Lynch, Tillman's brother: U.S. military lied


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Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Thanks for articles Matt--I did not remember her being portrayed as reported firing until clip ran out.

-did not see that or do not remember seeing it--would have looked at it lightly unless it was reported by eye witness --I never put much empahais in unnamed sources as you know.

on jamming--Shell is not chambered when clip is inserted.You have to pull back slide. As I said guns jam because of dirt/sand and heat which occurrs from exploding shells which cause shells to be eject.You tell me how a chambered round can jam without firing. something would have to impead firing pin from striking round--could jam easily if dirty after chambered round was fired.

IMO which is only a guess at best---was she froze in her 1st life threarening combat--which is not unusual nor to be looked down on--and I believe per her continueing extra ordinary praise that her comrades were real heros--that shes carries a guilt about freezing especially when she received so much hoopla and those that died fighting received none. again just a guess but would be logical.

on Tillman and the lies--its not the medal that I I condemed but writing bogus details which were out right lies concerning it.

Other than that--trying to make someone that is high profile or ordinary Joe look heroic to soilders family I see as no sin. If trying to make any family cope via pride in their son I find somewhat honorable--however in this particular incident there is strong possibilty that motives were other than family--which makes it horse of diff color.

However I find half truths told by Tillmans brother just as offensive.

Did you read the timeline??---
5:30-6 p.m.: Company commander directs Lt. Uthlaut to split platoon ? he does so, into Serial 1 and Serial 2 ? Serial 1 leaves down canyon road toward village of Manah; Serial 2 leaves 15-20 minutes later, towing broken vehicle. Because the terrain is too rugged, Serial 2 changes route and follows same path as Serial 1.

6:31 p.m.: Sun sets over the small village of Manah in southeastern Afghanistan close to Pakistan border, according to Army officials.
6:34 p.m.: Squad leader in Serial 1 instructs team leaders to maneuver Rangers onto a ridgeline that faces ambush site.

6:43 p.m.: Pat Tillman maneuvers his team of Bryan O'Neal and a friendly Afghan soldier low on the ridgeline. Sgt. Greg Baker, in the lead vehicle of Serial 2, spots the Afghan, mistaking him for the enemy, and fires a series of fatal rounds into his stomach. Three other Ranger gunners follow sergeant's lead and open fire in same direction, killing Pat Tillman

How come everyone in testimony -- made it look like the patrol that killed could see him waving arms -popping smoke ect --not one mentioned- it was fcking dark??/ Show me one article anywhere that presents this fact--
I can imagine every swinging dick that watched tetimony was thinking same as me--but how many do you think found out the truth?

Don't know which pisses me off more the cover up by military or agenda ofthe - Pat Tillman wanna be- brother.

Might seem cruel to say but if you read Pat tillmans articles on why he enlisted and then read brothers (after meeting with thruth out org) speak of their reminiscing prior--you get 2 diff views.

Had it been my brother I certainly wouldn't belittle his sacrifice for an agenda--would you.

I think if you look back brother was silent for most part on matter until meeting Truth out org--and did you not find his rants on issues that had nothing to do with his brother in testimony odd?

Back to cover-up I think making up story was very wrong--but request not to tell brother what occurred when he was still with unit--quite acceptable if not prudent.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Wow, I guess these guys only support the troops when they agree with them.:shrug:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Let me get this straight. All you do is BITCH non-stop about the media being negative all the time regarding Iraq and NOW you are upset because they tried to portray a heroic act as fed to them by the military? WTF?

Little scamp? Nice. All she's done is correct the Pentagons bullshit version of events.

WTF are you even talking about?

lol- yes, of course, the 'MSM.' Is this the same 'MSM' that 'came in their pants' reporting the lies that were told to them by the military regarding Tillmans death?

The MSM. Christ. No comment on the military lying for months to this 'grief stricken family?' All to rally dullards like you to support Iraq? Well, support ANYTHING that you're told.

I don't really disagree, but I suppose he's only human in responding to and lashing out at a government that lied and used his brothers death as propaganda.

What? Are you f*cking kidding me?

'Re-characterize?' LMFAO

So you agree with blatant lies, in order to manipulate clowns like yourself, with no regard to the family who is likely to eventually find out the truth? Pathetic.

'Good taste?' 'Sensitivity?' Only in your eyes, I promise you.

the family found out 5 weeks after the incident....doesn`t the military get the chance to do a full investigation?....

you really think that tillman dying because of friendly fire changes anybody`s mind regarding the validity of a war?....are you serious?...don`t you realize that people have died from friendly fire in every war that`s ever been waged? obviously aren`t familiar with history...

who`s the dullard?...

what`s galling is that guys like you..."veterans"(lackwit would be a better description)....would like to use this as a wedge against our own military....

i`ve got news for you guys...not every person in the military is a "hero"....even though i respect and thank every last one for their service.....

but all "heros"?...i don`t think hear the word "hero" used for people that get lost in the woods and manage to survive until the real "heros" pull their shit out of the fire...the instinct for self preservation does not a hero make......

i think that anybody that enlisted AFTER the iraq war began could be classified as heroic...brave...above and beyond.....

but,this isn`t ww2 where celebrities and the common man enlisted because they loved and wanted to defend the country that gave them so much....

it`s the era of the "g.i. bill"..."see the world"....alot of people would never have considered the military had we been involved in a conflict when they chose to enlist....

i just can`t fathom the hate and dislike for the military on this board...not fricking post praising the military...

but the minute theres a problem,it`s like a feeding frenzy...

