suggestion.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Shamrock - you probably already thought of this, but a direct ethernet connection from the router to your streaming device (smart TV, PS4, etc) is the best and will get you the speeds you desire.

I've always viewed wireless as convenient, for non speed critical data transfer. Every TV, PS4, and desktop computer is hard wired to our router. If you rely on wireless instead of directly connecting to their router - and then you are at the mercy of all sorts of interference within your home which can slow down/interfere with you signal.

For the cost of upgrading your modem, or paying for higher speed, you can likely get a guy to come over and get you directly connected to your router.

Pulling CAT-6 cable is not that difficult (although I did note you are in a wheelchair, so maybe you would need help?), but in most cases, fishing the cable through the walls and directly connecting your devices is by far the best solution.

I realize it is not always possible depending on where your router is compared to where you need to cable run, but your comment about being only 30 feet away make me wonder if that is not a possibility.

You mentioned (I think) an Firestick. Not familiar with that but assume it is a plug in that you can't run ethernet to. May want to consider a streaming box (Roku, Apple TV, etc) and direct run the cable.

You will be very happy with the result. Will get the 75MB download speed you have, the as the PC.

Just a suggestion.

even for a computer illiterate like myself,this is a great post(written so even I can understand it) and rings true for me..

I`m no computer genius(pretty much the exact opposite) but when I signed on with fios,I made sure that the tech hardwired me into my router and then showed me how to switch between using my computer hardwired and wireless by entering some codes.....

at times,I notice a distinct difference between wired and wireless modes......

again,really good post,mags...


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
even for a computer illiterate like myself,this is a great post(written so even I can understand it) and rings true for me..

I`m no computer genius(pretty much the exact opposite) but when I signed on with fios,I made sure that the tech hardwired me into my router and then showed me how to switch between using my computer hardwired and wireless by entering some codes.....

at times,I notice a distinct difference between wired and wireless modes......

again,really good post,mags...

Thank you Gardenweasel - just trying to help a bit when I can.....


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
Very well written Mags and that would provide maximum output. Unfortunately it appears that the Fire Stick is wi-fi only. It does have a USB port but when I checked to see if people had any success with a USB to ethernet adapter, I did not find any success stories.

From Amazon below

Amazon Fire TV supports wireless or wired Internet connections. Fire TV stick requires a wireless connection.Connect your Amazon Fire TV device to the Internet to access movies, TV shows, games, and apps.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Very well written Mags and that would provide maximum output. Unfortunately it appears that the Fire Stick is wi-fi only. It does have a USB port but when I checked to see if people had any success with a USB to ethernet adapter, I did not find any success stories.

From Amazon below

Amazon Fire TV supports wireless or wired Internet connections. Fire TV stick requires a wireless connection.Connect your Amazon Fire TV device to the Internet to access movies, TV shows, games, and apps.

Yep, that is what I was afraid of with the Firestick.... Not sure what the OP was using the Firestick for (streaming from an Ipad maybe)... if so, a Roku or Apple TV are inexpensive enough - or even a Blu-ray player that has the Netlix, etc apps on it.....

That would be the best way to go. I have a Chromecast (which I think is like the Firestick) which I use for throwing youtube videos onto the screen, but anytime I am streaming, I use the Smart TV which is connected directly.

Again, everyone's situation is different, so just throwing out the best, if not the most logistical, answer.

But thanks for the research on the Firestick - I'm sure the OP appreciates it!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Thank you guys, I genuinely appreciate your efforts. Yes I am using a fire stick, which is completely Wi-Fi dependent, Amazon also offers fire TV, which is a box with a quad core, that I believe could be hardwired, although I'm not yet completely sure. If this is the route I have to go I definitely will not a big problem.

I'm in a moderately sized condo, my computer, with the modem and router is in the next room, not far. I'm just shocked. I'm getting a download hardwire speed of 75, and a Wi-Fi speed of 25 with a iPad. The speed is pretty much identical, right next to the router, or right next to the TV with the fire stick in the living room. When streaming Showtime anytime, or HBO go. I'm getting pausing and buffering which initiated this research. I believe the modem is good quality, and I am assuming the Linksys e 2500 is an adequate router for condo. Initially for quite some time I had the Comcast combo modem/router, which I recently replaced. I also just began using the fire stick. I have had this router for some time in the box not using it. Now, from what I understand I have to update the firmware? Will this increase the speed at all? The drop off from hardwired 75, to the Wi-Fi speed of 25, seems excessive, but that's just my guess, like garden weasel, I am a complete computer novice.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Thank you guys, I genuinely appreciate your efforts. Yes I am using a fire stick, which is completely Wi-Fi dependent, Amazon also offers fire TV, which is a box with a quad core, that I believe could be hardwired, although I'm not yet completely sure. If this is the route I have to go I definitely will not a big problem.

I'm in a moderately sized condo, my computer, with the modem and router is in the next room, not far. I'm just shocked. I'm getting a download hardwire speed of 75, and a Wi-Fi speed of 25 with a iPad. The speed is pretty much identical, right next to the router, or right next to the TV with the fire stick in the living room. When streaming Showtime anytime, or HBO go. I'm getting pausing and buffering which initiated this research. I believe the modem is good quality, and I am assuming the Linksys e 2500 is an adequate router for condo. Initially for quite some time I had the Comcast combo modem/router, which I recently replaced. I also just began using the fire stick. I have had this router for some time in the box not using it. Now, from what I understand I have to update the firmware? Will this increase the speed at all? The drop off from hardwired 75, to the Wi-Fi speed of 25, seems excessive, but that's just my guess, like garden weasel, I am a complete computer novice.

