LOL Donald Trump verbally destroys Rosie O'Donell

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The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Actualy Trump is the only guy I know who can lose money owning casino's. His secret to success was that he owed so much money the banks couldn't foreclose on him. If you think about what Rosie said it makes some sense. Who is he to be deciding some moral issue? When did he become Mr. Clean? I also do not like him resorting to calling Rosie fat. I would think he could come up with something other than she is fat and ugly. As the father of a daughter with an eating disorder I find that very cruel. Not to Rosie but to all girls not only fat but anorexic as well. It is comments like that that cause these problems.

Stevie no matter what Rosey does most of these rightwingers are gonna villify her. She should have kept quit tho because Trump in a way is like a big child. I wonder how well he would have done if his father wasn't there to get him started? I never saw a person so full of himself in all my life. Just listen to him for ten seconds. Every time he talks about his stuff he uses the words tremendous, wonderful, fantastic over and over again. when someone challenges one thing he says it turns into a personal conflict. One guy a big businessman once said of Trump. "he is basically a complete train wreck of a businessman". All this talk of suing rosie makes him sound like a clown unless you have an agenda towards Rosie. they ought to fight it out in the ring and i think Rosie would take him.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
stevie...she cast the first stone(that comb-over remark...with a visual,lol...was low) ......rosie missed yet another chance to stfu.....

a chronic condition with her...

i will say that i think donald`s lawsuit will be a toughie to win...he has a burden to prove that not only were the remarks false and defamatory, but that "the other white meat" was aware the remarks were false and defamatory when she oinked them........


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Feb 6, 2001
They could both disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow with big headlines in the newspaper announcing it, and I would just flip to page 2.

But then, I am sure it wouldnt take 10+ days to call off the search......


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
I really think what happened here was Rosie tried to go from claimers to a stakes race. She was way out her league. The simple fact of the matter is, REGARDLESS of how Donald got where he is and how it happened, he's loaded. Moo Cow tried to use her "tools" and audience to dance with Donald. Not only does he have more power and wealth, but he did a MUCH BETTER JOB getting down and dirty than she did. That's the way I saw it.

It has nothing to do with who has more money. You're barking up the wrong tree. It's about a fat obnoxious dyke bitch getting a sound BEAT DOWN from a straight laced square rich arrogant dude. Something she should NEVER let happen. She got her just come-uppance. Street cred GONE!

You guys need to stop trying to find a battle or a conspiracy EVERY FREAKING PLACE YOU LOOK!

Since we are now getting into motives: sounds like a couple of bitter miserable dudes to me.
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Nasty, obnoxious fat-ass Rosie started it and The Donald finished it. Not surprising.

He gives a hot, slutty, drug addicted, alky, future career Tropicana Girl a second chance to hold onto a virtually worthless 'crown' after going into rehab for 30 days.

WTF got Rosies size 58 knickers in a bunch enough to publically make fun of Trumps pomadour combover and asking him to 'sit and spin?' Mind your own business, Buffalo Belle!

He can't win any lawsuit against her, but it would be kind of fun to watch.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
This is probably one of those Andy Kayfman - Jerry Lawler feuds. I'll bet it's a fake fight because they both know it generates a bunch of hype from the idiot public and makes money.

Bottom line - I hate both of these arrogant, classless blowhards.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Well you don't have to look too far to see why girls have eating disorders. Anyway, they could both drop dead and I wouldn't care but I didnt hear any of you address the issue of how Trump set himself up as some High Priest of Morality. I wouldn't expect Intense Stupidity to see the real issue but I am a bit surprised the rest of you can just say that the Fat Bitch had it coming.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I wouldn't expect Intense Stupidity to see the real issue but I am a bit surprised the rest of you can just say that the Fat Bitch had it coming.

Because a forum is like high school. If there's a chance to ridicule a fat girl, the masses don't hesitate - even if that means they are siding with someone as disgusting and cruel as Trump.
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Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
I also do not like him resorting to calling Rosie fat. I would think he could come up with something other than she is fat and ugly. As the father of a daughter with an eating disorder I find that very cruel. Not to Rosie but to all girls not only fat but anorexic as well. It is comments like that that cause these problems.

Ohh. I think I get it now.

As once told to me by an associate......

"Fat girls need loving too":142hump: (otherwise they :chew: or worse yet :mj02: )



Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Because a forum is like high school. If there's a chance to ridicule a fat girl, the masses don't hesitate - even if that means they are siding with someone as disgusting and cruel as Trump.

Because the forum is like a high school. If there's a chance to laugh along with a dipshit like pony tail (see my signature line), Smurphy doesn't hesitate - even if that means he his siding with a statement as disgusting and as cruel as (see signature line).

you guys should stay in your forum and not wander


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 12, 2005
Hell I don't know
I doubt trumps remarks were in any way directed at anyone other than o'fat :nono: Don't take offense to it just laugh and realize he was talking to the one person who started it by poking her nose where it doesn't belong because she is jealous of hot chicks in bathing suits that dont wear flannel