1)the media is anti-military....anti-war...and in many instances,anti-american....who in some instances are very amenable to putting forth pro-terrorist propaganda......which many of you seem to enjoy....

2)pat tillman gave upra lucrative pro sports career to defend his country...he`s a hero...end...period...finis...doesn`t matter how he died...except to those using his death as a wedge against the war or the military.........

3)jessica lynch?.....i`ll have to do some research,but my first inclination is that she was a fish out of water.....

you don`t get what i`m saying?...well,i don`t think that`s your only problem...

i hope i made myself clear(although i doubt it makes much difference)...
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
It's always nice when someone who never served in the military starts lecturing someone who has on an issue involving the military.

Kosar, please continue putting forth your "pro-terrorist propaganda".....

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Our right wing wacks only support the military when they and their family tow the company line. Just get shot, killed and don't say a word.

So sad that just a few weeks ago Tillman and Lynch were heros. Now they are traitors. If this administration wasn't destroying the Constitution, this would be funny.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
It's always nice when someone who never served in the military starts lecturing someone who has on an issue involving the military.

Kosar, please continue putting forth your "pro-terrorist propaganda".....

another liberal trying to curtail someone else`s freedom of speech...

my vegan moonbat brother...when you`re done with your starbucks caf? estima blend? and tofu and sprout ciabatta sandwich™,please inform everyone regarding the topics that they are "allowed" to discuss..if we overstep our boundaries,please feel free to impose any censorship you deem appropriate.........

until then,continue oppressing our defenders and
defending our oppressors.......
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
can`t we all agree on one thing?.....either give the troops the funding they need to give the surge a chance....or just surrender.....pull `em out...defund the war....

don`t play games with them...don`t use them as pawns...

if it`s lost,as reid says(and btw, if it is,WHO WON?,as lindsey graham asked),then reid and the dems and that wanker hagel are obligated to pull funding...


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Using your point, Weasel...what good would that do? Bush will veto it, and the Republicans will not cross over and vote for a strict defunding of the troops, when they won't vote for a funding of the troops and a timeframe.

Fiengold has put forth the legislation, and if Bush continues to stubbornly refuse to bend on the issue, they probably will put forth the issue, which will lay the entire war on him, by his choice. And history will judge who had the right opinion.

Even when the dems vote for funding, they are painted as not funding the war, when they ask for a little clarity and sensibility in giving the majority opinion in this country some idea of an end game.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
another liberal trying to curtail someone else`s freedom of speech...

my vegan moonbat brother...when you`re done with your starbucks caf? estima blend? and tofu and sprout ciabatta sandwich?,please inform everyone regarding the topics that they are "allowed" to discuss..if we overstep our boundaries,please feel free to impose any censorship you deem appropriate.........

until then,continue oppressing our defenders and
defending our oppressors.......
:142smilie You are precious. You so often remind me of that great quote from 'Fear and Loathing'...

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
great quote smurphy...I haven't thought about Hunter S. in a long time. Now there was a great American.
I don't like the way he went out. There's something very unsettling about having your grandson discover you after you just blew your head off. I loved that movie, but I don't think of Hunter as a great guy. He was a succesful creative likeable junkie.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Oh unquestionably. He was a despicable guy on so many levels. Not all a role model for living a good life. I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. I really enjoyed reading his stuff in high school and think that at his best he was one the great American political satirists.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

....geez, i'm getting like scott-atl with these pics


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Using your point, Weasel...what good would that do? Bush will veto it, and the Republicans will not cross over and vote for a strict defunding of the troops, when they won't vote for a funding of the troops and a timeframe funds,no war.....harsh words won`t be enough,i`m afraid....

you want more wishy-washy leaders that can?t act on their convictions?.....

defund the war and bring the troops home NOW......

declaring the war lost and leaving our troops on the ground for another year? can you reconcile that?....

you talk about casualties? can you square even one casualty when you believe it`s a lost cause?...

you can`t...

and it`s their fault...they have the power....they just don`t have the conviction....

lets call a spade a spade here......

they`re playing politics with our boys...


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
So, you suggest they should do exactly what you are saying...cut the funding for the remaining troops there and supporting the surge - as they were asked to make a political stand? I suggest they are proposing a sensible, safe alternative for the troops, supporting the president's surge, and asking for one small thing which will end a horrible situation. Clarity and a real plan. If the administration hadn't spent so much time throwing out the "losing the war" scenario and trying to pin that on dems, then maybe we could be sitting here spinning a positive message worldwide that could either be accepted by others or at least been a position that could be defended. Now, we still sit in a mess, and it's turned dark and defeatist. The administration has painted the dems into a corner and simply refuses to bend on a issue that they clearly are alone in at this point.

The republicans are using this politically just as much as the dems are, although more and more republicans are realizing - or will have to realize - that the people they represent don't want them to maintain the political position they are asked to stick to by the leaders of their party.

At least the democrats are trying to come up with solutions the people they represent support. Inflexibility in the face of reality shows nothing but weakness, and sadly, that is where the people you are supporting sit right now.
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