Shamrock - you hit the magic word - "Condo". That means you have other units near you - and your router is competing with their routers, wireless phones, microwaves, etc. In that type of environment, direct connect to the router for streaming is even more important.

To give you an example, we have a home in WI with nobody near us. My wireless speed almost matches my wired speed -about 50MB download. At our condo in FL, I get 75MB download when connected via ethernet, but when I'm wireless it can vary between 2MB to 15MB. There is just so much "competition" in the wireless spectrum with so many units close together. I've tried different routers, 2.4mhz vs. 5.8 mhz, different wireless channels, etc..... Nothing would help - just too much "traffic" through the airwaves.

Since it is your condo, and assume you own it, I would definitely run a direct line to whatever device you are trying to stream with. You would need a new device (instead of the Fire stick), but I think you'll be much, much happier in the long run.

Good Luck!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Mags? Unfortunately I think you're right. Someone told me downloading the firmware updates to my, router would increase speed. But if you're telling me you tried several different routers with no improvement, but pretty much seals the deal. I've had such a unbelievable luck with the fire stick watching movies and television shows (I just posted this in old schools kodi thread). I was hoping to increase the Wi-Fi speed slightly. Like I posted in the other thread, the Wi-Fi issue with buffering is only an issue with Showtime anytime, and HBO go, ironically enough, it works perfectly well with the kodi. I guess my answer to this problem is to Get the Amazon TV box instead of the stick and hardwire it. Thanks again for your efforts! Appreciate it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Mags? Unfortunately I think you're right. Someone told me downloading the firmware updates to my, router would increase speed. But if you're telling me you tried several different routers with no improvement, but pretty much seals the deal. I've had such a unbelievable luck with the fire stick watching movies and television shows (I just posted this in old schools kodi thread). I was hoping to increase the Wi-Fi speed slightly. Like I posted in the other thread, the Wi-Fi issue with buffering is only an issue with Showtime anytime, and HBO go, ironically enough, it works perfectly well with the kodi. I guess my answer to this problem is to Get the Amazon TV box instead of the stick and hardwire it. Thanks again for your efforts! Appreciate it.

No problem... keep in mind, every situation is different. It is possible that you may get increased speeds by doing the firmware updates. It is easy enough to do and obviously free, so that is certainly worth a shot.

Again, good luck. WIFI can be frustrating at times, that is for sure.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
I read up on the Linksys 2500 and there may be a few more things to try before throwing in the towel.

If I get time tonight, and you have time, I'll see if I can talk you through it. I'm repping my email and cell. Shoot me an email or text to start the communication. It will be closer to 8:30pm cst and may be a little later before I get home.

Here are the links containing the items we can try

We'll turn off 5ghz broadcasting, make sure WMM is enabled and make sure you are using WPA2 wifi protection.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
I read up on the Linksys 2500 and there may be a few more things to try before throwing in the towel.

If I get time tonight, and you have time, I'll see if I can talk you through it. I'm repping my email and cell. Shoot me an email or text to start the communication. It will be closer to 8:30pm cst and may be a little later before I get home.

Here are the links containing the items we can try

We'll turn off 5ghz broadcasting, make sure WMM is enabled and make sure you are using WPA2 wifi protection.

thanks Josh? I just saw this and it's after 10 Eastern, so I will try to e-mail tomorrow. I did update the firmware, and that got the Wi-Fi close to 30. Better, but certainly not anywhere near the 75 of my PC. I just watched a two-hour movie on kodi with no problem and no buffering, but that has always been the case. For some reason those issues only occur with Showtime anytime, and HBO go. Thanks again for your efforts, greatly appreciated.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
thanks Josh? I just saw this and it's after 10 Eastern, so I will try to e-mail tomorrow. I did update the firmware, and that got the Wi-Fi close to 30. Better, but certainly not anywhere near the 75 of my PC. I just watched a two-hour movie on kodi with no problem and no buffering, but that has always been the case. For some reason those issues only occur with Showtime anytime, and HBO go. Thanks again for your efforts, greatly appreciated.

Sounds good

Does appear that a few other people have experienced the same frustrations with Showtime anytime and Hbo Go on Firestick -


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Sounds good

Does appear that a few other people have experienced the same frustrations with Showtime anytime and Hbo Go on Firestick -

thanks again Josh for your continued assistance, much appreciated! I did disable the 5 MHz, although to accomplish that you had to tick the (manual) bullet, and take it off (Wi-Fi protected mode). I also enabled WMm, which was disabled previously. I currently have a Wi-Fi on WPA2/WPA mixed mode? Is that the right setting? The other options are WPA2 personal, WPA2 enterprise? Thanks again!


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
thanks again Josh for your continued assistance, much appreciated! I did disable the 5 MHz, although to accomplish that you had to tick the (manual) bullet, and take it off (Wi-Fi protected mode). I also enabled WMm, which was disabled previously. I currently have a Wi-Fi on WPA2/WPA mixed mode? Is that the right setting? The other options are WPA2 personal, WPA2 enterprise? Thanks again!
Check your wifi speed and if iys not better try just the wpa2 personal. I'll be back to a computer here shortly.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
From updating the firmware, and making these changes, it has improved from the low 20s to the low 30s. Obviously still not in the neighborhood of the hardwired 75, but definitely better. With these changes I should be good. Also, I should've thought of this earlier, I can just watch Showtime and HBO series through kodi, which never stutters or buffers, instead of using the Showtime anytime or HBO go apps. Thanks again!
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